Saturday 29 April 2023

The Seriousness of My Situation - Governor of Capitalism

Because of my exemplary service to the World and consequently the creation of astounding wealth, I hold a lot of the currencies outside USA, 50% of them, precisely speaking, ALL of them.

Then the US Dollar, let's just say "special standing" with the US Dollar with the potential greater strength to all US families.

If I don't get my way with laws and regulations there will be a major Worldwide earthquake, economically, technologically and otherwise!

Maybe... the general world population gets no other choice!

I hold the GUN by (financial) power (of this) and influence, good name, sanity, leader of Best Practice of Psychiatry, all else!

I suggest we keep the faith and continue the work for a better World! Goodspeed!

The Indictments:

I hereby indict USA for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict United Kingdom for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict Germany for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict France for state crimes against my family!

#TickerToUtopia #BusinessConventions #Indictments