Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Various Writings from the Former Blogs (by blog.t-lea.net) #11 Starting with latest


Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 18:32:55 [CET]

Jeg må si noe når det gjelder datalagringsdirektivet! Man burde forstå at nettverkskriminalitet er noe av den verste kriminaliteten som foregår i Norge og at den krever mest ressurser. Dette gjelder like mye narkotikakriminalitet som pedofile aktiviteter og annet. Jeg blir dypt skuffet hvis ikke direktivet vedtas i Stortinget. Jeg skjønner ikke hva det er, men det synes for meg som om folk er paranoide når det gjelder staten. Vi lever i et demokrati, noe som ikke er forenelig med en politistat. Det er ikke slik at direktivet åpner for kikking. Det er sikkert slik at man må ha skjellig grunn til å få tilgang og ikke bare det, men dette er jo Politiet, det er ikke naboen. Man vil ikke ha videoovervåkning, men man vil gjerne ha trygghet. Slik er det også med dette direktivet. Det er som en selvmotsigelse.

Nå sist har det vært på tale for politiet å gi en reaksjon til 1400 (TV2) enkeltmennesker i Norge med pedofilt materiale på datamaskinen og de har som kjent gått helt fri. Jeg lurer på hvem disse menneskene er. La meg gjette, alt fra "nysgjerrige" til psykopater. Jeg sier det sånn, hvis dette direktivet ikke vedtas så kan man gjerne si at man holder personvernet høyt hevet, men jeg tipper utlendingene forstår oss veldig godt om de tenker seg om og kaller det et symptom på det halvkriminelle Norge!

Man skal huske på det at vanlige folk utenfor skjellig grunn til mistanke vil ha omtrent det samme personvernet som idag ("virtually speaking") fordi dataene bare "går" gjennom systemet uten å bli vurdert (av noen!).

Norge burde være bygd på anstendighet og lovlydighet slik jeg ser det, slik som andre siviliserte samfunn. Det er ingen grunn til å si at praksis med dette direktivet undergraver noe sånt. Ha god samvittighet!

(Jeg har kommet til å bruke underbygge som et ord som har vært ment å stå i et destruktivt forhold til anstendighet og lovlydighet i setningen. Jeg bruker nå heller "undergrave" som er et mye bedre ord til det engelske ordet. Beklager!)

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418807/datalagringsdirektivet/.)


I'm the world's greatest - I'm so delusional

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:31:35 [CET]

By R. Kelly - I'm still listening to lousy music and feeling the rapture!

Who´s the worlds greatest
Who´s the worlds greatest
The worlds greatest

I am a mountain
I am a tall tree ohh
I am a swift wind sweeping the country
I am a river down in the valley ohh
I am a vision and I can see clearly

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look 'em in the face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey I made it
I'm the world's greatest
I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest
the world greatest,
the world greatest, forever

I am a giant
I am an eagle ooh
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marching band
I am the people ooh
I am a helping hand
I am a hero

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look 'em in the face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that moutain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world´s greatest
I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world´s greatest

In the ring of life, I'll reign love (I will reign)

And the world will notice a king (Oh Yeah..)
When there is darkness, I'll shine a light (Shine a light..)
And mirrors of success reflect in me
I'm that star up in the sky (uh, uh)
I'm that mountain (peak up high) peak up high
Hey I made It (hey I made it)
I'm the worlds greatest (I'm that little bit)
I'm that little bit of hope (uh, uh)
When my back's against the ropes (oh yeah)
I can feel it (I can feel it)
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky (star up in the sky)
I'm that mountain peak up high (oh yes I am)
Hey I made It (I made it)
I'm the worlds greatest (I'm that little bit of hope)
I'm that little bit of hope (ohhhhhhohhhh)
When my back's against the ropes ohhhhhh (when my back's against the ropes)
I can feel it ( I can feel it)
I'm the world's greatest (repeat)

It's the greatest
Can you feel it
It's the greatest

I saw the light
At the end of a tunnel
Believe in the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
And faith was right there
To pull me through, yeah
Used to be locked doors
Now I can just walk on through
Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey, yeah
It's the greatest
I'm that star up in the sky
(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418806/im-the-worlds-greatest-im-so-delusional/.)


