Sunday 27 November 2011

Facebook XX-R2 - This is both random and unsystematic...

Last day:
Norges demokratiske øverste ledere - tvilsomme?
Norges demokratiske øverste ledere - tvilsomme?

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2011-02-11 00:49:08

Idag er det noe jeg vil påpeke og det er at jeg er skeptisk/sterkt skeptisk til (en del) av Norges demokratiske øverste ledere, både i det offentlige generelt, men også når det gjelder politiske ledere. Jeg ser ingen grunn til, under dagens politiske virkelighet, at disse ledere tilskrives noen spesiell moralsk karakter, enten det er statsministeren eller en dommer i Høyesterett. Man skal huske på at dagens statsminister i Norge har dype politiske røtter (Thorvald Stoltenberg, (mv.?)) og at det greit lar seg gjøre å skjøtte statsministerposten like mye som rabiate kirurger kan skjøtte sin kirurgi, dvs. type Dr. Mengele. Det er mulig jeg skriver mer om dette! Takk for nå!

(Dette ble først skrevet på en Facebook-gruppe jeg har opprettet 09.02.2011.)

Note: Originally posted as​.
for 42 minutter siden · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Terje Lea Emphasis: "...og at det greit lar seg gjøre å skjøtte statsministerposten like mye som rabiate kirurger kan skjøtte sin kirurgi, dvs. type Dr. Mengele. Det er mulig jeg skriver mer om dette! Takk for nå!" That is, as much as Dr. Mengele was a trained surgeon during the WW2, it's possible to "appear"/be a prime minister also! This is a _HARD_ notification to YOU! (And if you don't understand "hard" here...)

Volden i det norske samfunnet! Translation?
Volden i det norske samfunnet!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-31 06:44:02

Joda, vi beklager oss... oh, ah, oh, nå er tenåringene våre
voldelige igjen... Også skyter de med VÅPEN! Kan du tenke deg?
Våpen! Og de skal du vite, BRÅKER i en sånn grad at jeg ikke kan
bli lege selv om den sjansen glapp for 20 år siden...
Oh, ah, oh, den volden, den volden...

Joda, det hjelper jo selvsagt når vi forbyr pepperspray, er så
j*vlig begrensende på håndvåpen og er imot noen særlig overvåkning
av bybildet... Oh, ah, oh, den volden, den volden...

Resultatet av den slags lovgivning: joda, vi trer den over hodet
på barna fordi de skal bære våre synder når vi sitter der og leker
"voksenleker", og sugler i det skjulte over all slags f*enskap,
"drikke" som noen sikkert kaller det!

Så det er det, volden eksisterer i den grad vi har den i samfunnet
fordi samfunnets ledere, voksne mennesker med makt, er i akkurat den
samme grad noen IDIOTER!
Så de sier: personvern... og alt det andre...

og jeg sier: oh, ah, oh, den volden, den volden... det høres
jo så forferdelig ut, er det noe jeg trenger å bry hodet med? Nei,
folkens, la oss jobbe på noe byråkratisk, noe som helst ikke betyr
noen f*en ting som helst!!

Volden som finnes er velfortjent og den er der på grunn av dobbeltmoral
hos samfunnets ledere, godt voksne mennesker som gjør dustete ting som
å forby pepperspray og annet i den grad at vi alle er blitt medlemmer
av f*cking motorsykkelklubber av det tvilsomme slaget og narkonettverk
bare for å være på den sikre siden!
Oh, ah, oh, den volden, den volden...
(Dette har først blitt skrevet på VG (Black) Debatt/Debbath, 2010-10-01, kl. 06:35 - .)
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1418902/volden-i-det-norske-s​amfunnet/.)
PS: Det er med glede å meddele at jeg med dette er ajour med bloggene og at innholdet er nå 100% likt om enn med ulike datoer og med litt ulike kommentarer. Bloggene er nå parallelle. Hjerteligst velkommen som leser og mulig venn i filosofi og annet!

Note: Originally posted as​ Translation? Google Translation tool or other.
for ca. en time siden · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Some social thoughts on USA and EU/Europe! Danger to the World?
Some social thoughts on USA and EU/Europe! Danger to the World?

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2010-12-30 20:43:00

I'll air some concerns here that may slow down the rate the world develops considerably.

First some links:​U​SA​overty_in_the_United_States​urope

I see internal aggression in Europe and USA coming from two angles.
In USA, the general security is cut by an incredibly sharp demand for being successful, the social abyss of the disenfranchised...
In Europe, the general security is cut by an incredibly sharp social scheming with considerable corruption and crime almost to the extent that it pays to be a murderer if you're part of a larger set-up.

