Monday, 26 January 2015

UN and Global Unemployment - One solution

UN handling number of factories to fight global unemployment (and indirectly, CO2 pollution)?

If we use the furniture industry as template where much of the industry stems from national production, perhaps it gets more visual where I want to take you with this idea.

Obviously, not everyone can produce furnitures, we need people in agricultural industry and perhaps aquacultural industry as well, given sea territory.

So how do we go forward from here? What do you think are the sufficient level of factories/production sites to fight global unemployment, to enable all countries so that we can reach a kind of global happiness and communion, a sharing of the bond of being human being?

That is, the power of the people commands the companies to maintain a number of factories/production sites in order for the companies to stay with the industry agreement, within the good circles of industrial life. This also keeps the premise of capitalism alive because we do not need a shift of ideology. The one we have is sufficient or necessary for progress/lower unemployment/Utopia to be achieved!

This has to be initiated by having the common household budget as start. You can't invest all your efforts into a space station because you don't have one because it has near zero impact for the household budget. And yes, your neighbour can work for you and you can work for your neighbour because principally every nation is alone on planet Earth!

Nationbuilding and 0% Unemployment
Lesson: We build a nation with 0% unemployment
We have a nation with people, say 100 million people.
Public services have a cost - say something x money.
Then we have the private sector - say generating something y money.
In this private sector, traditionally, we put in what we like by /taste/.
We start:
1. section,
Railroad company/-ies
Construction companies
Law firms
Accounting firms
Agricultural sector (possibly with plantations)
Aquacultural sector (we're lucky to have sea next to our EmployNation!)
Brewing companies
Soda companies
Tourism (raw - alpine sites with the whole set of ski slopes and other)
For beauty:
Tourism (by given nature, also wilderness by rainforests, like Kilimanjaro)
cont. (you get the idea, all company sectors possible around, also IT sector, say Hardware especially if not software, beginning with Linux core or more basic)
2. section,
We ask the big companies to settle with a factory or two in our EmployNation.
We go to Nike
We go to Apple
- Ford
- General Motors
- Mercedes
- some other car brands
cont. (you get the idea, all companies around)
So, could this be a template for our struggling 12 Mn European buddy of Greece? Possibly, you may say!