Tuesday, 31 January 2012

3 Ideas from under the Norwegian Torture Clinic Set-Up

I hereby make the further claim of 2 ideas (trying to be) stolen from me:
1. Protective hearing protection by electronic qualification and blocking.
2. A software method for securing connections of own origin, already in place by RIM and Blackberry via Linpro by my publishing on door to supermarket in 2003 or so at Hommersak / Hommersåk.
3. (The Scalpel) Already published or the flushing of smoking lungs or cleaning of lungs by controlled short amount of immersion of lungs (in hospital, by medical treatment).
These three ideas were all published on same A4 paper and my apartment has been attacked in connection with this and under torture clinic impossible for me to retell until now! This is now an official _legal_ claim! My software method now published must therefore be redated to Oct.? in 2003 or so! Alright!

I may be rightful in adding the the idea that led to the Smash product of Nidar, by telephone or mail or both. But in returning the respects they met a wall of blocking, both thwarting phone access and mail access to my home despite receiving the correct information and acting on it. Well, well, it's uncertain how this is to play out, but the State of Norway is *DAMN GUILTY* in disgusting violations of my basic human rights and more!

And one more: As an improvement on my copyrighted invention/patent, faxed by mr. Jan Werner by Elkem Alum. Lista (now Alcoa Alum. Lista) by my drawing of spikes by 0s and 1s (in a sense, squares) exactly like the Hall-Peroult cell interpolaric distance voltage-meter as a principle for fingerprint reading that can NOW be set up to elegantly level with glass so that the 2 metal-strips reading the fingerprints (one for extra confirmation) gets embedded and exactly levelled by glass on a surface principle where thickness is given by physical/anatomical necessity! So the levelling of glass inbetween and on sides on a surface reader principle is the new here! The whole thing should now be VERY workable and competitive with other methods like the classic direct lighted glass plate as a kind of photo... Good? PS: This origins from 1997 or so...
Inspiration comes from broadcasted crime methods by Discovery or other sent that time incl. line-ups and problems with testimonies and the rest. All in all, a forensics program! (Perfect for me, "as I've been looking for some people" (abusers and rest)!!!")

There are other "noteworthy" ideas involved here too, understatement or not, that I'd like to address, but is perceived as too dangerous to bother with at present... The number is 3!!!

* The air pillow
originating from 1991 (or so) and developed by Nike!
* Spring dart (also as principle for the radar direction, that is for the radar to operate, you only need to direct a smaller portion of its "beaming" of signals, also given by the screen defining lines by the actual screen the radar operator can see)!
"Load" - little bow to direct the "load", giving every force "a name", so to speak, as they are directed toward some place, by built in turn on the force-making mechanism inside the object to speak of.
* Spring jumpers -> hoppers to move faster than ordinary walking people can move!
I think all of these ideas are ideas from before 1991 and that being whipped onwards by the duties to school and various hardship, incl. that inflicted by a local "torture shop" has made it difficult for me to remember what the contributions have been, but the very exotic and strange set-up should be all too revealing with Kingpin Kjell Eide, being one of the tops for a deeply criminal syndicate operating from Norway of course, with this and that nutty idea and the most insidious ideas by various experts such as cognitive experts and memory experts, trauma experts and psychiatrists and psychologists! I can't be blamed for all these f*cking stupid people and I have done my best to fulfill my part as a dutiful citizen toward a decent and lawful future, one that is now more or less shattered and rolled back to an emergency set-up where the citizens are most likely to use "coarseness" to obtain services normally taken for granted if one would be following "the book"! I'm sorry for these abrupt circumstances, but innovation and copyrights play a bigger role in the World that no-one can (ever) deny and that I'm going to pursue this (as I should out of general respect) until my rightful end or death!

Under "Being under the torture clinic in Norway and these 3 ideas", I can also inform you of this: A1 is a referance in USA to myself and it has a special story! The boyband "A1" is merely a symptom of this story! Note on the Norwegian member of it, Christian Strand Nilsen or so!
I don't know why or how A1 came to be used, but I'm of the sound belief that the above information is correct!

Upon reading about the air pillow from Wikipedia: air pillow Nike "Air Max is a line of shoes first released by Nike, Inc. in 1987. Since its introduction, Nike has frequently introduced new and updated models in the same product line." I first of all claim that the patent, as the source for the idea back at 1985 - 1987, that it is up to every shoe manufacturer to produce a product based on this, because this makes me effectively the patent holder as well! The patent is FREE so to speak with no exclusive rights admitted and upon calling the 3 shoe manufacturers from this time: Adidas (Germany), Reebok in England and Nike in USA! I am at least to investigate as these people have intercepted deeply needed mail and phone calls, setting up "phone robots" early on! I hope you approach this seriously!!! Cheers! PS: I have renown from before this by NRK and other secrets that make my claim plausible, possibly also themselves! Remember also that the air pillow can have a shape of entire sole, merely needing to raise the height to accomodate it! Other: pressurised production and cell compartments in the pillow for easier control of rubber and pressure!

Studio 54 can have a special part in my life in that ("Studio 54 reopened on September 12, 1981 with a guest ...", from Wikip.) as it somehow got on air, I would have a radio-transmitter implanted by these crazy doctors, that sent a signal that launched exactly Studio 54 (this night or on this opening or during this nights show). I'm /that/ crazy to claim this. How big the radio-transmitter has been, I don't know. Also, I don't know the range of the radio-"antenna" inside of me or any other technical data. "Good?" (Sending "all the way", intermediary to this place or that, from Lunde in Farsund "kommune"/local county standing there by the crossing and Lunde Elementary School (at that time during day-time).)