I like you to consider these two remarks and what it may mean to add/bring positivity to the rest of the world! These two reasons may very well be the foundation for the relatively slow ascent to a properly developed world (if not the failure of human kind, outright)! (I'll edit this entry later so that it appears less spontaneous.)
(From the original blog:​/t_daemon_lea/blogT/​/1418865/some-social-thoughts-​on-usa-and-eueurope-danger-to-​the-world/.)

Note: Originally posted as
for ca. en time siden · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Patient's Awareness, Tips and tricks for the patient
This whole (web-)page of my writings belongs to my person, i.e., © Terje Lea / Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea / Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea 2011. Make no mistake about it!

Update: 04.07.2011. Written by Terje Lea / Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea / Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea. 04.07.2011.
Since I've began the investigations on psychiatry, this page has come into mind more and more and finally presented a while later, seeing the urgency, probably world wide. The original date is this far unknown, but maybe it's from about 2006 or 2007 or so.
On one occasion, it has been republished, after the website has gone down, on the Philosophy Now forum as Psychiatric Views and Findings, by Mon. Nov. 23, 2009 7:15 am. Probably CET, but consider also GMT.
This page has first been published as Notice and Countermeasures by the filename, notice_and_countermeasures.htm​l. The publishing date that I find likely is around 28. April, 2004. This page has used to lie one step under "About abuses and torture...", by the filename, commentsabutort.html, that has the definite publishing date of 28.01.2003. Thus, this webpage even precedes my psychiatric investigations. Cool?

Patient's Awareness, Tips and tricks for the patient

Countermeasures (check routines for compensating for faulty mental health personnel):
Log/diary: Create a log or diary. Make sure you get your things through according to your planner.
Relations: Stay in touch with people you trust.
Isolation rule: Isolate if things get wrong. It may help to calm your head for a number of days in order to look at the basic things over again.
Counterthreat: If you can counterthreat, it may be helpful, but you should be ascertain that you have the odds... On the other hand, it may be wise to keep things in secret from your enemy in order to get to results.

Formalization: Make sure you seek a formalization, like seeing a therapist or a physician. If you have knowledge, you should make a complaint right away for the sake of record. You shouldn't worry too much about making a complaint. It can only help you!
(I add some words to help people overcome trouble from living under the power of lunatics. These are:)
Make sure to get the copy, hard or soft, of the most important parts or all of your journal. Don't leave out this point!
Telepathy: It is critical that people learn themselves telepathy. It makes your everyday a lot safer. You also detect danger much more easily and your social skills become much more adept and acute.

Remark: I you consider suicide, then do not! Allow the assholes to die first (like in 1. place).
Because you are usually good and they are bad. AND see here: Here is a sound procedure of likelihood of greater chance and less misery. It follows... Farber's Theory of Suicide S = f ( PIC.DEC.DIG.TS / Su.HFT ) where the key is ( / = dividend as on the calculator).
S = Probability of Suicide
PIC = Frequency of Production of Personalities Injured in Their Sense of Competence
DEC = Demands for the Exercising of Competence
DIG = Demands for Interpersonal Giving
TS = Tolerance of Suicide
Su = Availability of Succorance
HFT = Degree of Hope in the Future Time Perspective of the Society (where you are. You can change it) NOW if you take these considerations into account of your own situation, you can quickly identify the focus of your work and efforts. (I will write more later so that it becomes more clear what to do.)
I hope you get to use this information well and I like to give you the warning that life can prove incredibly difficult and it's up to you to make the bottom line consideration on how long you want to keep going by Farber's theory above. Best wishes to you!

Good now? :-)
for 3 timer siden · Liker

Terje Leahar publisert påStatic Display of Work by mr. Olsnes-Lea

Informally, U.S. Americans and Nuclear War!
Informally, U.S. Americans and Nuclear War!

Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2011-04-27 16:42:59

I want to speculate on the reason why U.S. Americans never really can press the "Nuke the World"-button!

First of all, would the U.S. Americans be able to live with the controversy aftermath considering their very mixed society/societies, with all the ethnicities?

Secondly, are U.S. Americans now dependent on the good "energies" of foreigners now to sustain themselves?

Thirdly, there would be vast environmental impacts and would USA be able to live with this in retrospect? The full nuclear holocaust would destroy vast areas of surface terrain on land and would destroy a vast number of species in addition to the humans.

So I bet that the U.S. Americans are playing with the button in the sense that the great Atlantic and the Pacific will protect them from any aftermath effects and that they are self-sufficient with food capacities and most other minerals and mines and what have you. In theory, there might be a chance then "to create a self-delusion" to self-justify the nuclear destruction to the rest of the world, pending South America in consideration, i.e., how much of our Southies to preserve?

