Monday 21 November 2011

Facebook XX - Including the Idea for the 4 Million Capacity Emergency Phone Number

Various blog posts (7) - I've decided...
This is the Blog over Various!
This is the Blog over Various!

Ved anmeldelse...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 05:04:40

Jeg kan legge til et par nyttige linker til Politiet til:​r/anmeld_et_forhold/ . Det kan være verdt å nevne at man burde ta med seg 3 formelle punkter som er nevnt under fx. anmeldelse av sykkel.
Her er siden om hvordan man skal gå frem når man skal klage på Politiet:​r/klage_pa_politiet/ . Jeg har mistanke om at Politiet har skapet fullt av skjeletter så det er bare å gi de inn hvis man får sjansen! Husk også å få navnet [dvs. politioffiserens tjenestenummer] på den du leverer anmeldelsen til!


Anmeldelse til Politiet - Råd...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:58:48

Jeg vil bare nevne følgende: når man henvender seg til Politiet så har man ALLTID rett til å levere anmeldelse! UANSETT! Det kan også være lurt å spørre/finne ut navnet på gjeldende polititjenesteperson. Det kan også være lurt å ta med seg en ferdig formulert anmeldelse når man har bedre anledning hvis det er mulig å gjøre det slik.
Så budskapet er dette: vær hard på Politiet! Og ikke vent med å bruke advokat hvis det synes å være det beste/rette.
Det kan også lønne seg å være to stykker når man henvender seg til Politiet eller søke støtte per mob.tlf. Dere finner ut noe...
Jeg har glemt å legge til at jeg synes halve problemet med kriminalitet er løst hvis man bare får REGISTRERT (hos Politiet) hva som er galt og dette er grunnen til at jeg er hissig på dette punktet! Man skal også huske på at det i ettertid kan lønne seg å se tilbake på en eventuell anmeldelse sammen med private notater (hvis man har noe sånt) og alt annet gjennom livet. Det er bare på denne måten man kan begynne (personlige) korrigerende tiltak på en situasjon man for all del VIL løse! Lykke til!


Norge og det politisk korrekte...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:55:37

Jeg finner det bemerkelsesverdig at min gruppe om Menneskerettighetsbrudd i Norge faktisk er den eneste. Snakker om klubb... I Norge er det politiske korrekte i HØY anseelse! Jeg tar dette til etterretning!


China and EU in relation to U.S. American hesitation on the START-agreement...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:54:09

This has been written a while ago while the Senate of USA has been pondering about the START-agreement. Tip for China: also make the demand (over the START-agreement), that is, along with the EU, to USA, with a camera crew on the tail, and thereby demonstrate superiority over a flawed Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize judgement and use this, of course, also on the home field, by broadcasting and just tell the Chinese people what a beautiful nation China is!
I'm happy with the recent development of the U.S. American senate to finally approve the ratification of the START-treaty and I think it's wise to move in this direction as well, along with Pugwash! (On 23rd Dec. 2010.)


Politiets representasjon på nettet...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:52:16

Jeg vil gjerne gi litt ros til dagens presentasjon på internett av Politiets nettsider: .
Det er flere ting som gjør dette. Bl.a.: rapporteringen av kriminalstatistikk her:​er_og_analyser/statistikker_og​_analyser/ og disse relativt nye tipsene for opptreden i lys av kriminalitet, her:​politiet/ . Her får man fine råd fra Politiet når det gjelder å unngå krim. og hva man skal gjøre hvis det skjer kriminalitet mot en selv (og som man forsåvidt kan gi andre tips om).
Alt i alt så finner jeg at det er sjanser for å fortsatt være et menneske i det norske samfunnet, å være anstendig og at det gjelder å være hard på det å gå til advokat i tilfelle man synes eller finner at noe er galt (som ved prosedyre-/instruks-feil). Så mitt råd er å være (h*lvetes) skeptisk og være forberedt på det meste når man skal gjøre bruk av offentlige tjenester.
I å være forberedt så mener jeg det at man tenker litt igjennom hva mennesker og samfunn er og at det å betrakte mennesker som dr*tt kan være greit inntil det er bevist at tjenestene har vært av noen/bra kvalitet, rett og slett at jobben er gjort!!!


To English speaking people and the texts in Norwegian...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:48:47

To English speaking people, just in case you are interested, you can indeed use Google Translate that I've also advised you to do on Twitter. There are posts here that are mostly of Norwegian concern as I KNOW Norway inside-out! It's therefore presented in Norwegian only even if some of the writings are in English. Make yourself comfortable, please. Cheers!
I may also have pointed this out earlier in relation to the blogs.


