Monday, 28 December 2015

Rich Countries and Poor Countries - A story over the wealth of nations

This is a story of the wealth of nations and that the potential for making a nation matched or aligned. I think there's a possible story of development to the nations that are poor today. Of course, systematic corruption plays a large or larger role in some countries while all countries in the World today are affected by corruption.

Three types of countries:

The matched country - this is the country that has symmetry over the sectors of the country. Such that one doesn't over-extend or under-extend one's nations finances. The primary sectors are cared for properly and technology is prudently applied in order to provide happiness and satisfaction to the population. This enables great levels of production, all the way from low-tech production to high-level production.

The top-heavy country - this type of country seeks power through technology and is typically a dictatorship where poverty strikes the workers of the primary sectors in order to seek technology and finance military capacities. One example: Soviet Union.

The bottom-heavy country - this type of country has large primary sectors and much corruption and entertains dictatorships as well. One example: North Korea.

Cases: Soviet Union, North Korea, South Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Russia,  -(others)

Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Responsibility of the Child Protection Services - Also the Fight against Corruption

Concerning the systematic work and according procedures for first-line services, especially the hotlines for children in need of help

There's this view that the procedures for people who have the responsibility to help children who are subject to crime and neglect etc. can be expressed by a new ISO-standard. It's not complicated and the laws are most clear!

How much the emotional hand helps is very limited. We are here discussing real action.

(Norwegian, to be translated:)

Ad det systematiske arbeid og tilsvarende prosedyrer for førstelinjetjenester, spesielt telefontjenestene


Nytter ikke med følelsessnakk type det skjer med mange barn, du får nok hjelp snart (men ikke av oss) osv.

Når ansvarsforhold brytes enten det gjelder fundamentale voksen-barn relasjoner eller noe annet.

Listen over tjenester:
Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge ( )
Telefon: 116 111
Telefon fra utlandet: +47 954 11 755
Sms: 417 16 111
Gratis nødtelefon for barn og unge som har det vanskelig hjemme. Alarmtelefon er åpen 15:00 -08:00. Åpent hele dagen i helger og helligdager.

Røde Kors' Kors på halsen ( )
Telefon: 800 333 21
På Kors på halsen kan du prate med eller skrive anonymt til voksne som er frivillige i Røde Kors. Åpen kl. 14 - 20.

Ungdomstelefonen (UT) ( )
Mobil: 400 00 777
Ungdomstelefon er Skeiv Ungdom sin hjelpe- og støttetelefon, et gratis lavterskeltilbud der ungdom svarer ungdom på spørsmål om forelskelse, seksualitet, kjønn, identitet, aktivitetstilbud og sikrere sex. Åpen kl. 18 - 22, søndag til fredag.

(Informasjonen er tatt fra )

Kriminelle forhold. Barns advokat overfor politiet og rettsapparatet. Krav på hjelp. Case-studiene og beste prosedyrer på problemer i forhold til disse. Og da også henvisninger til nære personer som lærere, sykepleiere, leger, politi, helsetjeneste ved skole eller kommunehelsetjeneste.

Kriminelle forhold, enten som omsorgssvikt, misbruk, mishandling, eller mobbing/grov erting over tid.

Når man leser statistikk så fremkommer det jo ofte at tilfellene er mange, men det som ikke alltid fremkommer også, er hvem som mottar alle disse meldingene fra barn om dype vanskeligheter som gjerne truer deres liv og til sist like godt kan ende med selvmord i tenåringsalderen.

Det som dermed er kritikkverdig er at barnas fremste advokat, nemlig Barneombudet, ikke legger større kritikk på de tjenestene som skal igangsette prosesser som fører til at barna ikke entrer langvarige, smertefulle tilstander ved problemer hjemme, barnehage, skole eller annet. Dvs. disse tjenestene som skal i fremste rekke forhindre (dype/alvorlige) lovbrudd hvor barn er lidende part og hvor politiet eller andre burde inntre for å ordne opp i disse forhold det her gjelder. Eventuelle kriminelle som begår lovbrudd mot barn er gjerne også de groveste menneskene som gjerne trenger forvaring i fengselssystemet.

