Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
So by the World class contributions in science as well as in composition/artistry/writing, being "The
Boy from Hauglia" and "The Genius from Lista", Terje Lea, by my father Jan Terje Lea,
"Quattro"-Doctor by
Terje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oxford, 2 doctorates
Terje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oslo, 2 doctorates
I am primarily "interested" in these subjects:
Boy from Hauglia" and "The Genius from Lista", Terje Lea, by my father Jan Terje Lea,
"Quattro"-Doctor by
Terje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oxford, 2 doctorates
Terje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oslo, 2 doctorates
I am primarily "interested" in these subjects:
Chemistry and bio-chemistry
Chemistry and bio-chemistry
Political Science
Information Technology
Information Technology
Forensics, Theology and ALL the others
"Red Khmer Norway presents this CV of Terje Lea", under Norwegian corruption, has made this track of life necessary:
Mål nr. 1:
***** ----------------- ;-)
Mål nr. 2:
Gjøre så mye filosofi som mulig
Update: Competence in philosophy: having been with Carl Hempel and Karl Popper at Hauglia, 1983/1984, by our house there, and delivered "doctor work" else for (appx.) 35 years, I think it's safe to say that my level in philosophy is at the PhD/"internet professor"/Dr. level!
To all corrupt people/those with corrupt minds trying to exploit my situation, here's the deal: "Vincent! Go fuck yourself!"
From Collateral (2004) with Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise:
Collateral - "Go fuck yourself." [1080p HD] -
"Cool?" (Norway may not have had the best motives in keeping me this way, rather rewarding criminals and subverting good people and the good connections! Formally, under this main text, there are 21 comments by myself which are the only ones I can see!)
Personlige opplysninger
42 år
2004 - 2018
Finansiert av forsikringspenger og av fondet til en hemmelig organisasjon
Sted: Univers' Senter for Forskning i Filosofi
Forskning Filosofi - Nå: Vitenskapsfilosofi
2002 - 2004
Gilde Vest BA
Sted: Forus
Fast ansatt - Kjøttekspedisjonen
2001 - 2002
Gilde Vest BA
Sted: Forus
Deltid- og ferievikar – Produksjon og Lager
2000 - 2001
Proffice AS
Sted: Stavanger
1998 - 1999
Høgskolen i Oslo
Sted: Oslo
Sivilarbeider (Vitenskapelig assistent)
1996 - 1999
Elkem Aluminium ANS Lista
Sted: Lista
Ferievikar, lærling og fagoperatør
Agro Fellesslakteri (Gilde Vest)
Sted: Forus
2004 - 2018
Meg selv
Sted: Bærum
· Gradene Bachelor, Master og muligens Phd i Filosofi tildeles meg selv av meg selv. Dette skjer i lys av betydelig korrupsjon og er derfor en justering i vurderingen av min egen kompetanse, først og fremst for andre
2007 - 2009
Universitetet i Oslo
Sted: Oslo
· Enkeltkurs
Noroff Instituttet
Sted: Stavanger
· 1. del Nettv.adm. Høsten 2001
Sted: Stavanger
· 1. del IT-Prosjekt Våren 2001 (Resultat: 2.0)
1998 - 2000
Universitetet i Oslo
Sted: Oslo
· Examen Philosophicum Høsten 1998 (5 vekttall)
· Examen Facultatum–Humaniora Høsten 1999 (5 vektt.)
· 2 semestere Filosofi Høsten 1999 - Våren 2000
1994 - 1998
Lista Videreg. Sk.
Sted: Lista
Kvadraturen V.G.S.
Sted: Kristiansand
Elkem Aluminium Lista ANS
Sted: Lista
· Fagbrev i metallurgiske prosessfag
1991 - 1994
Eilert Sundt V.G.S.
Sted: Farsund
· Examen artium - Generell studiekompetanse
Dykking, fotball, løping, filosofi og data
Dype bidrag til IT industrien helt fra 1983. Microsoft og Intel. Digital. 1/0.
Operativsystemer: Windows 10 og noe Linux
Programmer: Diverse office programmer og grunnleggende programmering
· Datakortet kompetansebevis (ECDL) Alle 7 moduler
· MOUS Master-sert. i Excel (Expert), Word (Expert), Access (Core), Powerpoint (Core) og Outlook (Core)
· CIW-Associate (-Certified Internet Webmaster)
Flytende i engelsk, skriftlig og muntlig. Grunnleggende i tysk, skriftlig og muntlig. "Noe" svensk og dansk også naturligvis.
Jeg er også generelt interessert i språk, alle språk, inkludert programmeringsspråk.
Hemmelig! :-) Alle TL selskapene, TL = Terje Lea.
For real: Excellent in all subjects, acing them, making integrals a reality from a special mathematics book on sets or something from the Farsund library etc. World fame in 1983 if not earlier.
The picture may be bad, but in fact in discloses 3,5 years of (fulltime) studies and 40 SPs (study points), only passing 0,5 years of study plus a subject in Research Design in Psychology with the code PSY 1010 and yielding 10 SPs! Good?
ReplyDeleteYou can consider my work of the activist/political scientist of the kind of "Political Scientist Chomsky of Europe" and NOT "the Monkey-Chomsky of USA"! It should be noted, though, that his connection with monkeys is of the serious kind and not the "monkey-biz" of torture set-ups of the "psychiatric kind". My criticism is also supposed to be fair and objective and as I enter this discussion I'm willing to take criticism too under the same standard (ord. academic standard of discussion). Good?
ReplyDeleteFor "academic affiliation/association", you can write *"Internet University"* and perhaps NOT... Nooo, nooo, NO! This is for now...!
ReplyDeleteA url to my diploma of my Norwegian GCSE is here: .
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, it's just the usual, using Google or Bing Translator and the rest, "probably switched to Debian as matter of Linux..."
