Monday, 25 March 2013

Over Being Doing Malice in the World - The Laws and Regulations

The very failure to these "I'm with the powers"-people, they who claim to be "with" a different set of rules outside the ordinary laws and regulations by the national assemblies is that they/we fail/are OBSTRUCTED to separate the ones who are "evil all the way" vs. the ones who may "have tried to do something", i.e., working for a better World with less suffering, straight, no lying possible.

Again, the most hideous need to be accounted for by laws and regulations and that laws and regulations need to be acted upon or are acted upon, one or another, logically, in the World (and possibly beyond).

So, yesssssssssssss, I think we have this SQUARED DOWN!!!

Links and more text may be added.

Watch up for key word: operationalism and remember, please, HDI/mHDI (crime stat's incl.)

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Telepathy - the inquiry continues with new leads too

In terms of Ganzfeld Zimmer experiments (only sound isolation, no special light other than slight dimming of white light), that this way may provide better use:

1. Make sure the participants have open minds for it, that they are prepared to accept such, telepathy, or have a weak/strong suspicion towards it.

2. Make sure they are emotionally prepared, that they are told of the "respects toward own feelings routine" before entering the experiment and that this preparation can be academically improved, by a type of guidance, opposite sex/gender or not. There is also the question whether the participants should bring friends/acquaintances they are confident with, and I think this represents a good beginning, although, there are probably other ways that work too, Helsinki-Declaration in hand, general research ethics...

3. Some (para-)psychologists may have "strong opinions" on the outcome and are not fit or suitable for conducting this type of research, they should be removed from (every) possible set of researchers...

Importantly: There is also a bigger, tacit assumption to this "game" and it is how the senses/the feelings relate to this, FORCING the entire psychology onto a new direction by train rails, that a finding probably sends a battalion of idiots right out to where they belong...!!!

Important 2: That we go with alpha-numbers at 5% or lower, that the Zener cards are kept to 4, that the subjects are to choose a comfort zone as options provide inside the Ganzfeld-zimmers. That an outcome on 8% means success, if not the very numbers higher up!

Good luck!

Further note (beyond Good luck):
I find that lie-detectors can be useful as post-experiment control.
We may use these questions:

1. Have you done your best during this experiment? (Presumably yes.)

2. Have you been open to the question of telepathy? (Presumably yes.)

3. Are you convinced now to the question of telepathy? (Open to yes/no.)

Remember that the presence of lie-detectors can heighten the seriousness of the experiment (to some subjects, maybe not all).

1. One book to start with, in determining a whole field of all, papers and books alike, all "meta-studies included", but intelligently... This book fx. has an ESP topic to it: - +/- page 139. Introduction to Psychology - Hardcover: 768 pages, Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing; 9 edition (Feb 25 2010), Language: English, ISBN-10: 0495903442, ISBN-13: 978-0495903444.

2. Urls: (only Wikipedia for now, sorry.)

3. Remember to add the "Truthiness"-aspects...
as notion to the researchers themselves or others, by the questionnaires to the participants or so...

4. Here is an interesting link further: that includes "some views/findings" on the Ganzfeld studies altogether...

5. You know, when the god-d*mn sociologists can't f*cking relate to PRIMARY literature, sitting on a "golden degree" that they probably never should have had and poor in reading the very literature, if not the Scientology itself... then what about our "friends", the psychologists... Probably not all...

A note of pleasure - Cocaine - Satisfaction

The destruction of a song:

Cocaine - Satisfaction


[same calm, "stiff", relaxed voice with music and rhythm extended from Cocaine and then /taking the rhythm up/ to the body/verses of the song again?] Good?

As rehearsal, you can keep repeating these lines, maintaining rhythm and music:

Satisfaction           ...âction...

(Because the Rolling Stones' song /isn't/...)

Disclaimer: ...drug abuse pose a significant risk against human health... that... the distinction of use/abuse and "being with the doctor's program" so that things do not get "chaotic"...

Friday, 15 March 2013

Formal notices of intellectuality/copyright (by symbol: ©)

Formal notices of intellectuality/copyright (by symbol: ©):

There is a difference of an advocate of an idea and the very creator of an idea!
This goes to fx. Mr. Tucker (Transmission Argument, IEP pres.) and Mr. Kornblith (Closure Principle, conn. to Embassy to Norway).

I also like to note the dubious quality one places in a copy-and-paste-doctor ("because I've found a thing on the internet that I've copied and pasted into my own work as core idea").

Then there are always the questions of "What is the abstract of your paper/work?" and "Please, explain your paper/work in few words"... That these may present themselves as awkward to the fakie-himself/herself, and "but I'm good in writing text, that..." under a schism of kind, of police code, that you enter a dark room with a lamp lighting a table with a paper on it and that you are "expected" to approve this as exemplary/brilliant work of writing, that this person "without doubt" has profound qualities in writing literature...

Well, well, as you know... Cheers!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

The Quran - Wisdom Further - The Ecumenical World

In being interested in ecumenical work for "a while", also with Nelson Mandelas blessing/marriage into three different religions, the Islam, the Judaism, and the Christian, I have obtained two Qurans, one by Rev. J. M. Rodwell, from the Gutenberg Project, and one with the sponsorship from Saudi-Arabia, by Dr. M.  T.-ud-D. Al-Hilali and Dr. M. M. Khan.

I consider the one by Dr. M. T.-ud-D. Al-Hilali and Dr. M. M. Khan, the best, its title is "[The Quran]" - "Interpretation of the [M]eaning of the Qur'an in the English Language".

I'll add a few notes on this as we go along, but let's start with some suggestions on improvements:

1. My opinion is that "Surah" is to be included, and that "Surah" = "Chapter" can be added as remark below the Surah-index.
2. One should /not/ distort the sequence of the Surahs, like in the version by Rodwell.

These two are the formal ones I have now. If I find more, I'll note it here.
The content and interpretation apart from the technical translation issues:

1. I also would like you to know, in the same breath, that the Quran is truly a friend. Even though it contains a toughie "man-to-man" message to the Torah-reading Jews (also Taurat), it's exactly this, "we are brothers in religion, of wisdom from the Heavenly powers, man!"

There's more too that has sympathy in it, because I think it looks inviting "to all the heavenly directions", and if the man, the Messenger from Allah would be here with us up to recently, if not NOW, then he would mention Buddhism and Hinduism too, I'm so sure!

But travellin' was hard back then and this fact may well have lead to various religious books developing own societies with own cultures and the rest... This probably spells out by the reading of the Quran and I think you know it!!!

2. (There are instances of the word, "Bahai" in the Quran.)

3. (the rest that I can come up with...)

Over the quarrel(?) with the U. S. Americans I side with the Muslims, that the Christian U. S. American side has lost in that the Muslims say that the Quran is correct too!!! I'm going to look into this, but as I've now declared the ecumenical work and I consider every (of the 9) religious work as important, there can be no doubt, every religion (9 to start) is important and is correct by its particular message, delivery from our ancestors, (usually/always) including the 4 components of ethics, meaning, description of infinity, description of how this infinity is achieved, a kind of metaphysical workings by this "super-power of [God, put in your name of Buddha and others]".

Happy reading to you too! Cheers!

Note: My text may be difficult and is not recommended for people who are impatient or who have general troubles with text of standard formatting, fx. 12 pt. and Arial. Please see Chicago Manual of Style.