Oslo - 3 punkter for å gjøre byen bedre!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:26:57 [CET]

1. Mer kameraovervåkning. Hvis man har mer kameraovervåkning i byen så vil hyggelige folk kunne føle seg tryggere og øke aktiviteten sin i byen og jeg tror at mer hyggelige folk i byen gjør også byen hyggeligere. Dessuten vil all mulig kriminell aktivitet kunne lettere tas hånd om og fjernes. Jeg vet at London har en hyggelig politikk når det gjelder kameraovervåkning og Oslo burde gjøre det samme. Kanskje man slipper å ha så mye politipatruljer i gatene og politiet kan lettere fordele ressurser i det daglige arbeidet.

2. Internering av flyktninger. Få de kriminelle og husløse flyktningene vekk fra gatebildet! Alle flyktninger burde interneres i leire inntil søknaden deres om opphold i landet er avgjort. Dette vil gjøre det lettere for politiet å få vekk en del kriminalitet og å holde oversikten over hvem som danner det kriminelle miljøet. Interneringen burde skje i god avstand til befolkede områder slik at det å stikke fra leiren ikke er så lett. Dessuten kan man lage gode ordensregler i leirene.

3. Forby tigging. Hvorfor har egentlig politikerne vedtatt at tigging skal være tillatt? Er det for å skitne til gatebildet i Oslo? Tiggere burde sendes til de rette instanser, eventuelt bare forvises av politiet og bøtlegges. Tigging har ingen funksjon i vårt samfunn og er i seg selv nedverdigende. Få det vekk!


(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418805/oslo-3-punkter-for-aa-gjoere-byen-bedre/.)


Reminisens - Fra sinnet, fra sjelen, fra historien - min bursdag!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:25:01 [CET]

Det er min bursdag idag og siden det er det så vil jeg skrive følgende ord fra mitt sinn.

Jeg faen HATER dere, akkurat dere i/fra Farsund kommune og det skriver seg fra en tid og frem til idag. Jeg har INGENTING å takke dere for. Dere har faen meg klart å spre dritten, galskapen deres til mye mennesker i Norge. Jeg vet ikke nøyaktig følgene av "KRISTENDOMMEN", hykleriet deres, men dere er noen syke svin. Som skrevet tidligere, dere vet godt hvem dere er og dere er noen høl, pervers'iserere! Dø!

Hvis det viser seg, når alt kommer til alt og det ikke er grunn til noe annet, så gir jeg ingen tilgivelse, ingen nåde og ingen fred!

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418827/reminisens-fra-sinnet-fra-sjelen-fra-historien-min-bursdag/.)


Erklæring! Kompensasjon for tort og svie!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:23:16 [CET]

Jeg krever herved kompensasjon for tort og svie (hva som inngår i dette trenger jeg virkelig ikke å gå inn på her) frem til oktober, 1993 (jeg fyller 18 år på dette tidspunktet) og kompensasjon for tapt arbeidsfortjeneste (jeg kan legge til tort og svie her også, men det får være) fra oktober, 1993 og frem til idag fra Farsund kommune! Jeg er klar over at det vil være visse fratrekk å gjøre her!

Hjertelig værsågod! Jeg vet hvem dere er og hva som ligger i historien.

I know you raped me
And fucked my soul and life
You screwed my brain
And offered me a line

You set my heart on fire
To make me stick like glue
You know I'm coming
Down to the point of fear

You make me eat myself
I scream I pain in vain
To lose the last bit of identity
And forget humanity

That's what you like to do
To treat a man like a pig
And when I'm dead and gone
It's an award I've won

Do you think that pays
Pays for my life
Which I give now when I die

From Accept - Russian Roulette

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418826/erklaering-kompensasjon-for-tort-og-svie/.)


