Saturday, 15 September 2012

A Possible Public Statement for Norway by WHO

There is (now) a possibility for WHO to give this public statement:

It is now known that Norway has been leading a seriously mistaken health policy and that this policy has injured its own population greatly as well as abroad (consider also "intuitions").

This is troubling us very much and we feel hostage to your failure toward good scientific medical practices and general enforcement of law and order! We are therefore logically forced to give you a warning! We're sorry!

(Concl.:) Norway, you are hereby given a WARNING!!!


  1. 1. Nationwide monkey-biz (*negative expression*) and maximum "pressure against own population"!
    2. Psychological terror against the World.
    2.1. City of Fright.
    2.2. The even more disturbing fact of accepting the ugly parts of Farsund "kommune"!

    Prediction: These are probably not necessary to mention in the public statement.

  2. 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
    Two main points: 2! Good? "And we really, really look for substantial (legal nomenclature) results!!!

  3. In encouraging WHO toward prudence on suicides, given the World Day of Mental Health of 10th September, every year, I have this to say: I claim that every future statement from med. doctors and others are now wholly unserious if they don't contain the following, _medical ethics_, _pro-suicide-legislation_, and _Dr. Kevorkian/Dignitas_ or some thereof! (Please, don't try anything STUPID in the time to come, the future!)


    (I also find the text message laid out by our national broadcaster on Monday, 10th, this year to be false!!!)

  5. And Norway continues its problems, now with own made childcare unit problems and adoption: - "Til barnets beste?"
    "Barn skal i utgangspunktet vokse opp hos sine foreldre. Nå kan denne rettssikkerheten være truet, skriver Sturla Fossum, psykolog ved Universitetet i Tromsø, og Kåre S. Olafsen, psykologspesialist."
    Psykolog og dr.philos ved Universitetet i Tromsø Sturla Fossum
    Psykologspesialist og dr.philos Kåre S. Olafsen"
    "Publisert 13.09.2012, kl. 15.16."