Yes, the Nobel List to go of 10.
Still, I do not have genocide on my résumé like Insect-Jens (Blut-Hure, BH), maybe, and that no state-crime is protected from any persecution or at least the legal one. And... and not in '95 either, no, not any...
ReplyDeleteThus, my résumé stands out in character and force.
I'm cool! Stronger Religion every day! Also by "mathematical Religion", the eternal forms, God closing the door on humanity, possibly!
ReplyDeleteWeapon-Intelligence and Bronxie-Weapon
ReplyDeletein addition to these:
Tenacious, Focused, Hard-working, Disciplined, Intelligent, Intellectual, Nice, Easy-going, Balanced, Principled! (Proud and Confident!)
That bloodlust is no problem in my life, knowing what they represent, and master with the senses too, that ... hah-hah-hah-hah-hah :-D 8-D 8-)
Despite all:
ReplyDeleteNote on my standing by the fact that I should now be known as
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(or Dr. Physics by "doctor's work means doctor's degree", 3 works evident for this, _at least_, until now)
Note: This, the award of the doctor degree, is also guaranteed by the publicly known university duties, but not complied with by Norway, still though a valid claim abroad (from Norway)!
* The poor presentation until now is due to Norway and its "liabilities".
"This CV has been by ALL of Norway, with the hardest working parts being the corrupt people!" - That I have been confined/suppressed in my life to make poor school results, but great results when I have worked alone, with the theory (plus available data-sets) acquired to make sense of, by the basic motivation for intelligence and decency for "optimism, happiness and progress for humanity", getting at all the questions needed to get there. These have been vast and I've worked on these questions "since 1982/1987" (you can take the latter number if you find the first too incredible).
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Akademiker/Universitetsutdannet (ved eng. "scholar")
(eller Dr. fysiker ved at doktor arbeid innebærer doktor-grad, 3 åpenbare arbeider for dette, minst, inntil nå)
The reality, getting to grips, also for personal reasons:
ReplyDeleteThe Stupidity is Now, the Personal Weapons the Cure for This
It makes it no better for us in Europe and achievers with me that we sit this "low", serving idiots high up, if the Hitler research turns out to be right, that we entertain an idiot culture that leans back on basic industry, only to let corrupt minds and corruption take charge, that the Hitler idiots of personality and leniency of crime get to lead the way.
This speaks for an EU/Schengen-society of double stupidity where those who should hold positions of trust are shoved back to basic worker (baker, cleaner, carpenter, mechanic etc.) roles and that the traitor people who get to have these positions of trust, police officers, physicians, lawyers etc. are there on a "knee-jerk basis" only because "I have seen so much perversion that some (and only some) must be allowed to take place (of the positive)", making our economy jangle through in a kind of emergency state that's rife with injustice and the most severe crime! This is not a description of a happy place, but one of the occasional black humour/gallows humour!
Dishonour more or not for Europe and other nations?
Let's say that "we agree, UiO (University of Oslo) and I, on me now having scored Master's degree in Philosophy for having delivered "The Closure Principle" in Epistemology during an evening lecture on Master level in 2000 (discussing Theaetetus and related). That this declaration ends a kind of shame or shameful standing (pertaining to any former "misunderstanding")!
ReplyDeleteI still hold focus though, days still dark with mental burden, on to the Dr. Physics by my achievements inside this field and still supplying the public with reliability and confidence with this as well, an easy to-do-list laying there ahead of me, prepared for by my former work.
By a kind of emergency and under the Norwegian Bar Association, I name myself: Adv. L. F. Olsnes-Lea (EN: lawyer/barrister L. F. Olsnes-Lea).
ReplyDeleteAn award of being appointed to holding a Minister's Office of Information Work (EN: Minister = NO: Prest) may have my name on it by these achievements:
The Scientific Bible 2.0 - A Commentary to All Valid Holy Books
The Non-Dogmatic New Intelligent Design (NDNID)
The Defences for God - 5+1
Contributions to the ESP/Telepathy - God Debate in addition, teaching the World a better way... (Telepathy evidently as idea makes Heaven appear right next to the forehead, feeling very pleasant, indeed!)
My names of former:
ReplyDeleteDonje - being the don, the head, the intelligence of my family - refers to Kaneheia, Michael Jackson also.
Mr. Song - refers to my skills in making/composing songs for artists to perform them.
The Boy from Hauklia/Hawklia/Hauglia, where Hauklia translates into Hawklia in hawk being a smaller predator than the eagle, another symbol of power!
Also, King of Intelligence x2/as declared twice now, 2014-03-02, solving the awful mystery of telepathy and a few others, pertaining to intelligence.
One declaration has to do with Germany and beating CIA/USA in making chess computable, BACK THEN, generating a tip white Europe reference from Sweden(/Russia, now a democracy)!
It follows in terms of my actual competence, not the failure of the Norwegian education system to place me correctly.
ReplyDeleteWe start:
Studies have lasted from 1998 to 2000 and 2007 to 2009. Informal studies have lasted through this whole time outside the usual, formal/structured studies, from 1997 to 1998, from 2000 to 2007 and 2009 to 2014, to this day. Formal and informal studies, thus, stretch in time to about 17 years.
The reading list is to this point:
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language
editors Lepore and Smith (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2006).
Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology
Jonathan Dancy (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1985).
Philosophy of Mind, 2nd ed.
Jaegwon Kim (Cambridge, MA: Westview Press, 2006).
Causation & Explanation
Stathis Psillos (Chesham, UK: Acumen, 2002).
The Logic Book, 4th ed.
M. Bergmann, J. Moor and J. Nelson (New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2004).
...the others...
Some journals I've stayed with:
Mind (Journal - UK)
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
...Plus the 70 books or so to these above, that is a shortlisting. Compendias come extra to this overview.