Revolusjon? Forakt? Bare "Kom Hell"!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:20:49 [CET]

Artist: Skambankt Kilde: http://skambankt.konzertjunkie.de/m.php?w=1#komhell For you English-speaking: http://skambankt.konzertjunkie.de/m.php?w=2#komhell

Denne sangen synger meg rett inn i ØRET! F*ck you! For meg så kan man like gjerne bytte ut hell med helvete. Jeg kan ikke unngå å tenke på denne sangen som dødelig ironisk. Det er nesten den samme følelsen man får av folk som ber til Gud. Det er håpløst og idiotisk!

Fått nok av tunge stunder
Fått nok av alt som lyser rødt
Fått nok av onde tunger
Fått nok av alt dødt kjøtt
Hell hvis du ser meg nå
Ke e det du vente på

Kom hell, kom hjelp meg i år
- Hjelp meg i år
Eg går for en lysere vår
- Lysere vår
Eg har vært engstelig
Men i år, men i år ser
Eg for meg litt comfort
Det har vært vanskelig
Hell du må forstå og vær

Fått nok av folk som kryper
E trøtt av dårlig fantasi
Eg e lei av det stereotypa
Hjelp, hjelp, hjelp meg
Å få satt de fri (sånn at DE kan dø i Helvete)
Hell hvis du ser meg nå
Ke e det du vente på

Kom hell, kom hjelp meg i år
- Hjelp meg i år
Eg går for en lysere vår
- Lysere vår
Eg har vært engstelig
Men i år, men i år ser
Eg for meg litt comfort
Det har vært vanskelig
Hell du må forstå og vær

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418825/revolusjon-forakt-bare-kom-hell/.)


Support of the Death Sentence

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:14:23 [CET]

I hereby depart from the general European attitude and support the Death Sentence universally for the most heinous crimes where the evidence is overwhelming! Enjoy, dear bastards! :-O

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418824/support-of-the-death-sentence/.)


Diversity of Music

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:12:16 [CET]

Apart from the list of classics on the Identity page, I also listen to: The Black Eyed Peas, I Gotta Feeling - Beyoncé, Halo - Lady GaGa, Poker Face - Taylor Swift, Lovestory. You know, I listen to a lot of different music ranging from Jazz to Gospel to Synthmusic. There's nothing that isn't regarded. Ingenuity is the only criterium. It may turn out I'm listening to your music. The song of Katie Melua, Nine Million Bicycles has given me great calm and pleasure. Cheers!

(I've also been praising the efforts of Veronica Maggio and the female vocal of The Knife as having noteworthy voices of a particular and distinguished kind. You can add these two people to the list. I've written on this on a previous occasion, but somehow the post has been deleted. Perhaps I've seen it as to unimportant at the time.)

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418823/diversity-of-music/.)


Dear Chinese

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:07:39 [CET]

At times, some people threaten your great country and you try to deal with it as best as you can. These best measures, at this point, include the restraining and execution of people. Now, the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International regularly criticise you harshly.

Take my words for it and just give the following reply. You take the mental health of your poulation and psychiatry seriously. You understand the standards of psychiatry in "the West" very well and that you give your version the characterisation of Chinese philosophy and culture in general. You like to keep your country nice and tidy, continuing your very excellent progress.

In order to prevent people torturing other people and keeping general chaos away, you see no other way than to restrain and execute people in exactly the way you do. The new is, of course, when "the Westerners" inquire, you answer that these people are suffering from delusions and are held in psychiatry. (I've been too short on this previously. I'm sorry.)

China! China! China! (Heard a lot during the Beijing Olympics!)

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418822/dear-chinese/.)