This is of course not entirely serious. I just want to entertain the thought with you and inform people of this notion.

I must also say that this is probably the most cynical thought you may ever get from the U.S. Americans!!! If this thought is utterly removed, the world will have nudged forward a little toward (emotional) world peace (in everyone).

One fine gesture from the U.S. Americans may be to "offer"/"allow" devastating damage to be inflicted on the themselves to remove such an absolutely idiotic thought, thus creating the military/foreign policy of "The Devastating Damage to USA" doctrine! This should make the trick, I think!

So to calm down a few people, I think we need to see an escalation before we happen to think that "U.S. Americans may be pushing the button". I also don't want our good political leaders and business leaders to lie down/back down because some idiot U.S. American is hinting toward this ridiculous notion of pushing the nuclear war button. In every case I want the fear communicated to the right people before our good political leaders and business leaders of EU/Europe/Russia(/China) are to lie down/back down!!! That is, the fear must become expressed! This is normative and please don't make any mistake about it!!!

As I understand it, MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) has been a negative notion in that it has been the main impeller behind the missile defence shield. Thus, MAD in this sense has been the scenario that one has wanted to avoid. Now, on the other hand, I suggest that in case of the World against USA, such a scenario would be seen as so crazy that the sentiment toward MAD, i.e., in the sense of the World (exc. USA) against USA, even in USA would be seen as positive and I think this is an important difference, i.e., seeing MAD in this (new) positive sense and in the negative sense (traditionally thought of as USA vs. Russia/Soviet Union).

Because the momentum for the World (exc. USA) would of course be democracy and not the (evil) communism of Russia/Soviet Union. Thus, ethically, obviously, the World is justified in devastating/destroying USA, possibly in a MAD scenario, and reasonably so in the face of such lunacy altogether.

For world peace and democracy! Cheers!

Note: I've edited this writing today, 2nd May, 2011, with MAD and (evil) communism.
Note2: Originally posted as
for 3 timer siden · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Terje Lea This document relates directly to my comment on SCRAMJETS below.
for 3 timer siden · Liker

Terje Lea This document has been uploaded twice. Sorry.
for 39 minutter siden · Liker

Terje Leahar publisert påStatic Display of Work by mr. Olsnes-Lea
I've formerly written on something one can associate with MAD (mutually assured destruction). So for assuring this MAD, I prescribe Nuclear Warheads on SCRAMJET missiles on, possibly, the Typhoons or all else (in countries except USA). These should perhaps also have curving capacities. This for now. The actual blog post is coming up! They probably know this (the military people) and I also support all other options, yet in line with overall Pugwash strategy if this can be achieved.
lørdag kl. 18:55 · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Terje Leahar publisert påStatic Display of Work by mr. Olsnes-Lea
There's an additional point that includes Breivik's "terrorist activity" and this is that his mind-set and his perception of society have been grown out of a "hate-culture" of Norway insofar as his terrorist-deeds have been hateful! Either way, the responsibility falls on Norway for creating a culture that spirals people into doing this kind of action, both the bomb blast and the massacre shooting. More (refined) later.
2. august kl. 00:04 · Liker · · Stopp abonnement

Terje Lea The other point is that no matter how many "terrorist plans" Brevik blurts out during police interrogation, he can't be charged for more than they actually find. So even if he wanted to blow up buildings all the way "down to" Brussels and the White House by plans C, D, E, F and so on, he can't be charged for more than what he has actually and substantially contributed to. Thus this, "I want to screw the world" becomes mere spurious assertions to the Police's (and the people of Norway vs.) case against Breivik.
for 2 timer siden · Liker

Terje Lea Comments are posted to TV2 and BBC Have Your Say (way down there).
for 2 timer siden · Liker

Terje Lea Charicaturely also, laconically even, the answer to sh*t in society is sh*t by Breivik! Understand, please?
for 2 timer siden · Liker

Terje Lea Such that the causation chain is "sh*t to sh*t to sh*t to sh*t" continuing possibly forever... This may be a hard worry for future people to deal with!
for 2 timer siden · Liker

Terje Lea ‎"For World Forensics and Life and the 10 Commandments!"
for ca. en time siden · Liker

Terje Lea My support to Breivik concerns: "Stoltenberg-Jugend", "anti-hate-ideologies" and (one more). Also note that the Labour-party side is more susceptible to perversion (of the most disgusting kind, i.e., torture, by its appeal to the lowest people of society. Thus if the money return is (almost) the same for both sides of pol. center, the Labour-party side wins because it is likely to "want"/want the most hideous and disgusting set-ups! Understand, please!?
for ca. en time siden · Liker

Facebook, date: 08.08.2011, time: 07:58.

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