Saturday 22 May 2021

New Psychiatry for 2021 and Beyond

Psychiatry has a long and difficult story, confining the most difficult cases in prisonlike conditions, though the medical specialty is dated to the middle of the nineteenth century.1 The patients often have short lives due to these conditions, trying to commit suicide and injure themselves in various ways.

Now, 2021, a new line of efforts begin to break through due to my recent writing and I'm going to describe them here.

The Two Categories System of Depression and Schizophrenia

It starts with my finding of the 2 Categories System of depression and schizophrenia. Reading the ICD-10 through and through many times, I've come to the conclusion that depression and schizophrenia have to be basic, much in how the patients handle the questions of ethics and morality. Schizophrenics do not like these questions and patients with depression say ethics and morality are important to them, but that life proves too hard to be able to live, typically. Brain chemistry in these two groups of patients is thus two opposites and require different medication, mutually exclusive to each other. The varying degrees of depression and analysis of bipolar disorder in light of corruption to be placed at the beginning of the depression category, starting conventionally to fill the 2 categories. Schizophrenia has such a wide modus operandi among its patients that I've seen it best to name it a category, also placing psychopathy inside of it. The group has a tendency to be attracted to the wicked and therefore ignores the ethics and morality. Nowadays, we rate them by immune system count.

Plot Chart by Analysis of Cancer As Expression of Schizophrenia

So I've come to find the obsession with warts as growing cancer in these patients with schizophrenia. How it grows on them and becomes their gold that they can brag about to other patients with schizophrenia, milder types, and become their idols and people they work for, doing various services and taking part in sex with them. These warts of wickedness (or should we say plain evil in the most severe cases) create then circles of social behaviour, with the most wicked holding the most «expensive» warts in the innermost circles and the outermost circles being the milder cases, often seen as the new recruits, evil stays as objective for the entire play. Well, this is how cancer of all types are seen in them. More research can be made here.

But it develops and I've added other diseases and syndromes under the schziophrenia category, this category holding the most promise in being revolutionary in terms of treatment and other discoveries, like the incredible histories of these patients. So in addition to cancer, we find homosexuality, bulimia next to anorexia, asexuality, psychopathy, sociopathy, ALS, tetraplegia, multiple sclerosis . All these states and others are then various stages of deterioration of the nervous system. Clearly, my plot chart isn't complete, but one can OR gate data generate a complete plot chart possibly, again by immune system count (or alternatively, the electrometer value from the skin) as values for the chart, from the earliest onset of schizophrenia to the very deepest. Make no mistake about it. When I place them in the schizophrenia category, I'm saying at the same time patients should be treated as if patients with schizophrenia in addition to other medication pertaining to the specific illness/disease. This is part of the revolution.

Best Practice Psychiatry

Through history, I have found that patients with schizophrenia are best treated by scientific ECT, Olanzepine (for example Zyprexa®) or similar or better and medical sleep assistance, Diazepam (for example Vival®/Valium®) or similar or better. This has been found independently in search for treatment of an important group of patients who have been treated insufficiently in the past. See hsitory of psychiatry for this. Scientific ECT (undeveloped) has been found in 1 instance in New York City with a person practicing ECT on himself albeit not in pure form and combined with what we know as a type of electrical brain massage or stimulation, a cousin of the ECT, just lower voltage. This has been in the 80s. Olanzepine has also been developed and produced at this time for this patient group, those with schizophrenia thanks to analysis of this one case in New York. Diazepam has been identified at the same time and has a long history of being medicine for a variety of illnesses. Formerly, patients with schizophrenia have been treated with only one or two components of the 3-step best practice treatment.

Patients with depression are best treated with Escitalopram (for example Cipralex®) or similar or better. They often have problems outside psychiatry to deal with as they stay on medication. Compared to schizophrenia, depression is the less complicated, also because the patients want the medication and see its use directly, taking it voluntarily, nothing else needed for the psychiatry side problems.

There have been blatant holes in psychiatry such as non-existence of watermarked logging files and lack of logging procedures. There's a general lack of possibility for having one's therapy sessions properly documented by video, possibly making this a quality criterium. This should be amended by requirements of state/nation. The whole psychiatric practices should be certified by some kind of ISO-standard what concerns document flows and quality criteria of these, possibly also quality-certifying other aspects of the psychiatry. There should be a possibility of having common spaces monitored by video in cases of rumbles and ensuring security for both staff and patients, possibly making any police work far easier. It's assumed psychiatry complies with best practices, that it's strictly legal and that this is reflected in the psychiatric hospital departments and institutions. This should include qualified transparency and the possibility to retrace history of treatment.

Modified Somatism

I regard the somatist psychiatry in combination with telepathy and telepathic effects, the only possible psychiatric position one can have for real. Modified Somatism is for healthy people who can then gain greater stability in their lives and seek help if problems should arise. I include it here as an entry point for the medical professional and healthy people alike. That said, we continue. I'd say a way to telepathy is hypersensitivity and the way to enhance those feelings is to be conscious about them. Not only that, but to make the necessary connection that if it's done correctly, puts the person into the telepathic domain, is to analyse the feelings the person has by lying on a bench, not being occupied with anything. Some of those feelings are clearly due to the person lying on a bench, a comfortable place, preferably, but others are sensations coming from somewhere else, most likely people who are inclined, as the Moon's inclination to the Earth is a natural relationship, to engage with the person emotionally or intellectually. There are, beside the telepathy of feelings, also visual, auditory and the combination of all three telepathy. The impressions vary from what the person makes in one's own mind to more reasonable results of various. Telepathy can be very inexact and it can be troubling to discern it all. With telepathy, one may want to investigate "quantum entanglement", "contextualism" and "chaos theory". All of this is just assertions based on personal experience, but I've written it so now anyone can find out themselves. Thus for the future, experiments concerning telepathy must include priming, hypersensitivity and open mind being central, of the participants. Some lie detection may also be included to rule out sabotage of the experiment, perhaps voice stress analyzers.

For the sake of orderliness:

somatist — ˈsōməd.ə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary somat + ist 1. : an advocate of medical organicism 2. : one who seeks the causes of mental disorders in brain lesions and other physical conditions! [Typically such as violence and abuse.]2

somatist — somatism, n. /soh meuh tist/, n. Psychiatry. a psychiatrist who considers all mental illnesses to have physical origins. [Typically such as violence and abuse.] [1670 80, in sense materialist ; SOMAT + IST]3

1) Shorter, E (1997), A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 1.

(Finally a rewording, more coherent and less erratic. It has been hard to work under these conditions in Norway.)