One claim over the "stitcher-device", where one stitches by 100 instead of 10 - 20 and where one stitches with "lower quality", possibly, and where stitching takes place by pulling a linear device much like you pull a rope with some kind of attachment to it, or your kid on the slide as you play with the snow. This may have gone to a rich US American and a guy with CalTech? They grouped up with a Norwegian team out (of cur.?) and "psychiatry" took hold again... I have been a "declared" genius ever since then!!!
Time: appx. 1989, after studies of the sowing machine, type Husquarna...
Carefully curved needle, stitching thread, skewed holes on the linear device and suitably hard material for the device, but great care on engineering it because the needle is to curve through the flesh so as to make the stitches almost automatic!
Also by phone...

Jon Wetlesen is suspected to have a connection to the University/College (either) of Seattle by "eye-implant" and "other implants" and to (illegally) supply a group, Nirvana, song texts while studying ethics _from_ a person, myself, at this point in time!

The name where he studied me from and the place associated to in Norway: Lista Ungdomsskole, still, time, 1989, and Farsund "kommune" too! (A bit of teen-girlie inclination too..., being an older man.)

He is for sure an ethics professor, at least, and "we know that doctors are sharp", coming out of the Harbour of Death...

I now make the suspicion that Gillette blades are based on the suspended blades on grass cutters in the agricultural business and that this too need to enter the "considerations"!
Gillette, before this, used to be known (only/mostly) for the shaving foam I suspect.
Suspected time of shift: 1988 - 1990.

The grass cutters of agricultural business are connected to the wheels AND blades the same, so that when the wheel bump, the blades of the cutter bump too!

I think, with minimal insights into that industry...

Possible secret deal with Telenor...

And I just hinge "(Just) The best a man can get" onto this as well... (already a song-writer)...

There is more to I like to mention: the superglue/glue in cement or thereof, first made in 1998 by a certain firm that I now consider this recipe FREE from under a criminal syndicate with a two-point-joint-set-up: USA and Norway again. (I reserve some doubt for the scientific side here because I've never seen it demonstrated.
There's another side too: a band back in the 80s with code "TS"! And these are connected. So here you are!

The cement is kept in "vacuum" containment and the glue is moderated in by chemical considerations of the usual stuff that cement industry is making the whole time... (From the vacuum containment then pumped to its final destination of use.)

The tea company of Lipton may have been involved with the "Norwegian oil fund" and a very letter of mine going to Twinings over matters of dried fruits and additional flavouring issues as a matter of test-production to a panel of people or sold directly to (some) of the public with selected supermarkets or so.

Also, any "state-produced" porn against my person will now fall on Norway (all embassies, Oil-Fund res. incl.) as /it/ now has to be regarded as political weapon for the direct and inhumane exploitation of my person, tech-wise, money-wise, creation-wise, science-wise, psychology-wise! I'm also seeking to connect them with Srebrenica under a special pathology view inv. Scandin. Star (1990 or so). The litigation against Norway is hereby ON!!!

I am also to be regarded as "a Jew to post-Nazi-Germany right after the end of the war", out of concentration camp or not!!!

I think I have something to do with Ghost'n'Goblins and the conesequent "I love Rock'n'Roll" lyrics that first appeared as tack-on to this game, that I have been the brain behind as the story goes, "in one version". I don't know one end of this to the other and a little investigation needs to ensue to how things are connected by this! Alright?

Not that I like the song particluarly much, but the context to this game and the rest makes the case for it, for what goes of my own. That some context in this World "of rock" so to speak, makes it digestible, although a bit repetitive and boring!

The Library of Alexandria, with turning "turret" marked with Saturn (also "turn" in Arabic characters) after the work with M1A1 Abrams and making the drawing right there on the salon-table of ours, before getting hit by tech-eyes assistance to might may have been a declared competition by "Illustrert Vitenskap" and by "agreement" to an architecture firm by name: Sun, Winds, and Light! (More later, also.)

Technical note, Saturn Library in Alexandria: also the roll-gear, keeping the mechanical rolling action between two round surfaces coming together, are to be cylindrical straight, probably, and not by any means, conical, and that this can be proven by very accurate mechanical engineering calculations.

A possible starting point for the idiots:
I also report that I have been the "man", the person, to the tell my teacher then, at 7 years old, Marianne P.(?), of how to make a metal band to tighten the power-line-cables so to avoid stress on cables, either summer or winter, by keeping them at the correct length, using the band to create a loop of potential length to add, simply put! USA acted quickly? Also using neuro-band on the spine?

From "Message Regarding the Blatant Violations of My Human Rights", controversial777.blogspot.com ,
I've been sent this "insane"/insane email from Tore Fossum of the "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen" where he obviously displays contempt toward own duties by this:
Nå har jeg sjekket med vårt arkiv og de kan ikke se å ha mottatt noen e-post fra deg 4. desember, men derimot fikk du et svarbrev fra kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen datert 4. desember, jeg legger det ved en gang til. [Probably wrong accusation/fact statement.]

Fint om du kan sende din e-post av 4. desember en gang til kontroll@stortinget.no [un-official email, the real you can find yourself under www.stortinget.no .]

Tore Fossum
Komitésekretariatet- Stortinget
Tel: 23 37 37 47 [wrong phone number, the real is 23 31 37 47]
tfo@stortinget.no [un-official email, the real is as above, please, look up if you want it.]

Conclusion: something very wrong is going on here!

Yes, also tfo - Tore Fossum - "Mr. Teflon", with "experiences/references" from abroad as well?

As much as there are possible references for Jens S. as J.S or J ET S (ET- latin for "and", and ET - as we know, SETI, Extra-Terrestrial, "I am an insect", the pervert reference from very early: 1,90, his biological height (rounded up) to nearest centimeter, cm, yes, that's ISO cm!

The theft of the "Seven" / "Se7en text of 4/7 pages has taken place in 1989/1990 by a certain "Dag Sandnes" by suspicion, a teacher at this Jr. High School, "Lista Ungdomsskole". The text has had the title: "Sev/7en or All Cardinal Sins Displayed", also playing on (dis-)flayed, in removing the skin of a person as in a horror story, most infamously Hellraiser (Clive Barker) and addressing the Cardinal Sins "undressed" or "most immediate" or "straight to the flesh"!