Secondary literature that files directly under the Philosophy of Science:
Physics, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, programming and history writing, especially about Hitler. These books count about 50.
In addition to the philosophical contributions, I can be accredited depth in the subject of history writing by these 3 contributions to the World, also the UN:
1. Financial Radicalism and USA and its Military Complex.
2.1 Analysis of the time between 1st World War and 2nd World War and Hitler's way to power (despite...).
2.2 My work may contribute to the fact that the Germans once again start using Schutzstaffel again, as matter of plain speech (with pride held high) and that Tri-Sturm-S (Tri-Storm-S and Blitz-SS) enters the German language, to replace the former word, by "psychia-TRI-e" (psychiatry) code.
3. WWF by its leadership in light of their emphasis on the national parks and how this has failed. One case study is supplied for this.
It may be noted that I've earnt a name since about 10 years of age, since the mid-80s.
So, all in all, all the time that's been spent, my renown since 10 included, 27 years have elapsed, with these formal and informal studies on top along with other facts of life!
Pre-note to these books more:
ReplyDeleteI seek compliance with Chicago 15th A, published in 2003 and that any deviation should not be found or possibly associated with my person, especially in terms of citation quality, that it is here to resolve either way.
The list becomes then, without this compliance, 2nd part:
T. Beauchamp. Philosophical Ethics - An Introduction... 2nd. ed.
J. Sivertsen. Vitenskap og rasjonalitet. Note: Only added for sake of guidance and knowledge of it. Basic, introductory book to science and rationality.
J. Derrida. Ghost of Marx (or thereof)
J. McDowell. Meaning, Knowledge and Reality
J. Teichman and K. C. Evans. Philosophy - A Beginner's Guide, 3rd ed.
G. Couvalis. The Philosophy of Science: Science and Objectivity
R. Audi, editor. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (One volume)
T. S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
P. Feyerabend. Against Method, 3rd ed.
I. Kant. Critique of Judgment, 2nd Critique
N. Warburton. The Basics - Philosophy, 4th, ed.
M. Curd and J. A. Cover, editors. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues. Anthology.
[...the others... As pattern. Square brackets as correction to the above. The listing is also now corrected, not with parantheses.]
There is one other Norwegian book plus some German that are not going to be listed!
I have achievements on a string, "since I've been 10 years old", the first in the World to deliver a Nobel Prize list, and my competence is simply superb, renowned!
The need for me to play this so bluntly is due to the IDIOCY of Norway. You can obtain the further explanations of embarrassment from them!
(Before the reading list is finished...) Résumé: Actual, by the true competence, not Nowegian storytelling:
Science, in particular Physics and Philosophy
Savant (16 years of studies) - Multi-Talented
High achievements - fx. New Crust Formation Theory, Solution to Schrodinger's Cat and Photon Theory
Programming, running, chess, piloting/navigation, mountaineering, SCUBA-diving, arts and yet more science (in addition to occupational), like psychology and psychiatry
Norwegian (native), English (De Dicto) and basic German (can read and understand most advanced language given some tools, EU language)
Savant (16 years of studies - by formal Norwegian records, some Nobel/noble people say something else) - Multi-Talented
ReplyDeleteAlder: 41 år.
ReplyDeleteI can also add that after the devastating grades from Sr. High School, Eilert Sundt "VGS" and not even graduating from it because I had failed some (2?) subjects (I later completed the Sr. High School) I started (secretly) the investigation into my own case, deeply "inspired" by the perversions I had witnessed. This was the summer of 1994, a summer, by the age of 18, I also had to go without summerwork (to generate pocket money and more)!
This means that I've been a private eye for my own case for 23 years! Don't get me wrong, but I don't let you know "everything"! ;-)
For the sake of order, minimally: "Not correctly placed in the Norwegian system of education!" Maybe superfluous, considering the above.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo the possibility of Psychology PhD (not really in my plans, but may be important given the society).
- Morals
- Corrupt minds
- Paranormal psychology
- Aesthetics
- Intelligence
(Having been known as a great resource for intelligence since early childhood.)
Competence in philosophy: having been with Carl Hempel and Karl Popper at Hauglia, 1983/1984, by our house there, and delivered "doctor work" else for (appx.) 35 years, I think it's safe to say that my level in philosophy is at the PhD/"internet professor"/Dr. level!
ReplyDelete"Cool?" (Norway may not have had the best motives in keeping me this way, rather rewarding criminals and subverting good people and the good connections!)
Two new titles to my name (apart from 3 doctor titles):
ReplyDeleteMaster Creator of Ideas
"Doctor" Creator of Ideas!
As well as:
Journalist (in Norway, at least, granted to every Norwegian)
(System)Critic of Norway and its (social/political) elite
Apart...: Industrialist, Composer "200 songs" and Author (of blogs, minimally, "thi-hi-hi-hi, Norway...!"
I'm "pleased" with these subjects:
Political Science / Economy
So that MA Pomp or MSc Romp can happen three times before
Ph.D./"Doctor" Poo or Boo also three times. By this, Norway retains its academic "integrity", no titles "stolen" or "claimed".
"Ohhh, no, he is using titles against us!" "Ohh no, he has a worthy qualification!" - Poor corrupt Norway, poor corrupt Norway! (World name is not enough!)
Regardless of titles, puny or not, my name carries considerable World class quality in science by my 35 years of doing "doctor's work", people being very startled by my person and presence!
ReplyDeleteAs such, because of all the unfairness and abuse I've suffered in being a difference in the World, I'm "very tired" of idiot doctors seeking me for Nobel award performance by work (or indeed under extreme threats and possible severe abuse), that I'm supposed to bring them fame or whatever. I do not take this lightly and I'm amazed by the degree of shame they take on themselves in order to be this fake person!
So there you have it!
