Wednesday 27 February 2013

Norway and Its Failures - maybe even hysterically celebrated, "because you, the other countries..."

Norway and Its Failures - maybe even hysterically celebrated, "because you, the other countries..., that contextualism has it this way, infact YOU're the MOST guilty!!!"

I name:

Norway and Serbia - FAIL (accomplice to Srebr. /itself/? 700 Bn NOK?)!
Norway to Sri Lanka and Tamils/Tamil Tigers - FAIL!
Norway to Palestinians and Israelis - FAIL!

Assets: high intelligence, steadiness, thoroughness, moral character and accomplishments to go!

Serbia: In 1992, Thorvald Stoltenberg, together with 9 Baltic Ministers of Foreign Affairs and an EU commissioner, founded the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the EuroFaculty.[2] In 1993 appointed Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the former Yugoslavia and UN Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia. Thorvald Stoltenberg was also witness of the United Nations on signing of Erdut Agreement. - .

Sri Lanka: 2006 Peace talks
Solheim announced on 12 September 2006, that the Government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers had agreed to hold "unconditional peace talks" in October in Oslo, Norway.[6]
Solheim told BBC News officials that "Both parties have expressed willingness to come back to the table. We expect the violence will be stopped. The government has throughout its existence for 10 months repeatedly told us that they are ready for talks without any preconditions and the LTTE has today confirmed that they are ready for talks without any preconditions." - Aftermath
His attempts of peacemaking was in the end unsuccessful, with the Asian Tribune concluding that "his handling relationship with Sri Lanka" was an "utter failure". - .

Israel-Palestine: Criticisms
The Oslo Accords may appear not to have considered factors that would influence its interpretation. For example, the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, in which 29 Palestinians were killed and 125 wounded,[15] is often blamed...

THEY'VE FAILED X3 (and this is no BMW SUV) - and they can whine about my 3.60 from Sr. High School and the fact that I have no degree until they puke themselves BLUE!!! THEY'VE FAILED!!! FAILURE!!!

After living under these morons (all syndication incl.) for 25 years, something, I have now a Nobel-list and greatness/great fun to impart with people of better minds!
By legacy, dead or not!!! - The list: [see below, for now]

(Quote from "Collateral", loosely, in retrieving a list.)

By verdict and not sentence, today, 25. Feb. 2013, f*ckshow of legal-Norway (Hurwegen, of blown immaterial values, at least from a /point/) rolls on as that full-brown hot-dog "to another day"!!!
That Norway is still pushing me actively, but also in hidden terms!!! (Therefore this text to you now.)


  1. Updated *and*:
    Planlegging av "Anke til Borgarting lagmannsrett"
    Det skrives:
    Anke til Borgarting lagmannsrett
    Tingrettens saksnummer: 12-197...
    Ankende part: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
    Prosessfullmektig: Selv og bistandsadvokat (etter tilkjenning)

    Ankemotpart: Justis- og beredskapsdep. ved Justis- og beredskapsminister Grete Faremo
    Prosessfullmektig: (Ingen oppgitt enda, tilsvar ikke gitt)

    Saken gjelder:

    Asker og Bærum tingrett avsa den kjennelse med slik slutning:
    Saken avvises!

    Kjennelsen ble for forkynt 25.02.2013 ved personlig oppmøte, 17 dager etter fristen som hadde blitt satt av dommeren selv, og kvittering levert kort tid etter, 27.02.2013, men også varslet samme dag som den ble mottatt.
    Kjennelsen ankes idet det anføres at: tingretten har blitt varslet om denne sak siden mars/april 2012. At saksøker har informert retten om betydelig press og høyt stressnivå pga. denne sakens alvorlige natur, dvs. sak mot Justis- og beredskapsdep. ved betydelig og grov politikorrupsjon, også ved personlig økonomisk vinning for de impliserte gitt syndikat-svindel. Dette har også medført frihetsberøvelse/bortføringer med betydelig grad av smerter, kanskje også (flere tilfeller av) tortur, også ved langt tidsrom, ca. 1982 til denne dag, 2013, men fysisk kanskje bare til en siste episode av bortføring i 1999! Denne perioden har bært med seg stor grad av overtredelser ved menneskerettighetene, EMK, menneskerettsloven, og at Norge står i alvorlig gjeld, også ved "eget ord" til utlandet i denne sak (også m.v.!!!).

    Den rettslige prosessen for min del i denne sak har vart fra mars/april 2012, allerede.
    Rettslig begjæring om anke til Borg. lagmannsr. har blitt gjort kjent per epost og "muntlig" ytring ved egen person til tingretten direkte, 26.02.2013 og 27.02.2013.

    Denne anken kan eller vil bli delvis eller helt offentliggjort!!!
    Deler av denne anken publiseres nå ved (sterke) mistanker om svindelaktig "spill" ved Staten Norges "krefter, her og der".

    (By symptom further...)

  2. Google Tranlsate: !!!

    Bing Translate: !!!

    The legal process now. Step: Lov om mekling og rettergang i sivile tvister (tvisteloven).
    Kapittel 29. Anke til lagmannsrett - .

    "LOV-2005-06-17-90 - Lov om mekling og rettergang i sivile tvister (tvisteloven)."

  3. Parts of the above *should* read:
    After living under these morons (all syndication incl.) for 25 years, something, I have now a Nobel-list and greatness/great fun to impart with people of better minds!
    I WIN! I WIN! I WIN!
    By legacy, dead or not!!! - The list: - "This is a very expensive list, "Vincent" [ed.], don't lose it (or there will be Black Pedro, and no gifts from Santa...)!"