A Fatality of Sentiment

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:46:44

If some members, as routine, of society are pinpointed for this, a gruesome death, and suspected murder, possibly from long and painful medically assisted torture, on a subcultural level, it's devious indeed and should be resolved, a blatant ethical requirement! Yet I sense psychiatry is easily muting such claims for being hysteria and "fantasy"! I'm also by the opinion that this is set up ONLY for the sake of "monkey-business" and assuring the compliance of people, whether this or that!
(This may be the 2nd time this is posted by which I'll later remove it.)
The writing above is also obviously a blatant violation of democratic/principles of human rights and can only be seen as SHAME!


Politiets status i samfunnet...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:44:39

Det er garantert slik at Politiet er DEN viktigste organisasjonen i samfunnet på den måten at de kontrollerer fysisk makt (med våpen og annet og i det sivile, ikke militær tilstand) og burde ha nok SYSTEM til både å beskytte seg selv og gjøre en skikkelig jobb! Halve politiets jobb er gjort bare REGISTRERINGSSYSTEMENE er tilstrekkelig effektive (at publikum kan forvente å bli tatt på alvor ved henvendelser til Politiet enten ved tips eller som offer/pårørende). Man kan for eksempel gi politistasjonene grundig videoovervåkning og andre sikkerhetssystemer slik at "objekter" (inkl. personer) som går inn og ut er både nøye kontrollert (trygt ut og inn) og identifisert i forhold til intensjon (f.x. politipatrulje på vei inn med arrestert person, person på vei inn som bruker av tjeneste med kanskje anmeldelse).
Jeg finner derfor at Politiet har definitivt INGEN unnskyldning for å gjøre en dårlig jobb! Dette er ivhertfall min oppfatning delvis som reaksjon på denne undersøkelsen at politifolk er så "stakkarslige", dvs. utsatt for trusler, mentale problemer, trusler mot familie, etc.
Dette er ENDELIG. Her går den absolutte LINJEN! Som sagt, jeg vil f*en ikke høre en j*vla unnskyldning!["Denne undersøkelsen" ble gjengitt av TV2 og kommer FØR den mer flatterende undersøkelsen av Rambøl[l?].]


Modern signs in modern times, further...

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:43:41

- The Silence of the Lambs. Du kan jo lage konspirasjonsteorier utav denne, men jeg tror det er viktig å tenke på Hannibal Lecter som en symbolsk figur for et større apparat av tildels utdannede mennesker, spesialister/eksperter og at denne "crazy-dude"/morderen er denne personen som har hatt Hannibal som (animal-) handler og som muligens tror at fordi han er UNDER i status/makt så er han OVER i status/makt som er typisk for schizofrene(/psykopater) som ofte uttrykker kontradiksjoner. Det er jo klart at denne filmen er DRAMA i ordets hardeste og sanneste forstand hvor denne etterforskeren som er, uskyldig nok, en kvinne som er satt på denne utrolige saken som mest kynisk kan ses på som et spill, en del av det uendelige(?) samfunnsspillet hvor menneskeskjebner kastes omkring som spillbrikker uten noen verdi i seg selv.
Det kan jo sies at denne brønnen uttrykker kunnskap om denne personen som er I den, men ("he-he") også at hun er på dypt vann (snart drept). Well (brønn) - well (bra) - vel, vel, her kan det jo være noe om denne morderens sinn om brønner også. Uansett, psykiatrien har nok (dyp) kunnskap om overgrepsofre (jf. med denne personen i brønnen og de andre ofre) og deres livsløp(!) og skjebne! Nok sagt!


"Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon" i forhold til "Den universelle"

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:42:13

Det er forsåvidt en forskjell fra FN's/Universelle MR i forhold til "honour and reputation" i punkt 12 i den Universelle.
Men dette er tilsvarende den vanlige injurie-lovgivningen i Europa/Norge og dette "1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." som er artikkel 8.


"Den universelle erklæringen for menneskerettigheter"

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:40:18

"Den universelle erklæringen for menneskerettigheter" er her, hostet av FN, link:​/udhr/ .


Formålet med gruppen på Facebook

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:37:22

Beskrivelsen for denne gruppen er følgende:
"Dette [Menneskerettighetsbrudd i Norge - Aksjonsgruppe (9)] er en aksjonsgruppe for menneskerettigheter i Norge som vil sette søkelyset på nettopp dette i en kontekst som er utradisjonell og som går utenfor det politiske etablissement og konvensjoner. Denne gruppen er rett og slett laget for å bryte hegemoniet til Amnesty International i Norge og for å fremme andre vinklinger til denne problematikk som de andre politiske aktører har latt/"latt" være å nevne! Derfor dette artilleribildet!
Det er ikke å legge skjul på at jeg ønsker en NY europeisk "Citizens' Action for Better Justice in Europe" eller noe lignende! Velkommen!"


Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:34:59

Wikipedia siden for den Europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon er litt dårlig.

Her er den i sin helhet fra Lovdata:
Link:​9990521-030.html#EMKN-A13 .


Modern signs in modern times!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:31:31

- The Evil That Men Do (1984). The title should have included women, someone notified me. Doctors torture as well. The healer is the dealer. Finally, I think have hit the right movie! Some 12 years have gone since I saw this movie, but it is something about a torturer nicknamed 'The Technician'. It is very educative when it comes to the moods these people hold against you.

- D.A.R.Y.L. Reverse engineering and asshole management.

- The Changeling. If you begin to show abilities, they will cuff you to a wheelchair.

- Rainman. These people buy and sell human beings. It is pretty psychiatric and pretty 'autistic'.

- Silent [Moral] Fall. Richard Dreyfus and the classic comment: It is incredible what these people can achieve during extreme pressure.


Menneskerettigheter fra begge sider!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2011-01-05 04:29:10

Det kan nevnes at det kan ses på som en Menneskerett å bli kompensert for en idiot som begår overtredelser mot et samfunn. Fra dette synspunkt så er det ikke sikkert Dødsstraff er så galt, enn si strengere straffer, legalisering av pepperspray og en litt mer "lenient" våpenlovgivning. Jeg er imot en type "skitten" europeisk tradisjon som ofrer moralen for freden! Jeg er også av den oppfatning at en mer utstrakt overvåkning ved videokameraer i det offentlige vil fremme de gode menneskers interesser! Jeg kan nevne video-overvåkning i busser som jeg tror har betrygget buss-sjåførers hverdag betydelig.​hp?sk=group_169414316424981&ap​=1 ! Dette er linken til en gruppe jeg har laget på Facebook. Jeg kommer til å poste flere innlegg her på bloggen fra den til de er på samme innholdsnivå begge steder.


The Blogs are now parallel! 2nd!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:29:52

For the 2nd time: It's a pleasure to inform you that the Blog on Angelfire and One are now of equal status and that they from now on run in parallel! This is basically only a technicality to ensure availability on one or the other site, just as with the sites, themselves! Welcome as reader and a possible friend in philosophy and other enterprises!

(Out of strange behaving website blog from Lycos/Angelfire, various morons and stress and tiredness from myself accompanied with all the mistakes, you get this message for the 2nd time. Sorry! :-D :-D :-D )


The Israel-Palestine conflict - Seeking to solve it!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:24:49

I've written this writing (in Norwegian) to the Committee of Palestine, a Norwegian
committee, I believe, 02:44 AM (night...), Tue 16. Nov.

The writing basically consists in this:
* Why isn't the UN and the EU (among others) on the spot/in the area
with their own, coordinated, observers and work-groups (engineers and
leaders/organisers) on both the Gaza-strip and the West Bank?
[Edit, Unsp.:]
* (Loosely with/by unrealist42:) The observers should use the latest technology in their mission, possibly web-cams for observing the check-points! unrealist42 suggests the use of web-cams for monitoring the check-points directly to the internet by full publicity. This may be too radical, but a moderated use by the observers can be a valuable contribution! Indeed, the latest technology should be applied as in all other (modern) countries so that Palestine can enter contemporary standards on all fronts, including industry! [End of edit.]

* There should be an updated map for the areas of conflict where (as on
the Google maps) one can find check-points, surveillance cameras,
the Wall, the settlements, special conflict-zones, operating UN/EU/others'
activities and all other activity (like "finally" imported goods to the Palestine

* I also think there should be a COMMON web-portal for this conflict that is leaded
by UN (in the same fashion as WWF's web-presence). Here I suggest that all activities, in progress and in planning, are being presented/communicated. One should also emphasise the importance of transparency (no side "fools"/"undermines" the other).
* One may also have a money-effort surveillance page under this common portal that displays the actual effort (and direction) to the Palestine areas (and in the long run seriously undermines any hidden support for the tunnels into the Gaza-strip).
* One may also have a "tally" count on the number of people involved and what they do!
* I may come to add more points as we go, but I must say that I think the quality of the "engineering" work for ending this conflict could have been far better and had a better progression! I hope this improves in the immediate future!