(Idiot-Norway still unpleased with my public messages!)
So by the Worldclass contributions in science as well as in composition/artistry/writing, being "The Boy from Hauglia", Terje Lea, by my father Jan Terje Lea, I am primarily "interested" in these subjects:
Physics with chemistry and bio-chemistry
Political Science
Forensics, Theology and ALL the others
(I hope this is the final message before a more normal LinkedIn-profile appears.)
Det kan være at jeg også kalles "Sangaren" (The Singer) helst ved låtskriving og "Skaparen" (The Creator) ved diverse "påfunn" fra tiden i Farsund/på Lista. Kanskje like så mye som "Geniet fra Lista" (The Genius from Lista).
ReplyDeleteAlas, it turns out:
ReplyDeleteThat I am Doctor of The University of Oxford and that my story checks in and...
Corrupt Norway has been naughty! Very naughty?
Finally! At last... For all of my hardship and work!
"Quattro"-Doctor by
ReplyDeleteTerje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oxford, 2 doctorates
Terje Lea, 240975 - The University of Oslo, 2 doctorates
Information has been held away from me?
Posting on blog updated.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnother doctor's degree has been granted, possibly, in Philosophy by University of Oslo to 240975 Lukas Ferdinand Olsnes-Lea. Yet to be confirmed.
ReplyDeleteAnother doctor's degree has been granted, possibly, in Psychology by University of Oxford to 240975 Lukas Ferdinand Olsnes-Lea. Yet to be confirmed.
ReplyDeleteBoth doctorates for work done between 2000 and 2018.
ReplyDelete"Mål nr. 1" Goal no. 1:
ReplyDelete***** ----------------- ;-) - To make a better World, as in 1982
That is, as with every politician nowadays by (hard) duty, I work for Utopia, straight! See also "Aims of Scientology" by Scientology or here on the blog.
ReplyDeleteI take back "Star Wars" in my name, as scientist, as artist, as composer.
A sizeable Hollywood name indeed, I am!
#DrLukasOlsnesLea #TerjeLea #Fiction #Hollywood #DrTerjeLea #Hauglia
(Some investigation into idiocy remaining.)
Update (new subjects, Genetics and Pharmacy).
ReplyDeleteI am primarily "interested" in these subjects:
Chemistry and bio-chemistry
I guess that Psychiatry should also enter the list as primary or secondary "interest", either way included implicitly under Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Psychiatry.
ReplyDeleteAlso subject under History of Science and History of Psychiatry by secondary "interest", History / History Writing.
ReplyDeleteI should also have had the NATO Security Clearance more than 20 years ago, but F*cksh*t Norway and their queer "solutions" have made this differently as with so much else of their doings.
Use your senses for who they are, sniff them out so to speak!
Genetics should perhaps read Molecular Biology and Genetics, Genetic Engineering.
ReplyDeleteThe foundation for my doctorates, 4 or more or whatever... "Not done in a day!"
ReplyDeleteFor Pharmacy
Antidepressants and more.
For Chemistry
For example 3x dynamite, Paint with Nitrogen gas (which results in entirely different colour qualities), +++ I have also introduced the buret (byrette) for chemistry.
For Physics
For example Radio-based technology, various. Radiological seismics (3D/4D seismics) for Norway. Laser v.2 - I made the modern laser! The OR-gate for computing, the start for quantum computing, "probability calculator", generating results by some probability. Randomizer, also for the best in nature, actually, also for the time being.
For Genetics (Genetic Manipulation)
Started with Genetic engineering - Mouse with ear on back created. More too, of course.
This is the start of an academic field. Never happened before in the World.
For (Engineering and) Chemistry and Physics I can add contributions to the aluminium industry to such ends that aluminium could be used commonly, rather than the expensive production from earlier!
More and more and more, NASA and so on... The list is far from complete!
Funnily enough, at 7 years old, I had good eyes and excellent intellect, also for mathematics.
ReplyDeleteNow, in this suppressed and "political" situation, I must use contact lenses, quite near-sighted, and "allegedly", I lack mathematics for science by the words from these sh*tholes!
Now, can it be the antibiotics? Can it be the criminal implants, including the tech-eyes, tech-ears and so on? Can it be their headless wanton (agenda) for EVIL?
Give me a name of these accusers and I'll you who they are!
Worldclass for more than 35 years! Worldclass INTELLECT!
F*ck them!
Statement - Citizenship
ReplyDeleteLet me say it straight that I would like to obtain either a dual citizenship from USA and Sweden or from USA alone in the nearest possible future!
I find that too much crime has been committed against me and my (extended) family through the years for me to accept living in Norway for the foreseeable future!
My profile on LinkedIn with my true life achievements and not any of that produced from "trauma management the wrong way" and other medical malpractice also as (severe) torture. #MeToo
ReplyDeleteLinkedIn, Lukas F Olsnes-Lea:
Reported Barianism theory to Oxford as opposing theory to Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Investigation results await.
ReplyDeleteClash of Clans
ReplyDeleteI think I can say that Clas of Clans has been constructed for 3 aspects, logic (Chess), foresight (clan castle) and will-o'-wisp or voice from afar or telepathy where you can pick up codes on how to add extra dimensions to the game by eg. keeping the Archer Queen and the Barbarian King on same level in order to achieve extra effect. For you to figure out! Fashionable coding may also play a part.
Name of honour from all of Finland was the saying back then.
Medieval studies completed as reported to University of Oxford.
Others: Ghost'n'Goblins + music (C64) and Crossfire (C64). Final report by investigation that's ongoing.
I am primarily "interested" in mathematics as well. Fermat's Theorem etc., general sense of things.
