Friday 15 March 2013

Formal notices of intellectuality/copyright (by symbol: ©)

Formal notices of intellectuality/copyright (by symbol: ©):

There is a difference of an advocate of an idea and the very creator of an idea!
This goes to fx. Mr. Tucker (Transmission Argument, IEP pres.) and Mr. Kornblith (Closure Principle, conn. to Embassy to Norway).

I also like to note the dubious quality one places in a copy-and-paste-doctor ("because I've found a thing on the internet that I've copied and pasted into my own work as core idea").

Then there are always the questions of "What is the abstract of your paper/work?" and "Please, explain your paper/work in few words"... That these may present themselves as awkward to the fakie-himself/herself, and "but I'm good in writing text, that..." under a schism of kind, of police code, that you enter a dark room with a lamp lighting a table with a paper on it and that you are "expected" to approve this as exemplary/brilliant work of writing, that this person "without doubt" has profound qualities in writing literature...

Well, well, as you know... Cheers!

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