Tuesday, 4 October 2011

On the Future of Philosophy of Mind

Considering various strategies to explain (or to best explain) Philosophy of Mind, one adds, usually, all the good point, i.e., Behaviourism, Mind-Brain Identity Theory, Functionalism, Causal-Theoretical Functionalism and Substance Dualism!

With Subst. Dualism in the sense of Monads/the Monad and in explanatory union with Physicalism (firing of synapse, ALL thinking happens in the brain unless Out-of-Body) then it's just to add these other explanations to get a FULL dish and explain the Mind from all possible angles! I'll write some more on this, but I think you get the idea for now!



  1. For now, I think the hardest nut lies in how to approach the question of Non-Reductive Physicalism and Reductive Physicalism! We'll see what the future brings! (I've also added a Dualism strategy in Phil. Notes... that has a more gentle approach to Dualism than the dramatic approach of the Van Lommel studies (incl. Dr. Sam Parnia). Good?)

  2. In case you want argue against Substance Dualism (in the classic sense) I want you to provide the usual physical stats, i.e., wave-length, type of particle, physical description, the laboratory set-up of it and all the rest that pertains to the _academic_ (not some Mysticism or "Black Magic") subject of _Phyics_! So go to your work or not, please (heh-heh, and good luck with that)! ;-)

  3. Without caring so much about writing a little known concept _at the time_ correctly, I've been misspelling monad by writing monade and monades. This is now going to be corrected on all my writings including fx. "the God/NDNID-page. Alright?

  4. "the God/NDNID-page". Alright? Missing "

  5. Emergentism _can be_ included in some sense, but this is not more than in the sense that we have evolved from lower forms of life, possibly/likely all the way down to magma/lava and crystals (monads of kind)! Good?