ReplyDeleteBy "reported Barianism", I've had the thought back then that evolution is more straight than diagonal by mutations and it is usually seen as respect to pose one theory against another in questioning Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Is it a crime? No! It's discussion! Back then in 1983 or so at Hauglia where we have lived. #DrTerjeLea #Hauglia
ReplyDeleteBuilding the nation of Norway
ReplyDeleteI can say with the hand on my heart that I've been building the nation of Norway more than most other Norwegians.
For this, you can compare my nation-building name (contribution to national GDP) vs any other Noregian name! I dare you!
Building the nation of Norway
ReplyDeleteI can say with the hand on my heart that I've been building the nation of Norway more than most other Norwegians.
For this, you can compare my nation-building name (contribution to national GDP) vs any other Noregian name by OR-gate cycling, quantum computing! I dare you!
The Mars Family - The truth
ReplyDeleteIf you are lying on purpose, Alux, it is indeed a felony to commit faking of history. Whether Freia or Nidar chocolate companies of Norway, I am in fact the one who has written the chocolates into the stars, thus Mars, thus Mars family, thus the Lea family as it all started at Hauglia, Farsund municipality. #DrTerjeLea
Alux on Youtube:
Obviously, still Worldclass and inside a "1000 people World-elite" despite life-threatening situations throughout the many years!
ReplyDeleteOnly one thing to say: it's a winner to stay with one's (Kantian) ethical and moral character! I'm the living testament for that.
Formal: "Maybe there is a Dr. Systems Engineer for me there as well, somewhere. Yet to be confirmed! For the rocket fuel! For the rocket systems!"
ReplyDelete(Can I have my NATO Security Clearance now, please?)
Just OR gate test my life account:
ReplyDelete"Is Lukas Olsnes-Lea telling the truth about his alleged world class achievements for more than 35 years?" True or false.
Now, what about them? The government of Norway, the corruption of Norway... Go figure!
OR gate testing, quantum computing more:
ReplyDelete"What is (Dr.) Terje Lea and (new name, Dr.) Lukas Olsnes-Lea contribution to his nation's GDP? Is it 40%?" "Is it 30%?" "Has been or is (Dr.) Terje Lea / Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea a key scientist in Norway?" The questions can be many! Just go ahead! I'm not afraid!
Confirmation of our phone number, the Lea family, +47 383 94084, all the way from Kaneheia to Skeime, all Farsund municipality, not active anymore.
ReplyDeleteExcept a period at Eitland when we were assigned an Oslo-number +47 _22_ ??????? (whatever...).
Them denying me my important diplomas! Here is the ongoing account (in Norwegian, sorry, them all in for evil?): #3113330 - Re: Mine 2 doktorgrader - min reelle kompetanse
La oss huske litt...
Som før så skal altså en doktorgrad reflektere et kompetansenivå. Jeg antar ihvertfall det.
(Litt engelsk fordi jeg synes noe går over streken:)
For Farmasi
Antidepressants and more. Eli Lilly and Company fra biblioteket i Farsund.
For Kjemi
For example 3x dynamite, Paint with Nitrogen gas (which results in entirely different colour qualities), +++ Jeg har også introdusert Byrette for kjemi.
For Fysikk
For example Radio-based technology, various. Radiological seismics (3D/4D seismics) for Norway. Laser v.2 - I made the modern laser! The OR-gate for computing, the start for quantum computing, "probability calculator".
For Genetikk (Genetisk manipulering)
Started with Genetic engineering - Mouse with ear on back created. More too, of course.
Dette var faktisk starten på et felt. Aldri skjedd før i Verden.
For Kjemi og Fysikk kan jeg legge til bidrag til aluminiumsindustrien. Diverse, diverse... Altså fremragende i Verden!
Vi er da enige om mine 4 doktorgrader?
Ny informasjon, akademiske ID:
Oslo: 6-24097543, kjemi og farmasi
Oxford: 8-24097543, fysikk og genetikk, genmanipulering, først i Verden, Hauglia, Farsund
Kan dere få dette i orden ganske snart? Det er vel ikke... Burde være greit.
Internett i mer enn 25 år og altså disse fysiske arkivene, javel.
New information, Academic ID:
ReplyDeleteOslo: 6-24097543, chemistry and pharmacy
Oxford: 8-24097543, physics (1988, Oxford being first to grant me worth! Doctor Europea) and genetics, gene-manipulation, first in the World, Hauglia, Farsund municipality.
All world class, of course!
They claim, Universitetet i Oslo (UiO), Lukas Ferdinand Olsnes-Lea student number: 398130! No prior history of achievements and certainly no doctorate, not chemistry, not pharmacy. Yet, by my own design, the Cipralex and with Eli Lily too, that cocaine derivative identified from the blood has made Cipralex a World blessing and reality! FOR EXAMPLE! To Denmark as matter of FACT!
ReplyDelete(Accessing Studentweb of Univ. Oslo today! Current status! Them committing d*mn lying, of course!)
( )
"2018-11-13 04:12:02 Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea Subject: Ticket " #3113330" - "Re: Mine 2 doktorgrader - min reelle kompetanse" has not been properly answered by University of Oslo or it has been directly lied about by University of Oslo on another ticket and message system, never bothering to confirm any of my contributions from the entire span of 35 years and more of (direct) work experience where I have been the moving force for ideas to generate both scientific progress and industry in general.
ReplyDeleteStill: the OR gate testing for my contribution to the GDP of Norway! (Yes, I have actually contributed a given percentage, "large or small"! More than 99% of other Norwegians, I believe!)
ReplyDeleteI call on the U.S. State department to comply with function of State!
The 3 Visas, thank you! You know my postal address!
U.S. Department of State #Visas #Fame #Business #Science #Arts #Hollywood #Music
Regardless, even if Corrupt Norway keeps information away from me, OR gate testing also suggests that doctorates in Psychology and Philosophy are confirmed, take it as you want!
ReplyDelete(Note: Important work in other fields are always doctorate if doctor before because bachelor does not cover doctor work, of course.)