Derfor synes jeg det er dypt kritikkverdig at en eneste sak får pågå i lengre tid selv etter at et gitt barn har tatt kontakt med en eller flere av de tjenestene som er satt opp for å hjelpe barn. Dette synes å være enklere å løse enn vold i parforhold som gjerne avfeies “på grunn av bevisets stilling”. Altså, hvis man finner at barn er utsatt for noe så skal jo help finne sted. Man sitter liksom ikke å lurer på om barnet har eventuelle “skjulte motiver”.

Hvis ikke disse hjelpetjenestene besitter de riktige prosedyrene for å hjelpe barn så ber jeg om at de utarbeides STRAKS! Dette kan ikke kalles noe annet enn korrupsjon hvis forhold får pågå over noe tid som helst.

Det er ikke tvil om at vår moderne tid gir oss mye hjelp i form av system og gjerne bruk av internett og datamaskiner og derfor synes jeg rapportene om barns problemer er grove nettopp fordi de viser at det ikke har blitt gjort noe! Så jeg vil gjerne si at Barneombudet er skyldig for hvert eneste år som går fordi disse problemene med akseptabel prosedyre ikke er tatt hånd om, rett og slett!

Med håp om at noe blir gjort og takk for nå! (Husk at det er julen 2015.)

Med vennlig hilsen

Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Legal System - A song

(Genre: Rock, guitars, bass, drums - Rhythm: as natural, chorus like)

Intro: This song is for the abused children, for those who fight corruption and for those who have not coped, they who died for life and dignity.

"Kills on the corners", (<= dispassionate vocals) (for all the abused children, the terror everywhere and for those fighting corruption, not to say all those who have died under these difficulties)
"Kills on the corners", (<= dispassionate vocals)
sanity assassins (<= dispassionate vocals)
Legal system, legal system - where are you? (<= suppressed vocals, flat tone)

It all seems real, the lawyers, judges, they are there (in telling tone vocals, these two lines)
But of late...? Corruption... any good deeds at all?!

"Kills on the corners",
"Kills on the corners",
sanity assassins
Legal system, legal system, - where are you?

The daily life labours on, the future coming on strong
But of late...? Crime is rife, life is low

"Kills on the corners",
"Kills on the corners",
sanity assassins
Legal system, legal system, where are you?

Dignity's not here, dignity's not there

"Kills on the corners",
"kills on the corners"
sanity assassins,
only the insane is real

The death, the murder
Sanity's gone forever!

(Forever the fear...) (<=- low vocals, a kind of silent)

Background: the corruption of the World is high, more rife in developing countries than the developed ones. (More text is coming.)

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Lie Detectors - Improved Police Work and Courts

There's this strong belief in the single or combined use of these 5 methods of lie detection:

* Polygraph testing
* Voice stress analysers
* Mimicry including capillory dilation
* fMRI and its brain signals, also where it says "lie", "false" and "deception"
* Transdermal Optical Imaging (new)

These can greatly contribute to police standards of practice, routinely used. The courts have earlier been encouraged to use both video and audio recordings for lie detection in the process of legal work at these arenas.

It's also a strong belief that the combined use of all or any 2 gives the lie itself its death. That lying dies as this is incorporated on all levels throughout the legal systems of the World. That reality gives these 4 methods 100% (or near-100%) hit level in revealing lies/lying.

I'll follow up on some cases where its use can greatly influence the results. Ok? Cheers!

Transdermal Optical Imaging is presented by Kang Lee on TedTalks, by url, .

(Also see my work on ethical (moral) objectivity here: .)


Lie detectors - A more happy and religious world?

It's my view that all the injustice of the World helps the Darwinian view as a kind of lifestyle and simultaneously demoralizes religious people making them use more energy to stay optimistic and cheerful.