But there's more also:
After the metal band (block and tackle) to the power grid cables, saving millions of "Dollars" in government money, I can mention:
Jakten på Spektralstenene
Bladerunner (Renneren på norsk)
Fraggles (NRK to BBC or something)
The orange juice "Solo" as in Solo flights and "Sol" -> Sun, Star
The founding of Nidar or many products to Nidar
Smarties, probably, of Freia
The Sandwich Ice Cream Bar
The solution of the road conjunction of Sandvika, Baerum, also as presented by the newspaper, Budstikka, under Lea (on the map-correlated left side)
an entire "complex" set of buildings, as a matter of Sandvika architecture
+++ (I don't know, this and that, more and more!)

The year of 1982:
"A possible starting point for the idiots:
I also report that I have been the "man", the person, to the tell my teacher then, at 7 years old, [1982], Marianne P.(?), of how to ..."...

For the metal band there is a double reference:
To her, the teacher, Marianne P., in citing a stupid society...
and to "Televerket", a public company at the time, partly privatised now as "Telenor".

Sorry, that's orange-based mineral water "Solo" as in Solo flights and "Sol" -> Sun, Star
Should I add the 7-Up/Seven Up of Pepsico to, am I entitled it?
And we always have the crushed ice with refreshing drink to go, the "Slush"/"Slushy"... "from long ago"...

Listerine, by the science and alcohol based to start with, with optional fluoride to go, can also be mentioned, funnily enough, with the strangest requests such as being asked to deliver a truck with it to Farsund "kommune" out of what must be "intercepted"/"stolen" mail that has had my address on it "or other queerness" that they, Farsund "kommune" as represented by one or more idiots, are now known for, whatever the freakshow!

Also, by "proper connections make good business", that USA has demanded to deliver all mail to my person as "embassy mail" by the Norwegian embassy to USA, you know what to hit them with! They have broken all words! They have violated all promises to me as person! The business conventions are broken by them, for 27 years or more, a very serious violation by a developed country!

I'm denied "limited police authority" for protection of own person and for carrying through my legal matters.

As far as I can see, by the lack of confirming letter, I'm also denied additional police protection either way.

Additionally, there are suspicions that the "tingretten", lower courts, has had part in the Srebrenica massacre by the reference "Hovsæd", (loosely, NO: Royal Sperm, or by "hovmod", aloofness).

Denied as letter, received by myself today, 23. January, 2013, is signed by "Vitsø" (NO: Joke and the crate to the sewers to go, ø).

UNHR Art. 3 and 5. Unable to finish the legal matters as they stand now.

I know what a (black/corrupt) police murder is, and, if my death is imminent or not, my life lies on State of Norway (by torture clinic or not) and /moved/ toward death, in any way it may come, under these really bad decisions (of allowing these) people!!!

There is a (well-founded) suspicion that my tech-eyes and tech-ears have worked and is working (to smaller extent?) like a lighthouse with missile launchers to shoot at the ships it provides lighting for, as much as the *spotters* I've described under Controversial777 work the data-input of (the horrible) electrification of my person against the very virtues I (consistently) try to promote!

Conclusion: still suppressed my police idiots, only Norwegian interests or USA/Norway interests combined!

Outcome: possible state-approved murder of my person!

Status quo: Due to persistent torture-clinic threats I haven't been able to get to know my current situation relating to the (deeply) criminal implants!

Add. comment: For Slobo-Jens-S and these other syndicate-idiots of crime, as perverse as they can possibly get, all hsopitals included, that there's no particular use to make a legal plea to them, as crime against humanity is to them as commonplace and cheap as air in the open fields of wilderness! They need a BIG hammer on the head, and it can only be as international as /direct/ and /univocal/ punishment from the WTO, with NO (heh-heh) compromise possible!

Further to Jens S. as behaviour and Norway too, "as climate", Srebr. incl.:
There is a suspicion over a further reference on Jens S., the current PM of Norway, this time in his younger years, achieving the dubious "Boatman" nickname from South of Vietnam, in faking his (failure of studies) reference to Univ. of Oslo in research on boat refugees from exactly Vietnam.
You may also consider him for both "Cult" and "Urinal" as well after, according to history, killing x number (very) young and old there along with his gay friend from those time, the Jangling Jack of Farsund "kommune", his fav. cock-s*cker, the "knife", John G.!
Well, well, "I guess you still heartily, more than ever now, congratulate the Norwegian people on their Prime Minister"!!! "What an excellent choice /still/!!!"
Also, for this "pathology" of behaviour, please look up James Bond: Octopus and Octopus outside and add the two psychiatrists Jan (Blackout +2) O. Johannessen and Inge "Fisken +3" Joa for its "eyes" and Amnesty International /Norway/ for its brain, by the Octopus, contents, of the hardest crime, of course! (Also as pattern under "police profile". Subs. as a kind of investment mentality toward financial life, still being their Prime Ministers, "...any senses left back there...?".)

It must now be clear by "trap and assault" against my father and I as we have driven into the premises by agreed arrangement (1985) in the garages under the US Embassy to Oslo that a good part of the Nike "agreement" and "exclusive license" must be considered invalid and that the Air(-sole) patent must be considered FREE for every manufacturer to produce, either in waiting to obtain an (valid industry) agreement or as "black-grey product" (no whiteness included)/grey product. You win, the World, with allusion to Jesus walking on the water from the Bible to go!
By this, Nike and US government must be considered liable to legal settlements for having promoted/profitted/fooled the consumers by over-pricing or "acting on false premises", i.e., industry violations by not complying to standard agreements and more.
Side-note: This falls, also, historically, under US American "Financial Radicalism" and that they have subverted, overtly or not, High-Value People (HVP) abroad!

+ Ferrari, Lamborghini, Jaguar, Corvette and these are the 4 giants from the Mars-family-man.