Add Dr. Psych to that by the same. Thanks for continued support, by the way!
ReplyDeleteI may have been awarded Dr. Math and more for my solution to the so-called Fermat's Query back in March, 2001, and general supervision of mathematical work connected to my research. Still World class intellect, being a part of a 1000 people World elite!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of work, my real CV is more like this, though not complete by far:
ReplyDeleteScientific leader CURP
Scientific leader
Company NameCURP
Dates EmployedMay 2000 – Present
Employment Duration18 yrs 9 mos
Scientific work throughout a vast field of interests.
Lead Scientist Terje Lea (Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea)
Lead Scientist
Company NameTerje Lea (Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea)
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Dec 2018
Employment Duration36 yrs
By Own Person. IP issues. The work for my Dr. Pharmacology, most serious business.
Medication for schizophrenia.
Medication for depression, specifically by analyzing the blood components of a cocaine intoxicated test participant for the best antidepressive effect w/o drug addiction problem and then t... See more
Terje Lea
Company NameTerje Lea
Total Duration13 yrs 1 mo
Lead Scientist
TitleLead Scientist
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1996
Employment Duration13 yrs 1 mo
The work with Mills Peanut butter and separating the peanuts from the shells in order to make the process cheap enough and clean, made me create a process that included fluids and auto-cracking of the peanut shells. In such a way I could later develop fluids for mining industry in order to make the separation processes of the substance to mine from crushed waste.
Lead Scientist
TitleLead Scientist
Dates EmployedApr 1983 – Dec 1984
Employment Duration1 yr 9 mos
LocationHauglia, Farsund, Norway
While living in Hauglia, I came to study lasers and I came up with an idea to make the laser beam out of the glass container. Thus, I've made all modern lasers, named Lasers V.2.
Edit position Lead Scientist Statoil
Lead Scientist
Company NameStatoil
Dates EmployedJun 1983 – Dec 1994
Employment Duration11 yrs 7 mos
Statoil by Own Person - Business Conventions for Work. Developing radiological approach to oil and gas exploration. See 3D / 4D seismics. After and while hiring Baker and Hughes for exploration for the same thing.
Edit position Lead Scientist Microsoft
Lead Scientist
Company NameMicrosoft
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1991
Employment Duration8 yrs 1 mo
LocationFarsund, Norway
Work by Own Person. Business conventions for this kind of work. Meeting with Bill Gates in Norway to start cooperating for the best operating system in the World.
Also solving programming challenges. Also connecting the OR gate for randomness by computing.
Edit position Lead Scientist Johnson & Johnson Sales and Logistics Company, LLC
Lead Scientist
Company NameJohnson & Johnson Sales and Logistics Company, LLC
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1991
Employment Duration8 yrs 1 mo
Work by Own Person. IP issues. Lead Scientist and Inventor. For Food and Food Security.
Edit position Lead Scientist NorDan Vinduer Ltd
Lead Scientist
Company NameNorDan Vinduer Ltd
Dates EmployedJan 1986 – Feb 1988
Employment Duration2 yrs 2 mos
LocationMoi, Norway
By Own Person. IP issues. Invented a method to draw up glass at specific temperature in order to make them more straight and to make them cheaper by this production technique. 1/2
(Continued from above comment:)
ReplyDeleteLead Scientist Lilleborg Fabrikker
Lead Scientist
Company NameLilleborg Fabrikker
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1988
Employment Duration5 yrs 1 mo
Lilleborg (Modern Soaps) by Own Person. IP issues. Lead Scientist and Inventor. Household Products by Soaps, basically chlorine concoctions, making people entirely clean.
Edit position Lead Scientist Mars
Lead Scientist
Company NameMars
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1987
Employment Duration4 yrs 1 mo
Mars, Freia, Nidar, Brynild (Specials, Past.) by Own Person. IP issues. Lead Scientist and Inventor. Food/nutrients/chocolates.
Edit position Lead Scientist Intel Corporation
Lead Scientist
Company NameIntel Corporation
Dates EmployedJan 1985 – Jan 1986
Employment Duration1 yr 1 mo
LocationFarsund, Norway
Intel (from Firestar) by Own Person. IP issues. Lead Scientist. Creating the best processors in the World, way above IBM. Them coming to our place at Eitland, Farsund "kommune", Norway. Radio-calibration and the rest.
Edit position Lead Scientist Elkem Aluminium ANS
Lead Scientist
Company NameElkem Aluminium ANS
Dates EmployedJan 1983 – Jan 1986
Employment Duration3 yrs 1 mo
LocationLista, Norway
Work by Own Person, Int. Prop. (IP). New system for aluminium production. Sea change for aluminium production. At Lista Aluminium Plant. 1983-1984 while living in Farsund, Hauglia neighbourhood.
See the "Hall-Peroult" production cells.
2/2. End.
Proof of my fortune held by (corrupt) Norway:
ReplyDeleteIf we think that Norway deletes all my rightful money and then make the estimation for my renewed fortune in e.g. USA in compensation for Norwegian deletion of my money.
Then, by OR gate testing, how much money is this?
1 trillion USD? Negative or positive? If positive then 2 Tn USD? If positive then 20 Tn USD? If positive then 100 Tn USD? If positive then 300 Tn USD? Maybe not, let's say something lower than this...
See? Easy. Norway is still guilty in plain open! Earning 1st place for Evil ever witnessed by history of the World!
A note on Russian Roulette by Accept
ReplyDeleteI think the line "And when I'm dead and gone" should be song as
"And when you're dead and gone" because they are the people who treat others as pigs!
Nothing big, though. The life is bad enough for those die from abuse and torture too or choose suicide.
Let's approve of 2 versions, thus.