Cocaine and Cocaine Voice

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 14:06:00 [CET]

I believe there is a phenomenon called "cocaine voice". This may be due to positive effects on the neurology giving "extreme" relaxation and thus also giving that soft, smooth "cocaine voice". Now, I don't have any significant experience with cocaine, the pure cocaine as it always should be. Cocaine can be grouped with caffeine, creatinine, and insulin chemically as amino acids(?), I think. In proper doses, there should be little hazard to the body, actually none. Please, leave a comment if there's something useful in this.

I always hear the staunch stand by the medical doctors in their "schizophrenic" efforts in denouncing the slightest drug use that may be, I hold, healthy, disciplined and enjoyed a couple a weeks a year. In their preaching of drug prohibition, I suspect them of succumbing to greater demons. What these may be, you can speculate about yourself. I believe medical doctors are strictly controlled with regards to drug use and if they can't have, you will not either.

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418821/cocaine-and-cocaine-voice/.)


Torture Schemes

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:42:20 [CET]

I hold that there has been the aiding of certain doors. Norway has been for certain and is possibly currently supporting or facilitating torture schemes in the interest of individuals by certain formed networks. "I can't tolerate" it. You may wonder what this "monkey business" is supposed to do and I can at least supply this view/speculation.

I think that this is a kind of "energy business", that when life is at stake, some people may perform better. I sincerely doubt that this is the case, but these people are on the other side of the morality. They seem unable to separate the energies of a person being threatened by death or tortured while "normal" people will become (severely) distressed by such energies/this kind of arrangement.

It may have other aims to fulfill as well such as being an explicit or sublime threat to the rest of the population within "range"/"domain"/jurisdiction.

This threat, I think, is meant to secure a full/forced "cooperation" and "devotion" to the range of activities it is meant for.

I must say I deeply disagree with any alleged effectivity of this kind of "sh*ttyness" that I think rather lowers the overall morale/moral of the society to devastating levels. Quite the opposite then, this causes severe disruptions to effectivity of society in conducting the daily lives, diverting much energy just to stay afloat, very needlessly and very immoral.

You should remember that people use excess energies to encourage others, help and being kind in numerous unaccounted ways that surely separate the best societies from the worst. When you cut these energies off, you may lose more than what you could possibly expect!
The torture schemes are, of course, the "monkey business" that's been applied
as a national idea in Norway, I suspect. The difference now is that it is "monkey business" for everything to "monkey business", "monkey science" and "monkey culture" including "monkey sports", being a kind of general "blood sport".

The interpretation for "monkey business" in this sense is the brown, typically, remains of a tortured kid, also typically, although everyone may be subjects, especially the "good people"/"white (of soul) people".

(Note: White in "the Western" culture is still the colour of innocence/(true) righteousness/justice/purity/cleanliness/possibly good health. You may want to look up the very nice explanation from Dictionary.com.)

In finishing this: you carry it and you will die on it! If I get more information on this, I'll inform you! Cheers!

A possible marching anthem:

Now, I can't behave

I feel it in my feet on the streets

But don't you know?

There's something I can feel when I breathe

I told you once You're breaking into separate parts

But don't you know?

It's something that I can't live without

And if somebody's going to make it then this somebody ought to be you

And I keep telling my reflection

Ambitions are already starting to fade

I can't tolerate

The feelings that I feel when I feel

But don't you know?

Some feelings never seem to let go

Like a silverblade I cut my way out of control

But don't you know?

Some blades will cut you right to the bone

And if somebody's going to make it then this somebody ought to be you

And if somebody's going to fake it then this somebody, somebody is you If it's me that was going to take it then I know that it wouldn't be straight

And I keep telling my reflection

Ambitions are already starting to fade

I Can't tolerate... (Can't tolerate) I Can't tolerate... (Can't tolerate)

By Donkeyboy, Ambitions

(Actually, this song by Donkeyboy represents a kind of method for discovering when you are subjected to either awful threats or subliminal torture in your mind that has taken place in the past! You should always feel GOOD!)