In other words, a just World probably helps people in getting them more religious. So how do you see lie detectors help legal systems worldwide? I think there can be more resolve to help victims of domestic violence. Not only that, but also as a kind of confirmation of the stories that enter the police, they can test all sides of a reported crime to find out who's telling the truth. This can help police greatly, IMO. It can also aid in avoiding putting innocent people behind bars. I really see no end for the benefits.



Mike Wehner @MikeWehner
December 28th, 2016 at 7:16 PM

"Lie-detecting kiosks are coming to an airport near you"

The system is called AVATAR, which is short for Automated Virtual Agent for Truth Assessments in Real Time, and is currently being tested by the Canadian Border Services Agency as well as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It’s been in development for some time, and the United States has already deployed AVATAR kiosks in “low risk” areas to get a sense of how they might handle the flow of people moving into and out of the United States at the border.

“AVATAR has been tested in labs, in airports and at border crossing stations,” Elkins told the SDSU NewsCenter. “The system is fully ready for implementation to help stem the flow of contraband, thwart fleeing criminals, and detect potential terrorists and many other applications in the effort to secure international borders.”

Lie detection progresses! Hurray! Because truth serves the people, democracy and Human Rights (eventually)!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The USA - Iran Relations - Diplomacy plays out..

The USA - Iran diplomatic relations play out and I intend to follow them. By the template of the conflict of Israel - Palestine of transparency to the public, I hope for better progress if pres. Obama hasn't accomplished this already.

Let's see, premise 1, we want a peaceful World with content citizens in all countries, including USA and Iran (well, well, if not happy directly). This implies progress for Iran, political, economic and social, probably. Remember that Iran treats its women fairly well, they're ahead of many other countries.

Iran stands at difficult economic situation as it sponsors or is accused of sponsoring terrorism by Hezbollah and Hamas, that's trangression against international norms.

It is currently under sanctions for its assumed intentions to acquire a nuclear weapon, something that's strongly unacceptable by the international society under the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty that's set up to prevent exactly such.

Iran (USA is good, internationally they do most correctly these days):
* Sponsoring terrorism, Hezbollah and Hamas. They use XXX dollars on this and they suffer XXX dollars in sponsoring these people who the international society see as terrorists trying to harm Israel.
SOLVED! * They hold 4 US Americans (3 for trying to smuggle drugs and one for killing a nun? True?).
* They presumably, until otherwise confirmed, by IAEA, try to acquire a nuclear weapon.
* ...
* ...

- For this, given they hold the 4 citizens unfairly (drugs are serious felonies in a number of countries, like China) and the rest, they suffer serious sanctions. Update, 2016-01-17, Iran releases the U.S. Americans, 4+1, after negotiations and a swap for Iranians being held in USA. This is great news indeed! Hurray! For a more peaceful world!

In wanting progress for all, for a World of justice and peace and careers also in Iran, the obvious aim is to work to reduce the transgressions in return for greater freedom as country and to yet again being seen as a plain country of the civilized World.

How? This is to be worked out, but as of now, sanctions are exactly just and should remain until better news. Also, Iran holds only 80 Mn people. There are limits to what they are able to do. Therefore, given their size, they need India, China, Pakistan and Russia to make the most of the "work" or change in the World, whatever this is. Further, therefore, their aim should be peaceful because they aren't able to do that much regardless. They have only this one goal in sight, namely PEACE! So let's see how they move about in the World.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Charleston Shooting and Justice - Guns or Not

The justice (and not only "if not guns then peace and ever so"):

It may very well be that the torture rates of USA are significantly lower because with guns people are able to revenge. In other parts of the World, one is in lack of this and therefore people commit the most awful acts against one another (more so than in USA, not an angel-country itself).

Therefore, I'd like you to consider
* guns equals less torture (less molestation and traumatizing of children)
* no guns equals more torture than if guns are present like in USA, the only country where guns are present to this degree.

Do not forget, please, that USA has become the most powerful nation based on its virtues and one of these virtues is the 2nd amendment right, the right to own arms (preferably only small arms).

One thing is to die from a gunshot, but a whole other thing is to die from torture, perhaps taken to the most extreme, both in terms of time and of mental pain. Torture must be seen as straight evil in today's World when even the military issue may be seen as excess due to overwhelming power from NATO and UN (UN Sec. Council).