[Edit, as extra compared to the email:]
* An addition to this writing on this forum: It should be a standing requirement that the representatives for Palestine accept Israel as a Jewish state on EQUAL footing as Palestine probably announces itself/looks upon itself as a Muslim state (i.e., the sound/massive support of Hamas, a rather (moderately/strongly) Islamic oriented political party). Poor people also tend to mind religious matters more strongly than fx. the affluent Europeans without this being a point, but rather a remark one can lend one's eye to.
* Also, I think the Israeli rhetoric has improved greatly for the last month or so. Though, it's seen as quite provoking that they push on these settlements to this degree.
* One report I've read, says that Israelis choose the settlements mostly for economic reasons and it should be possible to change this incentive or at least highlight it.
* (Loosely by Typist:) The world should support both Israel and Palestine as equal/symmetric states. Hopefully spurring both nations into prosperous, peaceful economic cycles of partnership, cooperation and to the service and benefit from and to the world.

[Edit, 17.11.2010:]
* In relation to the conflict (I-P), I'm also interested in the status of the Palestinian airport and the arrangement for Palestinians to communicate with one another between the Gaza strip and the West Bank. I'd also like to know the routines for moving between these two areas (physically, as the areas are indeed physically apart).
* Communications do include phone connections, mobile and "regular", as well as internet. I'd also include the aspect of communications from the Palestinian areas and to the world at large!
* It must be pointed out that despite the long coast line of the Gaza strip, the Palestinians have no harbour whatsoever! Even the fishing vessels have come under fire or harassment from time to time. There is no problem in conceiving an Israeli administration of a Palestinian harbour during a period of transition!
* There should be no problem in incorporating these concerns into this web-portal if only as static reports or points. [End of edit.]

[Edit, 12.12.2010:]
* It should be mentioned that as Israel is a perpetrator and that it is reluctant to acknowledge valid borders to Palestine, its victim, this may be pathological and the issue should therefore be openly demanded as a few countries already have recognised Palestine an own state. Thus the next point on my "list" for an underlying plan to highlight steps that are needed, is that Israel makes it clear what borders it recognises so that this "pathology" can be safely scrapped, which is most welcomed by the whole world, I assume.
* This website with this map should clearly mark the 1967-borders and the eventual contemporary borders Israel accepts today if any. [End of edit.]
(Sincerely yours,
Mr. Terje Lea)

[Edit, 16.11.2010:] A comment on the side, pertaining to the settlements. It's a fact that the Swiss have been
addressing the Israelis for making Palestine look like a Swiss cheese (a cheese, as we all know, is known for
for its "holes" (bubbles)). [End of edit.]
PS: Let's end this together! (Joke?)
PS2: Typist is a user at the Philosophy Now forum. This entire writing has first been written on this forum.
PS3: unrealist42 is a user over at​m.
PS4: This plan is updated today, 15.12.2010, despite my protest by not writing. However, don't interpret this as I'm beginning to write again (on my websites).
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1420534/the-israelpalestine-c​onflict-seeking-to-solve-it/.)

Advise to India on 6500 Child Deaths a Day!

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:20:06

There's report of an article in the Lancet that I like to give my opinion on as advise. It's written by a group of med. doctors from India.

The factors to a possible solution:

* Enforce a one-child policy (especially toward the poor and the use of forced adoptions, etc.).
* Public education on family planning.
* Public education on sex.
* Public education on cleanliness.
* Make greater emphasis on procedures at birth incl. birth facilities standards (I reason that hospital/birth clinics are the safest and thus the normative).
* Advocate and publicly promote more use of contraceptives (pills and condoms).
* Possibly set up child houses that are governed so that children to some degree grow up without the extreme (debilitating) effects of poverty (incl. dirty environment and other health hazards).
(This has first been written on the Philosophy Now forum, 14.11.2010.)
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1420422/advise-to-india-on-65​00-child-deaths-a-day/.)
Nytt utseende - Downs?

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:18:27

En spesiell hilsen: "Ja. Hei der. Det er meg, ja. Er jeg hos en kosmetisk klinikk? Ja. Da vil jeg gjerne bestille nytt utseende, ja, sånn Downs Syndrom utseende. Det er mulig? Åh, det er populært, javel. Takk." Dere er gode, kjære nordmenn! Luv u! Nuss til hele Norge!
(Nå lyder også RSS: En obskønitet! High Performance! Delivered!)
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1420117/nytt-utseende-downs/.​)


My opinion on the likely outcome of the US American midterm election

Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:16:43

I'm disheartened of the likely outcome of the result of this year's US American midterm election.
USA is usually referred to as "the land of the free", but the outcome of this election is going to make USA "the land of the rich and the land of the deprived"! The economic analysis of the economic performance under the Republicans and Democrats, respectively, shows a deeper segregation in income under Republican government.
While I have been encouraging a shift toward VAT along with a CNN anchor, I find that this choice toward the Republicans will continue this deep flaw of USA with a relatively large part of the population in varying degrees of poverty.
USA, you have chosen a segregation between the rich and the poor. This is what you want and this is what you get! I will remain stalwart on the hope of USA becoming the a better option for all, rich and poor, choosing a better humanistic picture. We'll see...
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1419961/my-opinion-on-the-lik​ely-outcome-of-the-us-american​-midterm-election/.)

