Wednesday 28 August 2019

The Future May Seem Dangerous in Terms of CO2 Emissions - However...

The Global Climate Change. Facts:

Temperature is rising due to higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere and this can have catastrophic consequences!


CO2 in the atmosphere can be reduced chemically and so prevent temperature rise of the catastrophic kind

in combination with other efforts such as

Geothermal energy exploitation

that makes us less dependent on fossil fuels or completely without the need for any, hence bio-fuels!

The future still looks bright! (Given some sane politicians' heads! Especially logically and scientifically!)

Connection: - MONDAY, 6 MAY 2013, "The Ecology Points - By Applied Ethics, Most Importantly and Further..."

PS1: Ozone layer holes which were predicted to be of the catastrophic kind were nicely averted by good use of science. "Coming catastrophies" by the tabloids are not always so dangerous after all!

PS2: I did get the warning by Al Gore's important message in "An Inconvenient Truth" and the data-set he presented there. It was, no doubt, important to get the story out correctly, in terms of scale of the problem, CO2/temperature correlation.

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