(Ivo Caprino is mentioned aside.)

Announcement: I have a date set for the application to ECtHR by 2. September, 2013, given the awful circumstances down to personal cleanliness and getting out to buy necessities/the dailies.

Given the _legal_ circumstances of all crime committed against me under the responsibility of Norway by the Justice Department, I expect them, the State of Norway auto-DEFEATED for LONG, HARD 30 years (+)!

I am also Mr. Song, not the Chinese like that, but speaking Norwegian natively, having lived in a "Chinese house for some time", i.e., some dubious referance on what's been going on.

Otherwise: Legal matters on Copyright, Bern Convention, etc. do apply and it must be clear to many people that I seek to claim my rights that I'm entitled to and re-establish my rights as well as my reputation of being trustworthy and reliable as person, "counter these or those".

Note: Tech-eyes/tech-ears must be known criminal and subversive to my person regardless of physicians of madness! Like Dr. Ev...e/Dr. Evil from Farsund "kommune", "holding stakes", falsely, in the Mars/Snickers syndicate Norway-USA!

The Tech-Eyes owner-structure "as legalised criminal enterprise": Under Telenor, under Canal Digital, under Golden Tech Eyes by Terje Lea, one of 5 possible people in Norway today, but not me included anymore! Tech-Eyes...

http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telenor .
Telenor Group (OSE: TEL) er et norsk teleselskap opprinnelig opprettet av staten...

http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_Digital .
Canal Digital er Nordens største TV-distributør.[3] Selskapet distribuerer rundt...

Note Canal Digital Norge on one picture vs. the other!

Again, Tech-Eyes or Radio-Pins for radio-detection of my whereabouts have been a problem throughout 82..., 85, 86, other... up to 2013, today. + Failure to prevent severe crime/aggravated assaults with this equipment on, that is, this equipment must have been implanted with the attitude of MALICE/deviousness!

They must have been lunatics, these physicians and others!

I'll just say it right now, that my IQ on 191 is due to the IQs of my sister and my brothers and my parents too, ranging from, let's say, 141 to 191, with myself on top. That I've blown this retard game of Norway on my path in time up to this point, 2013, October! We also add other individuals to this, no more than 4 or so. That the entire family of us has attracted great attention for all good reasons.

Also by Mensa, IQ and Bell Curve text here: http://whatiswritten777.blogspot.no/2013/02/over-iq-testing-bell-curve-and-future.html.

Under "unlawful detention" in Norway:
Declaration: All of my copyrights are hereby granted to other people as follows...:
Generally, country specific, copyright is awarded to legally appointed person by each and every nation where this is wanted because Norway has failed to comply with international and domestic legal obligations concerning my person. Specifically, by these 3 pts:

1. Norway does not fufill its legal obligations even when circumstances are plainly in the face and with "eyes wide open".
2. Norway has obstructed me, effectively, from travelling abroad for health services twice, at least, and is consistently preventing me from relocating to a place abroad too!
3. By all the verdicts of High Court of Justice, Norway (NO: Høyesterett, reference: 2013/1170) and Borgarting "lagmannsrett" (EN: District Court/County Court, reference: 13-065948ASK-BORG/04), Norway has approved grievous crime for more than 30 years and running!

"To parties abroad, you are now free to act! I'm hereby worthless!" (Implying failure to publish my work according to laws and regulations based on intellectual strength/competence/talent.)

Sweden, Germany or other country can assume the rights from Norway, legally seizing all values there, i.e., intellectual property rights etc.

PS: Formal note, these "transferred" copyrights can be transferred back to me if I'm to successfully present myself abroad at any point in time. This is a part of legal circumstances that cause this agreement, by this text, to be "reasonable" with suitable reward money granted for having carried the responsibilites if these copyrights are to be transferred back to me at all.

I think that I'm entitled, with my parents from that time, to say that I've invented the cheese-heavel and that the chesse-heavel represents attempts of history faking in history writing being science. Further, the cheese-heavel also represents controversy in Norway in terms of history writing as scientific activity, hence von Ranke of Germany.

The place we're talking of is of course Hauglia, Farsund "kommune". Time: 1983/1984.

I want my resources by legacy to be placed counterpoint to Norway, adamantly, and 8 foreigners to replace us as gene if we die like this. They may come from everywhere, but let’s say half from outside of Europe. Should be simple.

If Norway is to be considered honour (in my name) I MUST be able to settle abroad within the next few months.

It must also be understood that I want Norway to be punished hard for these extra ordeals of waiting, this “mental torture”/mental torture, my ideation for DEATH! Very unpleasant to be acted against in this way! ”Correct! I am not dead!”

Claim! I've made the "Moon and sun" (NO: Måne og sol) psalm of Norway, often cited as Norwegian psalm nr. 240 (as in 24/9, my birthday).

This psalm also goes by the well known crime-investigation route of USA, I claim to have written this while we have lived in Farsund, Hauglia (neighbourhood).

"What, stolen? No, taken by the means of torture and utmost cruelty!"

My names of former:

Donje - being the don, the head, the intelligence of my family - refers to Kaneheia, Michael Jackson also.

Mr. Song - refers to my skills in making/composing songs for artists to perform them.

The Boy from Hauklia/Hawklia/Hauglia, where Hauklia translates into Hawklia in hawk being a smaller predator than the eagle, another symbol of power!

Also, King of Intelligence x2/as declared twice now, 2014-03-02, solving the awful mystery of telepathy and a few others, pertaining to intelligence.

One declaration has to do with Germany and beating CIA/USA in making chess computable, BACK THEN, generating a tip white Europe reference from Sweden(/Russia, now a democracy)!

I even happen to think that the first achievement has been the patent for stretching power and phone cables by alternating summer and winter times so that they do not snap, saving resources from the conventional methods and from restretching new cables! Messages have gone to Vest-Agder Energiverk (Vest-Agder Utility Company) and Televerket (now Telenor)! Also registered in USA for patent rights!