Our legal systems worldwide aren't perfect, surely. But the system in USA edges more toward a desired system than in rest of the World.

Just think of where you want to live. Do you want to live in a poor country? One hears of no torture in South Africa, but is it really so beautiful? And so on for every other country...

The victims to gun violence must be seen as a sacrifice for keeping torture and widespread abuse of children to rather low levels. It could be European levels and they are not good at all!

From a citizen in Europe, a system much overrated in terms of legal systems.

The disturbing facts in terms of suicides, separating the "nature" of suicides in USA and everywhere else, purely due to selfdefence (guns being part):
It's stated that "Approximately one-half of suicides are committed by firearm, accounting for two-thirds of all firearms deaths. [21,334 of 33,599 in 2014]"[24-reference]
Those are decent suicides! In Europe we do all sorts of crazy things in order to (finally) die because either it's the corrupt authorities hunting the suicide candidates only to get more torture on them. A corruption we in Europe usually never can do anything about because the self-protection is outlawed, that is, guns, pepperspray, tazers and killer knives. And that's after the 20 times the suicide candidates "bounce" about before they die!

"The same article [USA Today] stated that there are far fewer homicides than suicides in the country; in fact, homicide rates have fallen by half in the U.S. since 1991."
So homicides are bad, but the numbers are improving and the victims have gotten the death by gun shot, not tortured a few times first as in Europe.

For the instances of torture in Europe, pick out the stats for murders, missing people and a good portion of the suicides who "failed" to die when tortured!

At spot no. 48 USA comes in with 12.6 per 100 000 people.
At spot no. 102 Norway comes in with 9.3 per 100 K people.
Hurray! At spot no. 123 United Kingdom comes in with 7.4 per 100 K people.
Now, from the above and given Europe's tendency to sodomy, corruption and lying for the facade, also for protection (because a wounded prey in Europe usually gets "taken" quickly).

You know, I happen to think that USA takes it (accepts the deaths, some also "beautiful"), all factors considered! (Don't say you're young, please, because then you have quite a bit of learning to do!)


Some additional:
Warburton, N., 2004, p. 21. The Basics - Philosophy, 4th ed. Routledge: New York The Problem of Evil. "...of the widespread practice of torture." and "...all examples of moral evil or cruelty: human beings inflicting suffering on other human beings..."

There's a further question for this 9-killer shooter. Should he see the death penalty or how long should he sit in prison because of this?

Information to the British public:
I have sent this text (the main text) to BBC Have your say and they should have strong duties in acting on this!

Also in terms of BBC World if not "BBC Europe" (I guess where they are). This is a serious matter in Europe, one that possibly propagates the most grievous torture throughout every day!

Concerning the gun debate, I'd like to question the experts/"experts" and how perverts handle guns.

Not only are perverts likely to shoot themselves in the head ("aaarrrgghh, this head must come OFF!"), but they also, generally, HATE guns, whether the thunder of it or that the shooting is "white"/good, that is, the fear to be shot by goodness, for one strange reason or other (I happen to think they hate justice, as this also is goodness.)

I find that the experts/"experts" hide the facts of perverts handling guns (poorly)!

New news: not that I let go of the corrupt (small) parts of USA, but we in Europe and elsewhere need to understand that Google, Facebook, Intel, AMD and others are purely due to US American character by respect to Human Rights and their own citizens by gun rights and other for self-defence, plus, plus, plus... This is the hard lesson for all places outside USA.

New deal in the gun debate and pro self-defence:
I think that abuse/severe abuse/torture is also about children, most certainly, and some men and women. The leader of the National Association for Victims of Violence is saying that they support lawful pepper spray and tear gas "where the police are unable to do the job". I think maybe pistols/revolvers may be appropriate and maybe, thus, avoid the debate about automatic rifles/submachine guns. As such, rifles should then be used for hunting, primarily. Pistols/revolvers only have this range of 50 m. Perhaps not the worst to control.

