Saturday 1 December 2012

Upon the Final Days of Living in Norway

...I have this to say:
In "feeling"/"sensing" these awful thoughts of getting tortured to death, medically or not, I demand the definite support of the entire World population, 7,074 Bn people, directly/tacitly or implicitly, in order to take the State of Norway to the courts and defeating the Justice Department by Minister of Justice, Grete Faremo! (Sorry, no (pathological) possibility for objection here!) Cheers!

Update, 2017-12-16:

Here you can find the legal references for my case against the Justice Department of Norway all the way up to "Høyesterett" (EN: Norwegian Supreme Court). I'm sorry that this update comes "a bit" late!

The case will be updated on here among other places, probably.


  1. Concerning my litigation of Norway, I make it also public and *known* that I've sent the Norwegian Bar Association for FAILING the collegial control of 3 disciplinary boards to both the "Sivilombudsmannen" and "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen" (Eng.: the Ombudsman arrangement and "The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs", respectively.) . .

  2. Insofar as my condition of performance as a matter of significant person, a person of intelligence, presents itself as /the/ direct insult to people, you can BLAME the (genocide-sponsoring(?), by cult_ural conn. to Serbia since 1992) NORWAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!

  3. As a matter of fundamentalist ethics and a judgement I believe Derrida will have no problem with, is this: I am serious toward all nations and at least a set of people some time into the future insofar as humanity has any value at all, i.e., the Pugwash challenge.
    This goes above or below the usual (objective) ethics toward fellow human being and provides _guidance_ for people to remain straight in terms of atrocities such as a past to Nazi-Germany, regardless, victim or perpetrator, in working toward those respectful ends where they see fit and that with Jean Amery in mind, I, too, lie down this closing to my "former" nation, Norway! End.

  4. On corrupt personalities/minds and intelligence in the World
    - My achievements
    1. Never in history has it ever occurred that people have objected to intelligence.
    2. As they whine and cry about my achievements and plan their "low" crimes, they become corrupt. Effectively, they celebrate corruption, every crime to others, all misery and tragedy. Corruption has become their hidden pleasure and "virtue".
    3. As they have become corrupt, I get accused of having corrupted them. The real reason is their own ignorance toward understanding (my achievements/intelligence).

    There will be NO forgiveness for them. Their failure to moral character is entirely their OWN! As always, they take it with them to death!

    Thus, end-note:
    Norway should be remembered for this, having objected to intelligence, grand, and "set an upper limit to socially acceptable intelligence", but have no clue of personality gradient or the very consequences themselves. They're out of control and whining about it too!

    Final: This is goodbye forever. There will be no forgiveness. The fault is ON THEM!

    TAGS/NAILS: Ethics Law Religion History Norway Forgiveness Clinical pathology Mental Pathology Pathology of Schizophrenia .

  5. Small update on main post for references in the legal system of Norway. Case is for now "at rest".
