Friday 26 August 2011

The Free Will Theorem and Quants - Complexity

Various!Posted by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea 2011-07-05 03:30:40

I think it requires complexity of heavier bodies of matter for free will to obtain.
The Free Will Theorem is presented by John Conway and Simon Kochen and the Wikipedia page has a criticism of them as a part of presenting The Free Will Theorem.
The url to it is this:

Fx. a stream of photons of visible light can only do that much when speeding away from the Sun. There is no evidence that the stream of photons can change anything in particular, let's say direction, compensating for some gravity. See Einstein's relativity for gravity effects on photons.

Also, complexity should also be required for the decision for choosing between pleasure and relaxation and exercise and feeding and hunt. Although, these properties are only present with animals and ourselves, the humans.

So unless a bigger body is chosen and the choices are somehow explicated, I think "undetermined" is too weak for giving any plausibility to it or credibility for that matter.

I think, though, that the Dr. Dick Bierman experiments of Holland show that "monades" are likely to obtain in a fundamental way, in line with The Free Will Theorem by John Conway and Simon Kochen, rather than an unknown mechanism that may be impossible to find. This is a warning to future experimenters (the physicists).

The conclusion must be that a bigger system is effectuating the free will existing everywhere whether you call it God or some strange uknown super entity of the Universe / Multiverse or whatever.

Note: originally posted as
Note: you can also read about this on Static Display... on Facebook, it's an open group of mine.


  1. On the Free Will Theorem, and Free Will, all in all, thoroughly proven, it's important to remember that Free Will lies *UNDER* science and NOT above it. Free Will or Determinism has absolutely no implication for science and the laws are of course held under the concept of "laws", because they are expected to never break!

    As laws of nature or principles, as correct description, of nature! (This is entered here as well! I think about entering it also to the primary Free Will Theorem where I've added the _neutral_ state to the Theorem of Conway's, thus remaking their Theorem to a new Theorem! This has first been added to Facebook moments ago!)

  2. Free Will has also, traditionally, in Philosophy, been considered according to the notion of "agency" and that relating to the above... Please, mind your steps.
