Saturday 29 April 2023

The Seriousness of My Situation - Governor of Capitalism

Because of my exemplary service to the World and consequently the creation of astounding wealth, I hold a lot of the currencies outside USA, 50% of them, precisely speaking, ALL of them.

Then the US Dollar, let's just say "special standing" with the US Dollar with the potential greater strength to all US families.

If I don't get my way with laws and regulations there will be a major Worldwide earthquake, economically, technologically and otherwise!

Maybe... the general world population gets no other choice!

I hold the GUN by (financial) power (of this) and influence, good name, sanity, leader of Best Practice of Psychiatry, all else!

I suggest we keep the faith and continue the work for a better World! Goodspeed!

The Indictments:

I hereby indict USA for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict United Kingdom for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict Germany for state crimes against my family!

I hereby indict France for state crimes against my family!

#TickerToUtopia #BusinessConventions #Indictments

Monday 20 February 2023

Neurological Messages Pad - Patent

Electrified pad with electronics recording and play off "neurological message" capabilities. Whatever the neurological message from one person to another, you should be able to use special devices to record and play "neurological signals as messages". Akin to touch-screens technology and akin to special sub-hearing radio-messaging devices used in the military.

(Patent - Neurological Message)