However, it must be clear that God's creation belongs to God's _Righteous_ people, all truly religious people who do the stewardship of Planet Earth carefully rather than damaging it!
Either way, one version of the lyrics, Accept, Russian Roulette, AZLyrics dot com:
Contacts for all my achievements are to be made to USA and worthy, interested U.S. citizens
ReplyDeleteThere are a few select people outside USA who are most close to my achievements too, but they present themselves with natural connection, i.e., truthful face, truthful voice and genuine character. Ok?
That's for now. Have a nice day. :-)
#AllTheWorldInHonour #Fame1983 #DrTerjeLea #Aluminium
(not the flags in the a*s, not the UN flag either, like - F-Norws...)
Updated. Historical junk of coursework at University of Oslo has been removed. More real now.
ReplyDelete#Financial Rather than doing more actions like Al Jazeera, Sony, Law firm in Israel interests, I just say right now that I can set up my own #IMF / #WorldBank fund in USA upon arrival in USA and getting started there. Thus, my financial power should serve the World very WELL!
ReplyDeleteLike LFO-L Monetary Fund or Dr LFO-L World Fund!
@UN #LFOLMonetaryFund #DrLFOLWorldFund #Astronomy #ToUtopia #BestPractice #KantianEthics #HumanRightsUDHR #SocialResponsibility #GlobalHappiness #Progress
Given my 35 years and more of excellent service to the World, with a big case that goes overwhelmingly in my favor, on the prosecution/investigation team by ICC, International Criminal Court and a (credible) Human Rights Defender, regardless of formal words from United Nations
ReplyDelete* I demand impeccable person, to be declared impeccable! *
in every respect, surely compared to "Devil's 1 Prize to Norway for Evil"! (Which can be checked scientifically as with every other...)
On Clash of Clans:
ReplyDeleteDue to mismanagement and betrayal of the founding words, the administration of Clash of Clans HAS TO MOVE TO USA! End.
Creator: Dr. Terje Lea / Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Supercell, see to it that it gets done, please! Even as own corporation!
#Supercell #ClashOfClans #Finland #AntiSchizophrenia #3SensesChess #Foresight #Logics #Estimate #IQ #Intelligence
From Z-Set Programmable Theory, 25 pages, English, a book I found at Farsund Library, I made Integrals real in the World. Out of artist, mathematics and engineering perspectives, I made it happen!
ReplyDeleteSuch is the nature of traumas and hard threats that memories do not surface after many years, possibly!
#WorldFame1983 #Hauglia #DrTerjeLea #DrPhysics #Mathematics #Integrals #MeToo #OxfordUniversity #ID8240975xx
Erklæring - Sentralbanksjefen for Norges bank, Øystein Olsen
ReplyDeleteJeg krever Øystein Olsens umiddelbare resignasjon grunnet dype mistanker om ikke å ha tjent verdens finanssystem og misligholdt diverse plikter som sentralbanksjef!
Eksempelvis, kan det være at Øystein Olsen har fortid fra Farsund Sparebank og Sparebanken Sør, filial Vanse?
Har Sentralbanksjefen overholdt sine fulle og hele informasjonsplikter? Det tror ikke jeg!
Mer og mer og mer. "Business conventions" og hvite penger betraktninger, hvem vil kjøpe hans hode?
To USA - Moving from Norway
ReplyDeleteTo Twitter Earlier, 5 Tweets
.@BankofAmerica / @BofA_Help I've been trying to get a proper response from you for 2 months in order to get out of Corrupt Norway and start doing business and leading my financial life in the serious sense.We're talking astronomical money from more than 35 yrs of World class 1/5
..achievements, such as Intel processors, such as chocolates, the Mars group of chocolates, a small revolution in soaps, raising the personal health care levels of the whole world, increased standards of chemistry +++. What the hell is going on? Broken financial system of USA 2/5
..too? Either way, the issue is that I need a decent amount of money, a private jet and the necessary Visas (3?) in order to start my life in #USA! So I have indeed #Legal and #moral claims to this fortune of money. #Help_Me,Please! #Help #BusinessConventions #TLC #DrTerjeLea 3/5
Start #shooting with the money of the World? #FireAtWill to clear my way, please! #2A @NRA #BusinessConventions #UScitizen #Honor #ImpeccablePerson #DrTerjeLea #DrPhysics #DoctorEuropea #WorldFame1983 #Hauglia #LFOLCompanies 4/5
#FireAtWill with some inspiring music to go, secretly back then, Turbo Killer to Turbo Lover by Judas Priest: #LegalPersecution #TheHunt #WayToJustice #BusinessConventions $Money $NYSE $TLC #ToUSA --- the service: #ToUtopia 5/5
Betydningen av anerkjennelse av intellekt og kompetanse - Universitetet i Oslo:
ReplyDeleteEt eksempel: la oss si at mitt "forslag" for Beste praksis psykiatri (og forsåvidt de andre av De 5 faktorer) ikke har den tyngde "forslaget" fortjener både i Norge og ellers i Verden så begår Universitetet en dødssynd, vil jeg si! Så med dette er utfordringen gitt! Best for Universitetet at jeg tar feil i mye av det jeg skriver!
Det gjelder også sannheten for alle mine 35 år og mer med verdensklasse prestasjoner!
"Jeg krever selvfølgelig at skalper tas der de burde, også i det antall som burde falle!"
"Adios, amigos, gringos eller hva enn! Summarisk? 😃"
Selvfølgelig gjeldende det forhold at Universitetet mer eller mindre aktivt har undertrykket og undertrykker min persons sanne tyngde per intellekt, intelligens og kompetanse!
..Universitetet en dødssynd, vil jeg si! Så med dette er utfordringen gitt! Best for Universitetet at jeg tar feil i mye av det jeg skriver!
Det gjelder også sannheten for alle mine 35 år og mer med verdensklasse prestasjoner!