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418820/torture-schemes/.)


The "Soft Power" of Psychiatry

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:38:00 [CET]

Amnesty International, I hold you to it in case of torture taking place domestically, ie. UK, and in Europe. I get the notion that you have many histories in your archives and informally. Even if the torture cases are few and far between, they can be deadly severe. I address you directly as you are "a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all." It seems to me that you like very much to focus on the high society's moral worries and not the dirty instances of people barely able to speak and stay clean. Obviously, I sense it's nice of you to issue the problems of poverty that may turn out to be the root of those other problems you issue, "the release of prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners" and the rest. However, Europe is considered among the most advanced and this is good, of course, but it also brings problems of a different nature like that of hidden torture schemes, due to blatant corruption, subjecting mostly those who are easily muted, the very young and not so young. I will at least be vigilant and follow the cases I get to hear about. Now, I haven't mentioned so much the header of this contribution to my blog, the "soft power" of psychiatry, but it's my opinion that psychiatry should be one the most important areas to keep an eye on regarding the human rights for the aforementioned people who are silenced.

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418819/the-soft-power-of-psychiatry/.)


This is the start of the WAR on grotesque (facts)!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:35:58 [CET]

As much as Truthout.org is about truth, I'm going to shout TruthOut on the grotesque actions by people and their victims. I'm not going to be the one pulling punches or holding back on the firepower. Call me relentless!

To make the first issue, I can name the phenomenon of "autoamputation" where beings drop a part of their physcial self. Now, in humans this is barely known, mostly mentioned by people of "special" interests. If you find me wrong, let me know!

It's my experience that Norway is not what it seems when it comes to humanity. I believe there are certain accepted doors the hideous, grotesque people walk through to carry out their very mistaken agendas. I really want you dead! F+ck you!

Victims of the grotesque are welcome here with me! Feel free to contact me!

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418818/this-is-the-start-of-the-war-on-grotesque-facts/.)


Svik! (Some Norwegian writing.)

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:32:05 [CET]

Stein Erik Hagen er ikke akkurat Albert Einstein. Folk i NORGE har støttet han med det logistikksystemet han har satt opp. Kjøpmannsbransjen er ikke noe revolusjonerende forretningsområde. Her har kanskje folk gått og kjøpt dagligvarer i tro på at de har handlet i tråd med norske interesser, kall det patriotisme. Jeg skal like å se hvor godt SE Hagen lykkes i fx Tyskland med å sette opp et Rimi logistikksystem der eller noe annet sted for den saks skyld. Selv om Hagen har gått fra å være kjøpmann til å være investor burde han vise respekt mot de som har vært lojale og hjulpet han til rikdommen. Jeg mener MARKEDET hans har vært NORGE og han har blitt milliardær. Er det noe å syte for? Hagen, flytt formuen din til utlandet, men jeg og andre vil sikkert huske det og sørge for at andre kan ta over din høyst lønnsomme posisjon i det NORSKE markedet! Har Hagen blitt fattigere over de siste fem år tatt i betraktning at markedet kan svinge noe? De syter i nedgangstider og smiler når året har gitt dem mer enn 10% fortjeneste. Det norske systemet og dermed markedet er meget bra og vil være lønnsomt i all fremtid, med eller uten Hagens formue. Skål!

(From the original blog: (coming, I'm just sorting out some sh*t with a dumbass or two over at Lycos/Angelfire) .)


Iran at the Present Moment

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:30:45 [CET]

Just so it's stated somewhere: if Iran declines into a more dogmatic priesthood and society in general after this conflict, I will indeed BLAME you, the media. We have seen significant improvements in the Iranian society with the political debates over the election, the openness presented to media prior to the election, and I believe the censorship hasn't been that awful either. The media may have contributed to the escalation of this conflict to the degree that the fundamentalists will overtake the society, putting the emerging positive tendencies to waste. I'm following this!

