Saturday 16 February 2019

Is New York City Anti-Business? One Solution for a More Happy and Thriving City - Also to Utopia?

  To some extent, I see New York City as a hostile place to worthy people despite its reputation for luxurious living. New York City has to realize it has a (big or bigger) problem with corrupt police and others who generate these high society monsters-behind-human-faces (Hervey Cleckley, Ellis - American Psycho). This is clearly not working well. It also has to embrace the coming forces fuelled by Kantian Ethics, the most able corporate soldiers who are able to lead family lives and add virtue to the city at the same time, the friendly city.

  First moves should be to increase people's sense of easiness to have personal security, also for families as a whole, by starting to offer pepper spray and "on premises only" revolvers for a start, maybe ordinary, approved pistols later. It should be followed up with reliable security systems for the homes and cars and the full 5 methods with some for both police and Human Resource services so that people can be confident that when they go to the police they can expect professional and reliable "by the book" services. This goes also for the courts of NYC and NY state as a whole. In addition comes both medical scanning, vastly increasing both efficiency and easy services of first-line health services and hospital services alike and Best practice psychiatry, removing fairly easy the mental disorder worries, also with effective information to the city population.

  With the above, the city metropolis' reputation as a city of evil can be effectively removed in some 5 years, given more (lawfully) happy people by the above, also named World solution to Utopia by The 5 Factors, shootie, peppie, lie detect, scanning and best-psych.

  Now, who can argue with that? NYC must become attractive to families with children again in order to gain confidence that this city has a nice life to offer to sane people. So I say you get the most for the smallest amount of money! And a happy, thriving city further! Best wishes from me!

Links, 3:
CNBC dot com, "New York will lose the bulk of the 25,000 jobs that were promised by Amazon HQ2":

Blogspot, "The Lie Detectors - Improved Police Work and Courts":
Blogspot, "Questions to All Politicians Worldwide - Utopia must become a dutiful goal!":