This has sparked the entire chain of events, both of life and crime against my person, I think. Time: 1981/1982. Perhaps registrator is "Jens Seland", a (former?) cop. I really don't know!

The Gillette "spring"-suspended razor by inspiration from a John Deere grass-cutter, green in colour with yellow protective "socks" on the suspensors that my father used to cut grass on a field below our house at Vanse/Skeime. The "string" can be found in a printer from either Hewlett-Packard Deskjet or Cannon which is an aluminium "bend". The Gillette razor-gel by discovering that you could use a Wella hair-gel for men (dark blue rings as bubbles and a grey-blue backdrop with a blue screw-cap of plastic) more efficiently as razor-"foam" than their current (best) foam on the market. "Thus, I control the ideas!"

Time for the Gillette "spring"-suspended razor: 1987-1990? or thereof. Phone connection. +47 38394084.
Time for the Gillette razor-gel: 1992? At least later. Also by phone. Me being well-known for a long time already. Same phone number.

It's my conclusion that my family and I have been "trauma-managed" by one corrupt network of Norway or other by them inflicting traumas on my family and I. Then there are the torture-threats and all other "sh*t". Expect criminals of all strains, the physicians, the police (including lawyers), military? and else... It must be state-crimes!

My story for the last 35 years,
"Without even trying I've lived on the edge of a knife"
a "possible" example of the "200 songs" authored and delivered "here and there"!

Twisted Sister - Burn in Hell

Note of place and year: Høyland, Vanse, Farsund, 1985 or thereof.
Note2: Postal services not reliable and "middle managers" making my life extremely hard (read: torture, severe abuses/abuses)!

Songs created through the last 35 yrs (note also on the company of Michael Jackson and Terje Lea (my former name, with possible connection by Torgeir Husby, a psychiatrist, as much as "intelligence inquiry" by Jan Olav "Blackout" Johannessen, also psychiatrist)!

For the sake of Norwegian government: "You owe me much money!"

It should be clear, by the massive violations of my Human Rights, that Norway is LIABLE to pay me GREATLY for all that has taken place over the course of 35 years, much of it in fear and terror (to the very brink of sanity)!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Over "The Society"!

"THE SOCIETY": You know, there is a masquerade going on in the World and there are titles, there are also buildings and technology and science and other facts... this is what we call "society", contrary to common beliefs and on top of piezo-recharged electronics with senders and even magnetically rechargable devices on coil basis by induction, we have now entered THE HARD FACT OF George Orwell's "1984", but in a different form!!! Scream your complaints into the winds and declare yourself Sitting Bull, your efforts WILL still be in VAIN!!! (And try to get a decent lawyer too...!)

Note on Clairvoyance to Dr. Bem and brute immense physical threat (by hideous torture) for "strangling effect / difficulty to speak"!

Prove yourself as predator now! Eat or get eaten! Dog eats dog!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Advise from a Friend to Believers in God - Christianity - Status of Jesus by 2 Interpretations

1. The Metaphorical Jesus:
Over the status of Jesus and how to remove the apparent contradiction and the moral trouble with Jesus being tortured and killed on the cross, it can be worthwhile to consider this thought:
if you consider Jesus to be a kind of symbolism that goes like the following, I think you'll be better off. Alright, Jesus is (now) to be considered "purely symbolic" and it should spark these lines.
1. It might be that God loves humanity so much that he would incarnate on earth as "his Son, Jesus".
2. But this thought is so abruptly wrong because humanity loves God back and can't bear such an experience. Thus God is asked to refrain from this and the humanity to God and vice versa of love is by this affirmed!

Hallelujah! Enjoy your religion!

Just in case it's worth something, it may be that my interpretation as suggestion to Christianity may unite it to Islam and Judaism because it hypothetically can be accepted in all three, yet only has a definite status in one -> Concl: Theology stays the same, but the 3, JCI now with the possibility to share a greater deal of understanding and coming across as honest, cross-religiously with this.

Note: First published on Twitter and blog.t-lea.net.

2. The Jesus Christ as Symbol for Revenge on Sinners:
So on to Jesus Christ: can it be that "Jesus died under _sinners_ (as Pilatus chose the awful criminal to a fine man, Jesus) and that we are to put skulls of sinners under his cross for him (as humanity) so that he can go/fly back home to Heaven?"

The meaning here of course is that Humanity is _set religiously free_ from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

With both of these interpretations the alleged paradox of Jesus vanishes completely! The latest is though much harder, much more cool!

What is your thought on this? I've now delivered two interpretations on the part of
Jesus and the meaning of his person in the Bible, one is metaphorical!
The meaning here of course is that Humanity is _set religiously free_ from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

This is in line with my investigation of the Bible as an important cultural document, over its metaphorics and wisdom, if not the facts are found as such, more or less correctly written to the best ability of that time. I'm NOT a Christian, I'm a Scientologist (who respects all other "beliefs and creeds", according to the teachings of Scientology itself and its great tolerance)!

Note: This has first been written to Facebook under my profile, Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, some minutes ago!

Friday, 6 January 2012

The Scientific Bible 2.0 - Commentary to the Bible - The Project Underway - Philosophy of Religion?

Supporting the "scientific Bible": You need to remember that when the Bible was written some 1500 years ago they were... forgive me... simpletons...! They probably sat there and babbled over numbers and said "give me a big number!" and the answer from the buddy was "6000?". Alright, that's a big number, my good man, it is now written! This is the way the Bible came into being. They had no clue over 900 000 things and so on... And they certainly didn't have the Carbon-14 (C-14) dating method in place either! Thus, I think one can expect most or all "reasonable religious people to reject or do away with the old notions of "religious truths" and that it's not serious to bother to hold these old views AGAINST religious people unless they promote these stupid ideas of "these ancestors of ours, these simpletons!" Alright? Put the idiocy to the anachronistic religious people...! By the way, the highest number of the Roman Numbers is M = 1000, so there they sit with 6 Ms and it's almost impossible to describe 900 000 things with the Roman Numbers. So certainly, the "Scientific Bible" should be made!