"Jeg krever selvfølgelig at skalper tas der de burde, også i det antall som burde falle!"
"Adios, amigos, gringos eller hva enn! Summarisk? 😃" #Intellekt #Intelligens #Kompetanse @UniOslo @unioslo_mn #Sannhet #Historiefag @Aftenposten @tv2 - lenke, Blogspot, My CV (Min CV) - de korrupte er definitivt Røde Khmer Korrupte Norge, "med eller uten lappen fra Kambodsja og Røde Khmer på den sanne måten!"
ReplyDeleteDear @StateDept
ReplyDelete"Despite our past differences", I tell you right now I am on the go! Just grant me a part of my serious money, also supported by all central banks of the World, and I'll BLINK right over to do the kind of work the future generations yearn for!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
#Yearning #Longing #CrazyLonging #DesperateLonging #LongingSoMuch333Everything #CrazyPeopleWantingUtopia #TheCaseForUtopia #TheCaseForTortureOfChildrenUseless #KantianEthics #EthicalMoralCharacter #Intelligence #UDHR #The5Factors #Utopia
One bit also protected by the #BusinessConventions!
For all fairness and that I feel successful (Hey! I said "I feel...", doesn't mean I have a life... Corrupt Norway!)
ReplyDeleteNext to Wigner and the Unreasonable Success of Mathematics, I'd like to place:
Olsnes-Lea and the Unreasonable Success of Kantian Ethical and Moral Character, now give me my Dr. Psychology by completed doctor studies for this! 😎🤣😆🤗🤤😲🤓
The references, still, denying me lawyer from the Norwegian Bar Association: OSL-020-2011, OSL-021-2011, OSL-022-2011!
ReplyDeleteWe get my excuse for this:
"L.F.O.-L.5 February 2014 at 21:11"
"By a kind of emergency and under the Norwegian Bar Association, I name myself: Adv. L. F. Olsnes-Lea (EN: lawyer/barrister L. F. Olsnes-Lea)."
The word "under" is not some type of approval word. No, insofar the many years of corruption, it suggests I have lived under their malpractices as lawyers! Exactly right! Kjær og Co. from Kristiansand? 1993? What work was completed? No... Not... Still ongoing... Status unclear...
Thus I have defended: "By a kind of emergency and under the Norwegian Bar Association, I name myself: Adv. L. F. Olsnes-Lea (EN: lawyer/barrister L. F. Olsnes-Lea)."
The Norwegian Bar Association of which all the police lawyers are a significant part. How many career lawyers who are alive still while working outside police service and with no police service on record? I don't know! Hey! This is Corrupt Norway! Beware!
Til alle advokater med bevilling i Norge (kanskje utenfor politiet):
ReplyDeleteJeg vil GJERNE være advokatfullmektigen (EN: lawyer apprentice) deres. Bare kontakt meg så skal vi finne utav det. Ikke noe problem!
Det finnes andre muligheter også slik som Bistandsadvokat eller juridisk rådgiver med advokatbevilling, bare kontakt til hverandre, lønn mye eller mindre eller ikke. +++ alt i denne verden.
My CV further:
ReplyDeleteLead Scientist
Company Name: CURP/Boeing
Project: Mar 1994 – Mar 1996
Lasting: 2 yrs 1 mo
Location: Vanse, Vest-Agder
Own work. IP issues.
"Found"/"invented" geostationary orbits for satellites connected to my work with the Global Positioning System. Letter has been sent to the Boeing Company, a TL/LFOL company. Ground-based GPS to Telenor (state-owned at the time).
(Not so much strawberry picking, thank you! *Glee* )
Declaration - USA and FBI
ReplyDeleteBecause of FBI neglect of duties toward me and my family on grounds of rife violations of my protection by the Business Conventions, I now declare USA for BANKRUPT!
CNN Business NBC News CNBC Bloomberg ABC News
Declaration - USA and FBI
ReplyDeleteBecause of FBI neglect of duties toward me and my family on grounds of rife violations of my protection by the Business Conventions, I now declare USA for BANKRUPT!
CNN Business NBC News CNBC Bloomberg ABC News
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea19 June 2019 at 07:30
@CNBCi @NBCNews @CNBC @CNNBusiness @business @ABC @WSJ #BusinessConventions #TLCs #TLea
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea19 June 2019 at 07:31
"Sincerely yours, The Innermost US Military Scientist and Technologist, Dr. Terje Lea / Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea, presented at Los Angeles Summer Olympics 1984"
Declaration - USA and FBI
ReplyDeleteBecause of FBI neglect of duties toward me and my family on grounds of rife violations of my protection by the Business Conventions, I now declare USA for BANKRUPT!
CNN Business NBC News CNBC Bloomberg ABC News
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea19 June 2019 at 07:30
@CNBCi @NBCNews @CNBC @CNNBusiness @business @ABC @WSJ #BusinessConventions #TLCs #TLea
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea19 June 2019 at 07:31
"Sincerely yours, The Innermost US Military Scientist and Technologist, Dr. Terje Lea / Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea, presented at Los Angeles Summer Olympics 1984"
Further to My CV:
ReplyDeleteDiscovery of the fusion formula of (virtually) all substances from the "apprentice" days (1996-1998) at Alcoa Aluminium production plant, Lista.
You can use merely gas or laser to heat up carbon to create gold and other substances!
Proud declaration
ReplyDeleteMy Capitalism with UDHR and "social justice" has been played by "Born in the USA" and confirmed again by Kantian "The Good Will Hunting" movie!
So there!
"Also Valle Hovin announcement by Springsteen himself and break from record label back then!"
To be clear then and not the Norwegian State fantasy of Red Khmer:
ReplyDeleteOdd jobs do not belong on my CV, other than saying: odd jobs not really relevant to my level of competence, education, achievements!