(From the original blog: (coming, I'm just sorting out some sh*t with a dumbass or two over at Lycos/Angelfire) .)


Guns in USA

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 13:28:56 [CET]

Handguns are a serious problem in U. S. A. so I suggest a possible arrangement. People who have a handgun license should be required to be a member of a gun-club. People who have license for rifles should have an active hunting affirmation from their local gun-club where also they are members, with which the hunting team is associated or they should be able to show an active target practice. There should also be a certain fee associated with gun ownership. Gun-clubs should also have associated psychology/psychiatry-services registered with them. Now, in the cases where offenders come from a certain gun-club, all its members lose the possible repayment of the annual fee. Maybe gun-clubs can have the possibility to use half the sum of the annual fee to membership activities or repay the members. Half the annual fee goes to a fund for compensating victims of gun-crimes according to fixed rates or an evaluation. Maybe one can punish the gun-clubs where offenders belong with harsher economic fines. Gun-clubs will primarily be required to exercise responsible ownership among its members and encourage proper attitudes to the safe use of weapons and proper actions taken in various situations. This comes in addition to existing regulations. If there is something like this put in place, I think one can slash gun-crime quite heavily. Thanks!

(From the original blog: (coming, I'm just sorting out some sh*t with a dumbass or two over at Lycos/Angelfire) .)


Being and Worlds

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 12:57:46 [CET]

I am and my being of perception is my internal world. This internal world is my mind, but since I have a mind and genetics tell me I'm a genetic representation of my parents, the function of the mind must follow my being that has been given the birth by my parents, therefore my parents must have minds too and as people die, my parents will and I remain. As my parents represents others who also die, I die. That which remains when I'm dead, is the external world, the world between myself, my parents and others.

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418837/being-and-worlds/.)


Developed World as a Fortress

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 12:50:25 [CET]

We should bring the developed world into a fortress in order to make good development and structuring within it and to bring sound development to the developing world. We should turn the military budgets into aid budgets and, yes, world peace now! As one increases order and welfare within the fortress, one creates a sentiment to increase the aid to the outside and thereby making it possible for ordinary people to have a whole-hearted dedication to the "outside", the developing world. Basically, I agree with the Deep Ecology-movement, but without the suffering of the developing world.

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418836/developed-world-as-a-fortress/.)


World Population Reduction

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 12:46:49 [CET]

To reduce the world population should be the strongest claim made by the environmental organisations. It is amazing that nobody is shouting it aloud. Reduce the world population by making fewer babies! The developed world should lead the way in this matter. This may also help to get developing countries to the level where developed countries are. Rates of reduction should be worked out by the UN and reduction rates should also reflect solidarity so that no country stands unaffected. Thank you!

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418835/world-population-reduction/.)


Scientology and Reincarnation or Past Lives

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 12:24:18 [CET]

From http://www.scientologytoday.org/Common/question/pg24.htm:
Does Scientology believe in reincarnation or past lives?

Reincarnation is a definite system that is not part of Scientology. But, it is a fact that unless one begins to handle aberrations built up in past lives, he doesn’t progress.

The common definition of reincarnation has been altered from its original meaning. The word has come to mean “to be born again in different life forms” whereas its actual definition is “to be born again into the flesh of another body.” Scientology ascribes to this latter, original definition of reincarnation.

Today in Scientology, many people have certainty that they have lived lives prior to their current one. These are referred to as past lives, not reincarnation. Past lives is not a dogma in Scientology, but generally Scientologists, during their auditing, experience a past life and then know for themselves that they have lived before.

To believe one had a physical or other existence prior to the identity of the current body is not a new concept—but it is an exciting one.

In Scientology, one is given the tools to handle the upsets and aberrations from past lives that adversely affect one in present time, thus freeing one to live a much happier life.

(From the original blog: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/t_daemon_lea/blogT/index.blog/1418832/scientology-and-reincarnation-or-past-lives/.)


11/12 (Next 20 to go, to nr. 12)

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