(What psychologists and others should have said is:) Perverts/sodomistic people/most hideous criminals handle pistols/revolvers and pepper spray poorly if not blowing their brains out directly, so there is an immediate duty to get self-defence with most people as soon as possible! Get it?!

Psychology - Relating to recent tv about Psychopaths (and other morally depraved people), they sure do know to pick a weaker opponent. Maybe they are the more likely abuser part of domestic violence, men beating their women and children.

For the military battlefield, also weak combatants?

Again, the self-defence speaks more for the good people than for the "moral deviants"/devious criminals. ("Professional") Criminals are always involved in criminal networks and therefore have an easy/easier access to self-defence (at least in Europe) as so often pointed out. Again, the self-defence can move mountains in terms of Human Rights (UDHR). Please, don't use Amnesty International as counter-argument...

It must be recognized that the weapon has always defended the faith of the religious and I am sure the religious has the toughness for the gunfight as well in such order that they usually win or get out of harms way, one of two!

You may say that you are peaceful when you are against the revolvers (or pistols), but if the World is that peaceful then the revolver is hung up on the office wall and becomes a symbol of that very peace!

(Don't try it, you "peace-lovers"!)

And don't you forget about the situation for the gun-less Jews upon the Kristallnacht! Wikipedia:

Message to NRA - National Rifle Association of America

I suggest that it may be useful to split up the 2nd Amendment into two parts.
1. that deals with militia aspects, securing the nation in face of despotism with considerations of Home Guard and Embedded Infantry and other military with the general population in such a fashion that no Despotism can take place. Also, the State by State considerations.
2. the one that deals with general security person by person. Thus I mention the removal of gun-free zones and importance of carry permit and concealed carry permit. The bump-stocks seem to be disappearing and the magazines may be regulated to proper sizes, eg. no more than 20 bullets or other. Camera-directed (automatic?) gun-turrets may also be considered. Other? You get my point.

By this, one can possibly remove some of the craziest set-ups for weapons of the military calm and also apply a more calm psychology to the population.

#DraintheSwamp #Corruptionmustdie #Evilmustdie #NRA #2A

[#TheWorld @UN] Evil gets educated in two ways. It gets free passes in the formal education system, to the very top, and goes up the road in "systematic" sadistic #sodomy. #EvilEducation #Evilmustdie #2A #2ADefenders #Religion #Ethics #Morality #AntiCorruption #UDHR #Education

#Justice #Law @FBI @INTERPOL_HQ #The4FactorsRPSL #The4Factors Step to "kill"/remove evil: #Revolvers to every home, 1-3, #Pepperspray, #LieDetectionArray, 5 methods+, Radio-based "airport" #scannerportals #NotKidding #Duty #Immediately #ASAP #Peace

To highlight the status of a legal system, USA vs. EU, for example:
Imagine to get tortured... Would you fear getting tortured? A week?
Imagine getting blasted in a bombing or shot to death... Would you fear getting blasted in a bombing or shot to death?
What would fear the most? What would prevent you from doing your daily business?

I, for one, find it impossible to take action when under the perceived threat of torture while not fearing to any particular degree getting shot to death or blasted to death by bombing.

As such, Media and or government is hiding something from the public, especially here in Norway, as the Breivik "terrorism" has done very little to scare the general public from conducting their lives.

So the silent terror of torture is recveiving very little publicity or attention in the Main Stream Media. I think this should speak louder for the case of guns as well as The 4 Factors. This is about creating a possible World of friends, not a World of "peaceful" monsters acting to your advantage.

The basic reasoning for guns to your aid, whether only for yourself or for your family:
The Bible
New International Version
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

You may think that guns are awful, but the invisible hand of torture (threats) is much, much worse!
In addition, those who are in desperate situations, on the average, gets a much easier way out of unbearable psychological/physical pains!

Suicides and guns in USA

I think it's short-sighted to ban guns from "suspected suicide candidates" because it removes a part of their escape from actual pains, mental and physical, as well as the fact that one obscures the real causes to their condition. Thus, in order to prevent suicides, one should rather work against the causes for suicides. Can one part of the causes be crime including the corruption? To worsen the ways for suicide in terms of pain and other anguish comes across as plain evil, IMO!