(20 next on nr. 8)
for 3 minutter siden""

Idea for Emergency Number 112/911: why aren't the emergency services equipped to to accept a large number of emergency calls (4 million or higher)? Considering Skype and general IP technology, I think the time is ripe for setting up a better system for the emergency services so that ALL calls are registered (by actuated bandwidth) and on First in - First served principle. This means, possibly also, that Police can inform the public (by virtue) on how to patient to the emergency phone number service in case of expected phone-jams. This can be done by TV address, the usual behaviour addresses to the public and by a special notification on the Police website. Thus both the Police and "widen" and become better on registration and the public can be better educated to this end! Cheers!
for 32 minutter siden""

In addition comes an experience based number of Police operators/Emergency workers on the central service or where the calls go to, regardless. You can also improve feedback service on par with sms service to cell-phones. Perhaps, by voice recognition of email address by script encouragement and automated repeat for approval.
for 28 minutter siden""

there are a couple of errors in the OP, just so you know I know of them. The informality of this Facebook medium gets to carry it, regardless, no less respectful to you as such. The errors are clearly on me!
for 25 minutter siden""

Regarding Ken Rogoff's statement, "If you grow slowly, public debt blow up on you!" (or somewhere similar, in GPS). This is obviously false (by this interpretation)!! The answer to public debt is discipline (on the public budget) and that you think from one year to the next. Otherwise/on the other side, his statement feels like a declaration of war against the world to the extent that the world outside USA is demanded to economically support the U.S. American public. If this is his true meaning (that's probably wrong apart from my perspective on it from outside USA), this is so stupid, I can't express it in words!!! (Under the UN though, we're still equally happy as yesterday)!
for 40 minutter siden""

As tip
Regarding the "Crucial Eurozone Meeting" title on TV, I think it's reasonable still to say that we have a lot of "bandwidth" to rely [on] compared to the Euro-Dollar value. Even then, we might live on half the Euro to the Dollar in value, and still be able to breathe, and promote exports [to] that. We should remember that the value of the "bandwidth" in question is enormous and quenches the debt "crisis" quite easily. A sidenote may be that it presents itself as desirable to trust the Greek with "Fraternite" (of the French) and consider their contribution to the Euro in absolute terms, adding their services (that delicious tourist experience) and their goods! Cheers! This has been delivered to both Der Spiegel (by Spiegel Online) and to the BBC.
for ca. en time siden""

Only on BBC Have Your Say:
Why isn't USA considering the utilisation of the socially much more fair VAT? The Rich are taxed as they buy and don't they like to buy? You may even divide the VAT into 2: one for goods and one for labour (and services). Good?
for ca. en time siden""


  1. Idea for Emergency Number 112/911: why aren't the emergency services equipped to to accept a large number of emergency calls (4 million or higher)? Considering Skype and general IP technology, I think the time is ripe for setting up a better system for the emergency services so that ALL calls are registered (by actuated bandwidth) and on First in - First served principle. This means, possibly also, that Police can inform the public (by virtue) on how to patient to the emergency phone number service in case of expected phone-jams. This can be done by TV address, the usual behaviour addresses to the public and by a special notification on the Police website. Thus both the Police and "widen" and become better on registration and the public can be better educated to this end! Cheers!
    (From above, but repeated here for emphasis!)

  2. In addition comes an experience based number of Police operators/Emergency workers on the central service or where the calls go to, regardless. You can also improve feedback service on par with sms service to cell-phones. Perhaps, by voice recognition of email address by script encouragement and automated repeat for approval.
    [Added here: You can also dial a certain number for explicitly waiting the reach an emergency call operator, as today, with many phone services!]
    (From above, but repeated here for emphasis!)

  3. This post has been accelerated because of the 112/911 idea. I like this idea very much and I think it presents a _perfect_ idea for society on some (very) small level, a little piece of Heaven in and by itself! Cheers!

  4. I have these time-stamps for the document aobve, esp. relating to the Emergency Phone Number, Facebook, time: 06:58, date: 16.08.2011,
    Facebook, time: 07:06, date: 16.08.2011!