One thing more over this "evolution theory" (as if it could be crucial whatsoever): There is NO religious duty to stay WITH the description of fx. the Bible (by Noah's Ark and the 6000 year old planet) as such. The core of Religious belief is ethics, meaning, true description and a possibleknowledge entailment of its claims of Heaven or some stage toward reincarnation! Thus, every Religious person can accept science w/o qualms and PLACE Religion on TOP of this, w/o any (formal) problem whatsoever! This is point nr. 2 pro-Scientific Bible!

‎(My) Scientific Bible 2.0 - Commentary, (after the 1901 version of a woman): Attempts on making a scientific bible have been made earlier and at that point in time "The Science of God: Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom" by Gerald L. Schroeder (1994) has been a part of my own inspiration, in being criticised for a kind of "flood" view that other people, scientists of geology and others, have criticised shortly after publishing by "Illustrated Science" (Norw. "Illustrert Vitenskap" with url, http://illvit.no/ ). There are lots of other "scientific bibles" from what I can find on Amazon. Enjoy yours! To the Catholic Church, I've also been intrigued by the so-called Galileo-question, that has probably attracted a good deal of negative attention to Christianity up to our times. This is now slashed, I believe and that the Catholic Church and other churches are now moving forward with some greater confidence, perhaps. Times are difficult and people are asked to arm themselves with guns and protect homes with the usual intrusion-countermeasures.

As we know from before, the Bible is a matter of most honest worries, the need for description/explanation and storytelling and that the New Testament needs to be rated "lower" in value than the (more important) Old Testament.

My interpretation Noah and the Ark under the premise of the Bible as storytelling and not an account by the Bible writers from real life. This brings us  Noah and the Flood, not true, but Noah and the metaphorical Flood of people by becoming more people and the metaphorical Ark as well, in terms of responsibility to Nature and not as a big boat for surviving any flood at all.

Given then the early premise of the Bible by Noah's Ark we can deduce further:
There's an immediate DUTY for the Church to immediately embrace a two children / one child strategy and the widespread use of contraception pills and condoms BECAUSE PLANET EARTH IS GOD'S CREATION IN ALL IT'S DIVERSITY and solemnly so!!! If we fail to carry Earth as such, we may infringe on God's will and benevolence to us!!! From the WWF it's easy to come to grips with animals in great distress over the whole World! That the duty on us, we need to effectuate immediately for complying with the combatting of Overpopulation by ushering in family policies of 1 kid or 2 kids as general rule! That is, the Church's acceptance pushes government into action!

Whether it is common to think so or not, I must say that The Church of Christianity surely may speak against the suicide, but I think this is directed to a friend in hardship and not the friend's own wish to end it! Thus, the Church of Christ. needs / has the explicit duty to let these people seek their own ends, including that of the suicide. This may also entail that the Church now has the duty to facilitate suicides on the common basis, regardless! I mean, the Church can't sit and watch people being tortured to death and be silent about it or remain an authority of consciousness to people of character and of sound faith!!! This must be clear.

Remember, that when you read this, you should separate "duty" from "natural inclination" so that every time you uphold a duty, you get "stars of respect" from your humanity, but when you stick to "lawful" natural inclination, pertaining to the Principle of Categorical Imperative that is the main message of this text it must then be clear, this must be allowed and in compliance with general humanity!

Because committing suicide does not mean that you destroy other people's ends, no, it means you end yours and leave others to their ends, which is commonly respected in this text!

The tree of knowledge:
the tree of knowledge as I interpret it under this new project of mine as the Scientific Bible 2.0, Commentary, must be the the tree of knowledge as the tree that has the knowledge that's dangerous such as the knowledge of how to abuse and torture people.
With the forbidden fruit (of energies).
One the other hand, all the other trees of good knowledge are there where you can eat all the fruit you can possibly have the appetite for!

Religion in history:
The Original Man: 30 000 years
Religious Human Kind: Only 2000 years
Atheism, no matter how wrong: less than 100 years and not entirely popular

Conclusion: Religion is still an achievement worthy of much respect! Also for the Palestine/Israel conflict, that Judaism and Islam and Ecumenical together as peace maker!
The Original Man, genus Homo Humans, neanderthals, homo erectus, and their direct ancestors 2.5 Mn years ago - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_human_evolution .

Jesus 2nd Coming, one interpretation, now that I've declared "Metaphysical Jesus" / "Jesus as the Fulfillment of the 10 Commandments" , in a sense, "God to God self", yet unknown...

So I read the Bible's word for Jesus' 2nd Coming as a hope for stating an undoing of the people's (Pontius Pilatus) crucifixion of exactly Jesus, and that as he returns, by a kind of Buddhistic Reincarnation, directly from Heaven and God self, to "take the promised land" back to God, if not only to oversee that it has returned to God self, by personal confirmation, that is, so to make the promised land the Promised Land, but never before Utopia (or the final days of the Earth).

As we know from before, the Bible is a matter of most honest worries, the need for description/explanation and storytelling and that the New Testament needs to be rated "lower" in value than the (more important) Old Testament.

Now, we arrive at the conclusion: that Jesus is the part of Trinity who's supposed to bring the message of eternal salvation or havoc/eternal condemnation to human kind by the final Judgment (Judgment Day(s)), totally, all planet, all human kind, of the (modern sense) 10 Commandments and that the true Christian hope must be, metaphorically, for Jesus to walk the Promised Land again, triumphant by the 10 Commandments, under God's true words and promise to the human kind, indeed, told of as God's miracle on Earth, that is, human kind, God's miracle, with Jesus, part of Trinity, happy in the Promised Land, the Utopia of the Earth!

In Adam being created by God as matter of human being, separating right from wrong, and with the Holy Ghost, but also that Eve being created from his rib, that I interpret for being Adam by God allowing/preserving/creating Eve by his manly defence and character exactly under God.

