So the first action is to label terrorism for lunacy under poverty and global injustice.
Conclusion: the efforts against terrorism must be stopped NOW because we have achieved systematic control everywhere on the planet and that plain human nature wants peace and well-being. The surveillance possibilities are also now many, supporting heavy weapons teams of police rather than a clampdown on populations altogether.
Supporting facts.
USA is indeed not that superior:
USA work of Stanley Milgram's Learning Experiment is not needed in the World. People don't, commonly, accept torture as means for learning (and not to themselves either). (Stanley Milgram can be accused of corruption "for the door, the phone to police and on campus people and companion with the actor.)
USA work of Stanford Prison Experiment is not needed. Corrupt investigation can be a plausible objection to it and punishment is either way common-sense!
USA perception of Slipknot Laws is not needed. It's about the Payment Slip (laws) in being able to conduct work under legal protection, the working society.
USA isn't always intelligence (services) and can at times be easily objected too!
2. Premises of modern society and information society alike put "terrorism" into the lunacy category and not the intention of putting an entire people under terror!
2nd: Nations/states which are suffering under "unrest", i.e., the civil unrest, are subject to UN peace keeping forces and not something else. Terrorism however can enter in parallel.
Note2: USA is known for "War on Terror", but with massive idiocy such as Echelon/Prism and much destruction and human suffering all over the World!
Note3: for use of drones to terror-fighting countries, advanced surveillance options, minimal use of "military capacities".
Note4: There are many nations involved in UN Peacekeeping Operations and just to mention two groups of people from other places than the "Western", Gurkha and Egyptian forces.