I am therefore compelled to see guns "to everyone" as one, fine virtue, as much as self-defence, in USA.

One solution...
I can think of, is the one to improve society by The 4 Factors. Now, USA has these guns "everywhere" and also pepper spray, but what about the other 2: lie detection array (5 methods +) and radio-based scanner portals ("against 500 conditions in human beings").

Clearly, lie detection array can be used by police internal affairs, by FBI, by common police and by the courts.

Radio-based scanner portals can reveal the abuse of science by detecting criminal implants put there by monster-physicians, including the monster-surgeons, etc. They can also make the job much easier for ordinary physicians in detecting a given condition.

We have one shooting. The shooter has a history. Let's say bullying. So who failed this shooter? We use lie detection array to reveal and punish failing school services, failing police services, failing other services which may have received cries for help from the shooter before the person becomes the shooter.

One important point is to feed the aftermath to Media (MainStreamMedia and other) and local society of these steps to reveal these failing services and the punishing of them so that future failures to provide services will be stopped or deeply warned against. In this way, one can start to provide young people and others with ever-increasing quality of services so to prevent (all) abuse of people so that the thoughts of wanting to shoot other people never come to mind.

People must also be able to object to corruption in society hence The Political Attempt must be respected, Blogspot, The Political Attempt: .

See The Declaration of Independence and "train of abuse - Despotism" in it for justifying The Political Attempt.

The 3. point is of course that the sadistic perverts, torturers of children, who can't handle guns (pistols, revolvers) and pepper spray get extra protection if the population is denied this self-defence.

The other 2:
1. The unarmed Jews before Kristallnacht and Holocaust in Nazi-Germany.
2. The financial success, might of military forces and general character of person in USA by allowing the population their self-defence by pepper spray and guns and other.

(To be edited.)

Saturday, 25 April 2015

My Philosophical Positions - Reiteration

Ethics: Kantian (Neo-Kantian), Deontologist, Moral Realist, Ethical Objectivist, I'll include Cognitivist also so that it doesn't escape in it all

Applied Ethics: Deep Ecology Philosopher and Pro-Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Philosopher.

Philosophy of Language: Artificial Language Philosopher, De Dicto - Propositional - Philosopher, Gricean in meaning theory
- Formally settling the question of language philosophy (also including logical contorversies). This is it: The further development of my position on "Artificial Language Philosophy" is this simplicity, that more or less settles it, is that as the logical connectives enter the artificial language in non-contradictory way and maintaining the strict logical requirements of being consistent, the logical connectives can be read aloud like this fx. "the logical connective NOT" to [entity] "by parantheses" and reading onwards and that this, principally makes Carnap's project crossing the finishing line! - Carnap is the Winner along with the rest of us!

Epistemology: Foundherentist (Foundationalism by photons and other quants, you can also add time and space to this, although, by Smolin, I don't bother to support more than 4 dimensions, 3 space and 1 time) and Internalist Externalist Compatibilist

Philosophy of Science: Scientific Realist, Fallback strategy to heuristic Instrumentalism and Operationalism which both include Conventionalism, Formally: Phenomenologist,  Revisionist Standard Model Philosopher and Cumulative Growth of Knowledge Philosopher or Anti-Kuhnian

Metaphysics: Interactionist, Solipsist and Quietist (there's a problem relating to the status of reality. I believe in God, being a deist, status of the mind effecting matter, the brain, taking part in the kingdom of ideas, and so on. I'd really like to put Realism in here, but I find it impossible because it's likely to cut me short), Free Will Philosopher, Truth Realist, Universalism and Particularism Compatibilist

Philosophy of Mind: Reductionist/Substance Dualist (It depends on the development of Standard Model in Physics)