Yes, that again, the storytelling is in and that the text again presents us with metaphor of the reasonable kind, but also the sense from a person with a deep feeling that this is important to add to the Bible.

I also hold the view that God is the creator behind "the law" of Darwinism, that Human Beings have been intended by God as God has created the Universe and Planet Earth.

Job in the Bible IS the job to accomplish!
Job's Book is a Book of worries, holding no Job or Job's Farm whatsoever.
The Dynamic Bible (and other Holy Books): I think that the Hebrew Bible, to start, is a dynamic document with ending words, "...now, please make a commentary!" on "the last page"! This is most certainly true of Job's Book (by only about 40 pages)! You can see for yourself, please!
You may want to know that it should now be acceptable for the Catholic Church to accept all "good science/knowledge" upon the mission to identify "God's ways in nature"!
Thus, the Catholic Church jolts a great step forward in terms of connecting to human kind in all matters important, with the religious on the very top of it all!

1. Jesus as Revenge of Jesus
→ Under Revenge of Jesus it may now be a duty to arm oneself with one or more guns and include an arsenal of other "deterrents". The first commandment may imply to worship truth!
→ Under the line above, that we have a duty to STAY WITH the principles of Truth and live dutifully to God and life, incl. offspring!
It may also be noted that I'm an author of a whole new psychiatric theory!
I've also suggested the writing of the "Scientific [Hebrew] Bible", commentary only!
I've also made God/Deity belief for the World wide population by 4-fold solution to God, thus intellectually defeating Atheism in general!

2. The Metaphorical Jesus
Over the status of Jesus and how to remove the apparent contradiction and the moral trouble with Jesus being tortured and killed on the cross, it can be worthwhile to consider this thought:
if you consider Jesus to be a kind of symbolism that goes like the following, I think you'll be better off. Alright, Jesus is (now) to be considered "purely symbolic" and it should spark these lines.
1. It might be that God loves humanity so much that he would incarnate on earth as "his Son, Jesus".
2. But this thought is so abruptly wrong because humanity loves God back and can't bear such an experience. Thus God is asked to refrain from this and the humanity to God and vice versa of love is by this affirmed!

The meaning here of course is that Humanity is set religiously free from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

With both of these interpretations the alleged paradox of Jesus vanishes completely! The latest is though much harder, much more cool!

I've now delivered two interpretations on the part of Jesus and the meaning of his person in the Bible, one is metaphorical!
The meaning here of course is that Humanity is set religiously free from sins by killing/punishing the sinners over them killing "innocence"/superiority of God impersonated by Jesus!

This is in line with my investigation of the Bible as an important cultural document, over its metaphorics and wisdom, if not the facts are found as such, more or less correctly written to the best ability of that time. I'm NOT a Christian, I'm a Scientologist (who respects all other "beliefs and creeds", according to the teachings of Scientology itself and its great tolerance)!

Just in case it's worth something, it may be that my interpretation as suggestion to Christianity may unite it to Islam and Judaism because it hypothetically can be accepted in all three, yet only has a definite status in one → Concl: Theology stays the same, but the 3, JCI now with the possibility to share a greater deal of understanding and coming across as honest, cross-religiously with this.

There's an immediate DUTY for the Church to immediately embrace a two children / one child strategy and the widespread use of contraception pills and condoms BECAUSE PLANET EARTH IS GOD'S CREATION IN ALL IT'S DIVERSITY and solemnly so!!! If we fail to /carry Earth as such/, we may infringe on God's will and benevolence to us!!! From the WWF it's easy to come to grips with animals in great distress over the whole World!

Whether it is common to think so or not, I must say that The Church of Christianity surely may speak against the suicide, but I think this is directed to a friend in hardship and not the friend's own wish to end it! Thus, the Church of Christ. needs / has the explicit duty to let these people seek their own ends, including that of the suicide. This may also entail that the Church now has the duty to facilitate suicides on the common basis, regardless! I mean, the Church can't sit and watch people being tortured to death and be silent about it or remain an authority of consciousness to people of character and of sound faith! This must be clear.

Even the very excellent philosopher Kant (1724 - 1804) seems to agree that suicide is something that must be allowed and that staying in life despite of hardship is praiseworthy, i.e., please look to his 80 pages moral text, a text inline with the critiques, I think!

Link to Wikip. on one of his critiques: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Practical_Reason !

What I talk about here is: (1785) Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten)!

This is written on p. 45 in one version, where he explains the First principle!

Remember, that when you read this, you should separate "duty" from "natural inclination" so that every time you uphold a duty, you get "stars of respect" from your humanity, but when you stick to "lawful" natural inclination, pertaining to the Principle of Categorical Imperative that is the main message of this text it must then be clear, this must be allowed and in compliance with general humanity!

Because committing suicide does not mean that you destroy other people's ends, no, it means you end yours and leave others to their ends, which is commonly respected in this text!

Concerning "God's Lamb", I must say that I've been thinking about this and it stands fairly clear to me, over the Scientific Bible (minimally The Old Testament) that this must be a symbolic encouragement "to stay alert" and "not to fall into heathens' hands/power" and thus, by animal convention as guinea pigs and more, the God's Lamb is sacrificed (or "assaulted by baddies behind a corner"). I think Christianity is getting better by the day now and I hope you find it beautiful too, even though our ancestors have been simpler than us today.

I am inspired and I may offer "a good deal". It's up to you, the readers of this to pass the correct judgments! That is, formally speaking, the services from above are offered on the basis of a consultant from "the far east", finding great reflections valuable to everyone, but in one Catholic Church with a theology that I'm not prepared to accept just yet. This also applies to most other Christian Churches. However, the Unitarian Church may be acceptable, but I'm happy with Scientology and I see no immediate need to offer more than insights at this point in time!

It should be obvious that these are very important to Christianity all over the World and I hope others follow up if my chances for doing this are lost or if I'm too encumbered with other matters, one way or another.

Then one good verse to remember for this weapon purpose of self-defence:
Psalm 149
King James Version (KJV)
149 Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
4 For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

Reading the Bible in serving the ecumenical world, all "whitelist religions", counting under 20(?), like JCIB, as "Moses II" metaphorically/"charicaturely":
I cite this evangelical duty of religions, this time Christianity, by Exodus 31:13:
"...for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may [only as speech here] know that I [am] the Lord [who] that doth sanctify you [i.e., keep you in God's grace to Heaven as you die].
Otherwise: "to bring God's salvation", "to bring the word of the Bible to all people so that they can turn to God and Heaven", etc. from the Bible, of course, one of them, King James (Bible of 1611), the Bible of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the Catholic Bible, so on.

One link: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+31%3A13%2CExodus+31%3A17&version=NIV .

God in closing the door on Humanity - The sins and the injustice to very worthy people, there can only be one possibility, solving the Biblical duality of some saying The Day of the Judgment when Doomsday is to arrive.

God Closing the Door on Humanity - Declaring the whole thing ripe for the Devil?

Life as God's Test of Humanity!

I'm not sure if I've written it before, but I think it says in the Bible that "life is God's test to humanity"! That is, as we endure the difficulties in life, we choose God's path in life in order to achieve God's goal that's set for us! However, this doesn't mean that God has only created this humanity on Earth (among other humanity on other planets) or that God hasn't given us a sufficient chance to fulfill a God's set goal, "Heaven in one form or another, whether as reincarnation or something else". Indeed, I think we have or we've had this opportunity sufficiently for us to say that God is God, that God is perfect and that the principles need to be carried through, no matter what!

To say that humanity has failed on Earth doesn't mean that humanity has failed everywhere in the Universe/Multiverse. It doesn't mean either that the souls here or there are condemned likewise.

Note so far, by this, then, there are chances by degrees that are given by God out of our own human behaviour, of which much would be 100% given that we would have made our lives more wisely ordered (and even in death to be blessed)! This is clearly not reality today!

As the other version, of 2 in the Bible, is the word of salvation.

One may say that one receives salvation in Heaven and that the sins of the Earth take over Earth-life, "bound to bigger Devil on Planet Earth".

The up-side is for the Good People, the worthy people to God, to find mind's rest in relying on own actions on Planet Earth and let God sort out the rest, "come what may". That we are to actually comply with the 10 Commandments and just spear everything upto a point where we can either "join" (out from hardship/"military" emergency) life as decent on Planet Earth or die still WORTHY!

Some preaching for today. I note that 1 Corinthians 3:16 - 3:17 reads:
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
Just put this with Plotinus and forget still that the above needs to be compatible with the Path to God, that you DO NOT replace God with yourself, falling prey to the Cardinal Sin of "Pride"/"Aloofness", the sin no. 7!

“In God, whose word I praise - in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Psalm 56:4 NIV..

The finishing words of this bidding for The Scientific Bible 2.0 - Commentary are:
Some Biblical inspiration: "James 4:17": Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. [The New Int. Version, 1984!]
Numbers 15:30 NIV
" 'But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people." This one is very hard and good, I think!
Numbers 16:26 NIV
"He warned the assembly, "Move back from the tents of these wicked men! Do not touch anything belonging to them, or you will be swept away because of all their sins."
I've also quoted Ezekiel under Revenge of Jesus and it fits very well: When you have the idiot in front of you and you know you have the power and you get to exercise some moral character, I can only advise this for the good vigilante/pistolier:
The Classic Ezekiel 25:17, it goes,
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

Note: I have previously offered my services to the Pope of Rome / The Vatican / of the Catholic Church for this, signalling that I see this as important!
Note2: Under The Scientific Bible 2.0 - Commentary, certainly, this implies no changes of original documents (most importantly up to King James Bible and others)! Copyrighted works are also subjects to this notion, but this is an entirely different story!
Note3: This is in line with my investigation of the Bible as an important cultural document, over its metaphorics and wisdom, if not the facts are found as such, more or less correctly written to the best ability of that time. That some of the time under "unlawful detention" by Norwegian authorities has made robbed away from me a better quality presentation. Sorry.
Note4: Valid Holy Books only apply to the "whitelist" Religions under 20 or so!
Note5: The finished work should have as title: The Scientific Bible 2.0 - A Commentary to All Valid Holy Books.


Former text:
Supporting the "scientific Bible": You need to remember that when the Bible was written some 1500 years ago they were... forgive me, simpletons...! They probably sat there and babbled over numbers and said "give me a big number!" and the answer from the buddy was "6000?". Alright, that's a big number, my good man, it is now written! This is the way the Bible came into being. They had no clue over 900 000 things and so on... And they certainly didn't have the Carbon-14 (C-14) dating method in place either! Thus, I think one can expect most or all "reasonable religious people to reject or do away with the old notions of "religious truths" and that it's not serious to bother to hold these old views AGAINST religious people _unless_ they promote these stupid ideas of "these ancestors of ours, these simpletons!" Alright? Put the idiocy to the anachronistic religious people...! By the way, the highest number of the Roman Numbers is M = 1000, so there they sit with 6 Ms and it's almost impossible to describe 900 000 things with the Roman Numbers. So certainly, the "Scientific Bible" should be made!

One thing more over this "evolution theory" (as if it could be crucial whatsoever): There is NO religious _duty_ to stay WITH the description of fx. the Bible (by Noah's Ark and the 6000 year old planet) as such. The core of Religious belief is ethics, meaning, true description and a possibleknowledge entailment of its claims of Heaven or some stage toward reincarnation! Thus, every Religious person can _accept science w/o qualms and PLACE Religion on TOP of this, w/o any (formal) problem_ whatsoever! This is point nr. 2 _pro_-Scientific Bible!

Note: first written to Facebook 04.01.2012, by time, 03:39 CET.