Logics: Logical Realist

Philosophy of Mathematics: Mathematical Realist and Tarski-Gödel Compatibilist

Philosophy of Politics: Utopian, Activist, Welfare-Capitalist, Conservative, Cosmopolitanist, Realist, Pragmatist, Idealist (maybe synonymous with Utopian), Multiculturalist, Patriotist and Secularist (!)
- Accordance Realist Pragmatist Idealist with the all-important word Accordance. - This enters in light of my little notice that pays respect to all of these three concepts inline, properly

Philosophy of Law (as formerly written): Absolutist, Legislationist and Originalist (!), Formalist Philosopher and Legal Reasoning Closure Principle Philosopher, legal reasoning, being valid, has to comply with logical entailment and that this is minimally the claim that it does, apart from the (many book) examples that it does. (This is only a formal note, not the text for lawyers to actually having to sit and make these logical texts themselves, i.e., to burden them with much extra work.)

Philosophy of Business: Minimalist (rather jokingly, as earlier noted) (!)

Philosophy of Religion: Scientific Deist, Modern Christian, Moderate Christian, Reasonable Christian, Scientologist, Ecumenical Philosopher, Deist: (Deism & Christianity = compatible "with Bible belief intact", 10 Comm., the rest) and All-Interpretationist (math. "union-U"), but only the best acc. to sense, pref. my own, also by "The Scientific Bible 2.0 - Commentary to the Bible, All Versions".

Philosophy of Aesthetics: Kantian

Philosophy of Public Relations: That under Philosophy of Public Relations (PR), I declare myself "white-side"/anti-Goebbels.
- By this, I also note that (black-side-)Goebbels is a bloody negative study and that one must remember that he has been a core-Nazi-German and all that this brings with a personhood of deep corruption. Despite this, Goebbels must have set into operation such vastness that it would have made Aristotle drool for months after witnessing it. USA has no poss. to object to this position of mine, formal note.

Note: This is taken from my Issues from the Internet.

Monday, 26 January 2015

UN and Global Unemployment - One solution

UN handling number of factories to fight global unemployment (and indirectly, CO2 pollution)?

If we use the furniture industry as template where much of the industry stems from national production, perhaps it gets more visual where I want to take you with this idea.

Obviously, not everyone can produce furnitures, we need people in agricultural industry and perhaps aquacultural industry as well, given sea territory.

So how do we go forward from here? What do you think are the sufficient level of factories/production sites to fight global unemployment, to enable all countries so that we can reach a kind of global happiness and communion, a sharing of the bond of being human being?

That is, the power of the people commands the companies to maintain a number of factories/production sites in order for the companies to stay with the industry agreement, within the good circles of industrial life. This also keeps the premise of capitalism alive because we do not need a shift of ideology. The one we have is sufficient or necessary for progress/lower unemployment/Utopia to be achieved!

This has to be initiated by having the common household budget as start. You can't invest all your efforts into a space station because you don't have one because it has near zero impact for the household budget. And yes, your neighbour can work for you and you can work for your neighbour because principally every nation is alone on planet Earth!

Nationbuilding and 0% Unemployment
Lesson: We build a nation with 0% unemployment
We have a nation with people, say 100 million people.
Public services have a cost - say something x money.
Then we have the private sector - say generating something y money.
In this private sector, traditionally, we put in what we like by /taste/.
We start:
1. section,
Railroad company/-ies
Construction companies
Law firms
Accounting firms
Agricultural sector (possibly with plantations)
Aquacultural sector (we're lucky to have sea next to our EmployNation!)
Brewing companies
Soda companies
Tourism (raw - alpine sites with the whole set of ski slopes and other)
For beauty:
Tourism (by given nature, also wilderness by rainforests, like Kilimanjaro)
cont. (you get the idea, all company sectors possible around, also IT sector, say Hardware especially if not software, beginning with Linux core or more basic)
2. section,
We ask the big companies to settle with a factory or two in our EmployNation.
We go to Nike
We go to Apple
- Ford
- General Motors
- Mercedes
- some other car brands
cont. (you get the idea, all companies around)
So, could this be a template for our struggling 12 Mn European buddy of Greece? Possibly, you may say!